Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Skating on thin ice


No public funeral?

Well. well.

No public official's requirement.

At this point 

They are criticizing Putin 

For his lack of response.

It means none of the other guys 

Have to make the trip 

To Moscow either.

It is very thin ice

Refusing to acknowledge 


Just because 

Everyone got into 

An argument

Over land

Versus population

Who wants people

We just want the land

I am fully sympathetic

With Zelensky

In not wanting to endanger

his family nor his people

But he does not seem to care


What happens.

As for Putin

He is an old-time leader

They went into protect

According to the reports

The ones seeking freedom

And now no one wants

To give in

On either side

And this man 

Who kept the world 

At large 

From nuclear 


Is not going 

to be given the same honor

That Zelensky 

Would be provided.

If he should die

The whole world

Would cry for him.

But not Gorbachev

Just because

It is inconvenient 

To give in and attend

A funeral in Moscow?

The whole world

Watched in shock

At Philips Mountbatten's

Funeral held in a private 

Church ceremony

Where cameras were allowed.

But still not a state funeral

Noe a public attendance

And for a man who gave up his own 

For the sake of the woman, he loved.

His own children do not bare his name.

He is one of the last of the known Romanoff's.

His blood is tested against the frauds.

And he we have the last guy 

Who had access to the old reports

Of what really happened 

Going to his grave 

Without any public state funeral.

Who were they?

The Romanoff's?

The richest and most powerful royals

And yet they were taken down 

By their own security

Betrayed by their own relatives

And not even gone after by anyone at all

Except the one chance 

That alternate friend

Provided an escape but not a life.

The world will never know

Nor will the world leaders

Get forgiven by historians

When this is over.

Why did they not go?

Only the public 

Can now mourn 

This mans who rose out of nothing

According to official records

And became a leader 

At a time when the world was lost

A public viewing and funeral on a Saturday

Not a working holiday.

Everyone can walk in off the public Transportaion.

For perhaps one of the best peacekeepers

A Nobel prize winner.

Unlike the other guys.

Who are just being stubborn.

Now let's talk about the Queens funeral

I have heard talk of complaints

Of traffic on the day her funeral is expected.

Afterall, she is close to a hundred now

And not getting any respect from her granddaughter in law

And during her Jubilee 

But it is something to consider

The spoiled young things

Expect there to be anything open at all.

The Queen dies honey

There won't be anything open 

At all in downtown London

All the government will be shutdown

And the only traffic will be to her funeral.

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