Wednesday, August 17, 2022

You want how many children?


Mr. Putin has revived an old one. He is giving the Stalin award of "Mother heroine" and One Million Rubles to any mother who can produce 10 live children.


Little live mouths calling your mama!

Ohh, Uh. 

Maybe I should get his genealogy.

I mean who wants that many kids.

My parents had an even half dozen 

Before they called it quits 

On their marriage.

We still don't see each other

The survivors

Except for Jimmy who is not one of us.

He always introduces himself

As a relative

Of everyone but his own family.

The little boy who hates pork

Insists he was born to the wrong set of parents

The problem is he doesn't like any of the ones he adopts.

Which brings us to the question?

Can i adopt?

I mean, ten pregnancies.

That is a lot for a woman over fifty.

Where am I supposed to start?

I dont even  have a husband anymore.

The last one who had a  license 

Forget where i was living 

He has spent the last decade in someones elses Paradise.

Anyways, I am practically sterile

I have those things

Tumors which keep growing

I have had them eradicated before

And now the doctor thinks I am too old

He just wants to gut me out

But my females have been long 

In their female issues

And never gave up or in to a man's view

That they were just useless.

My great-grandmother who came from St Petersburg 

Had 14 of the lovely things.

She married for love

He forgot to mention he was LDS

A new religion and anti normal.

They survived til he passed away

Not so much for the little things.

Most of the boys got lost in the two world wars.

But she emerged the better person for that.

Her daughters were made of steel.

One was not hers, Norma was replaced by someone else.

In Hawaii, there is still a little maid waiting to be returned

To her real family, just 14 not a 16 yr old liar.

As for Ella, she outsurvived even her terrible niece

My mother 

Who wanted to be an only child

And kept giving her mothers other children away.

My grandmother made  her way 

In a world of men

And they had not forgotten her till just recently.

Her son went missing

But we believe he was also well known

As for the other girl, she was also replaced.

My mother was unique in her perspective.

Mostly through the many German wives 

Her uncles brought home

Who sent their father to an early grave.

He hated the Nazis

And wished his sons had married natives.

My father is and is not an only child.

His mother died shortly after he was born.

His father was supposed to be 18 but was probably 21.

His father had four wives

Who seemed to have switched the children around to their liking.

Not their real children, probably due to inheritance.

Ralph also married four times.

He is supposed to have 12 children.

Although they don't acknowledge his first born.

And I notice that the six foot five

Did not leave his genes implanted on his daughters.

More likely stepdaughters.

He seems to have been young and viral

And then as a nuclear scientist

Something went wrong....

Anyways, they dont like me

And I am suspicious of them.

Old style.

So how many children would I have to produce?

Could some of them be adopted?

Or my younger unwanted real siblings?

According to historians,

The Presidents were in the habit 

Of having a half dozen or so youngins.

Robert Kennedy was already at his 10 quotas

Before he died, where his brother was clearly 

Not a breeder although Jacqueline had many miscarriages.

It seems Thomas Jefferson and John Tyler

Are the winners in the amount of time expended.

Jeffersons married a widow who produced 14.

I'm not sure how many survived adulthoods.

One of the necessary requirements.

His daughter Martha appears to have had my mother's difficulties

In later life, she is suspected

Of poisoning her father and husband.

Meanwhile, her siblings appeared to have had difficult childhoods.

Most did not survive.

Now how many children does he have?

His wife is supposed to have produced two!

I know her from an earlier time.

I know she seemed to have six husbands

And a number of offspring.

None of them those two girls.

They are probably sugar coating

For a KGB man

A fake family for a career man.

None of those girlfriends 

Have produced evidence of his fatherhood.

All those puppies

Get so much attention.

And ....

Well, my honey 

Ran all the way 

Across the world screaming

In horror once he got to know his mother in law

I thought he had already known her before

But no, he was not prepared for her particular


No babies!

To me, it was no Boyfriends.

At some point during the WWII

My mother meet people who believed

Everyone was going to die

And she determined that she was not allowed 

To have descendants.

She was the end of line.

There are some boys 

Out there who are still wondering

Who they are and why they were brought into the world.

But that is another story.

I could count them,

And my stepsons and my godsons.

It does not state I have to give birth

Does it?

What does the fine print say?

Hmm.  a high Russian honor.

Even the worst religions are interested in collecting.

But only a foreign descendant 

Of the old Rurik clan?

Should I even be interested?

Not if I have to deal with the 200 plus girls, I did not give birth.

They are the ones I would like to eradicate

Now that my mother is gone.

She was not thier grandmother

They did not show up at her funeral

Nor the hospital when she needed help.

Only with their hand out needing more extortion.

I have caught them introducing themselves to the wrong people

Meanwhile I did adopt a litlle girl from Kiev

Jimmy would not let me raise her.

She thinks I am crazy

And refuses to let me speak to her children.

Although she lets me see them, annoying.

And another niece I rescued

From a foreign location.

Should have put them both in a French orphanage

Where they would have had a chance.

Now I am not expected to have any children of my own.

As the doctors know I have had none of my own.

I am not going in for one of those multi birth situations.

Not without a husband.

And a million rubles is only sixteen thousand dollars.

Hmm, what is his lineage?

Since he seems to think the rest of us should breed.

I know mine predates the arrival of Europeans in America

And those explorers of Kiev

Who left their implant on far away locations.

A little bit native America, French, Celt and Russian

Would probably not qualify.

His need for my population

Equals the Natives who were eradicated 

In America by those who did not remember

Thier founding fathers desire

And used the African slaves to do thier work.

Sad, to be bred out

To be hunted out

And then to be prevented from being acknowledged by a bunch of German white people.

These still think they can just ask 

Or say they know

But none of them have tried to find their own roots.

Instead of using others.

Well, good luck

Mr. Putin.

In getting your people

To lay down their weapons

In order to breed more people

It won't happen in new Kiev.

Old Kiev, shudders at the results.

And there is too little time to bring back the old ways. Anyways...

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