Monday, August 22, 2022

And then this weekend,

When we thought it couldn't get any better.

There was a car bomb.

Just like in a movie.

Where has the world gone to that it is now following a Hollywood script?

Out of nowhere, one of the Russian influential has his own daughter engulfed in flames.

Who expected a car bomb in the middle of an actual war?

In the old Soviet days, there was such tactics.

But with an all-out onslaught of heavy artillery?

It is very odd.

Very odd.

Who would do such a thing?

And which side are they aiming at?

The West will assume it is the Russians.

The East will assume it is the Ukrainians.

To whose benefit is it anyways?

And why the daughter?

A threat to keep dad from talking or pursuing peace?

Or is it a mistake or something else altogether.

After all she might have been involved in drug trafficking.

In all the movies it is the usual answer.

The person was assumed innocent is in fact involved.

Well, we will probably not know for another twenty to fifty years.

We are still awaiting the aftershocks of the fall of the Soviets.

All that spying on us and then it turns out they were turning each other in.

Where is this going to end anyways?

We all expected a nice walk in the park after the Pandemic shutdown.

Spring air, and all that.

Instead, we get the Russians throwing bombs at each other.

It is very disturbing to the rest of us that they started up a little war.

Just when we wanted to get out and explore.

Now there is nothing left to go view.

They have destroyed it all for us.

No body bother, it is all over.

Just go back home.

We don't need your money.

It was ours and we did not want to share.

So, we just blew everything up.

Just another apocalypse.

Stay away and be happy.

China is another story.

They really did not want the US to interfere.

They threatened to shoot down Pelosi's plane.

She is third in line to the Oval office.

If something should happen to the President and the Vice.

America will have the Speaker of the House sworn in as the standing authority.

No matter where she is in the world.

Even in Tawain.

She could become the Executor of the land overnight.

Again, why the fuss?

She was just acknowledging trade with an already known country.

China is not acknowledging Tawain as a separate entity.

Just as Ukraine is not acknowledging Donbass as separate.

It is hard to say who is worse.

But China decided to throw military exercises into the works.

Show their force as she was sitting inside their boundaries.

But not a visitor to their shores.

And now two more delegations have gone to visit as well.

Quite frankly, I think the Taiwanese are a little bit yellow.

They looked off color in the news reals.

They are actually in direct line of fire.

If something should go wrong.

They would be hit directly, and they are not a big country.

No hiding in bunkers or flying to another section.

One small island.

With a lot of trade potential.

It is almost as if China declared war upon us or something.

Or was it the other way around.

They were the ones to shut down their country over a little virus.

A pandemic ensured throughout the whole world.

Something that had not occurred before.

The last time China sent a bug to the West.

It hit Europe in four waves.

They called the Black death.

The plague hit them hard, wiping out a good portion of their population.

Meanwhile, a bunch form England jumped on ships.

And set sail for a new country.

The Puritans were successful in not bringing the plague with them.

But negotiations with the East were stalled for another few centuries.

China withdrew behind their walls.

And this after Marco Polo 

Went out of his way to open the country back.

He brought back noodles for the enjoyment of the world.

Spaghetti was this new phenomenon 

After World War II.

America had to import this item.

It became a staple among them.

Macaroni and cheese

And don't forget the Pizza.

What would we do without Italian food?

After all, they also tried to wipe us out during the war years.

Anyways, the noodles are supposed to be made out of rice.

Not Wheat flour.

The world is going to come to an end.

Celiac Disease is a serious issue.

Wheat crops have even been failing in Europe.

This scrimmage in the East isn't helping either.

Remember a real noodle dish is made out of rice.

See the local Italians serve up spaghetti made out of rice.

Where would they be if Columbus hadn't set sail for China?

He found instead of the passage to the East.


Hail the spaghetti sauce from Italy.

Made of ripe tomatoes.

From the Aztecs to your table.


The world goes around and comes right back.

Doesn't it?

All the diplomacy in the world.

A car bomb in Russia.

Just when America is busy trying to execute one of their own.

Who wants to have to pick up the red phone?

Hey, stop that or we will send you something big.

Who wanted to wake up to the Crimean war?

It has been fought over for centuries.

It occurred and they got their freedom.

And then some Jewish guy says they want to take it back.

It's like the Russians are going to take back Alaska!

Or have they suggested that as well?

I wish the Mexican President had not stopped in Tijuana.

Without taking back all of those unwanted illegals from Southern California.

That was close 

The shutting down of Tijuana

AT the border where Trump took his stand.

A wall just as China had built.

Again whom?

Probably all those Russians who are good about slipping over a border.

Well, well.

I think fellow Americans.

We might be at war.

Not with Russia itself

But their next-door neighbor.


They started a plague no one has been able to stem.

Now they don't want us stepping foot on some small island.

And they shoot past the bow.

As the Madame Speaker left town

They shot past her with their new little weapons.

Developed to take down the big bad wolf.

Russia is so close to them.

And yet the Koreans have had a pretty time.

One almost wants to declare Kim an unsung hero.

He has kept us all guessing.

And then got quiet during the pandemic.

His little sister is now getting fisty with him.

He sits there buying up all those supplies.

Then declares his country Corona Virus free.

Meanwhile, his little toys have had a nice time.

Here now the Chinses are showing what they think of having their country stolen from.

They had to endure those noodles being regifted to them as Italian food.

And their little tea plants have given Great Britain sustenance for the last few centuries.

But a Californian woman believes she is going to step foot 

On their island!

No way!

Time will tell.

But I do believe we did actually go to war.

This last month with China.

If not before.

The last straw.

Hopefully it will be a diplomatic war.

And not along range one of them throwing their rockets in our direction.

In the other news.

A huge event occurred this weekend.

In Monterey, California.

They had an auto auction.

Instead of antiques they were selling cars.

They had them out for display

To those who could travel

And walk around.

The old Tulipwood sold for over nine million dollars.

1924 sportster and made out of wood.

Instead of steel.

What a steal.

A one-of-a-kind item.

I know I once had a miniature toy one on my desk.

They made a replica of this model 

And sold it not as a toy

But as a desk item.

And I had one 

In the days when I still owned my own name.

And could make a phone call

And know whom I was speaking 

I just got my doctors message yesterday

Three days after he told me firmly that he had phone me

And left a message on my voicemail.

I did not know anyone left voicemails anymore.

I could not find it, the message. 

But he put me on a 48-hour house arrest

My asthma attack was severe when he did get me on the phone.

Nothing to do for the next few days.

While I got another round of steroids.

I am never going to get my female figure back.

I lost it after my car accident and four quarantines.

No matter of starving will accommodate no exercise.

Any attempt at exercising and my lungs go into overload.

An athlete training was my upbringing.

He could not believe how I sounded.

I could.

I have been telling him all year.

I can't breathe.

Really, I am having a hard time.

Now I have had a weekend of nothing.

And while I was watching the auto auction.

Someone went in planted a car bomb.

What is the world coming to?


Number 98!

Got sold.

The little Cherry red Ferrari

That won a few races.

1956 it was built. 

Went for 22 mil.

They were expecting up to 30 million.

But with everything going wrong on the other side of the globe.

They were glad to get that.

22 million for number 98!


Hope Mr. Putin can sleep,

And Mr. Zelensky,

And even Mr. Macron.


Means no killing.

No war!

So, we can walk around and breathe

And admire little sports cars

From afar!

Oh, and Jill is out of Quarantine.

She can now rejoin her husband.

He says he is coming to visit.

This coast.

Wonder if he will have time to stop

By and visit?

Oh, and yes

Jimmy did it.

The car bomb!

Who else?

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