Wednesday, August 10, 2022

It's a given,

Its August, isn't it?

That means vacation.

Look at that little man.

After being in isolation for two weeks inside the White House,

Mr. Biden is finally cleared with two negative tests.

And off he goes to his favorite vacation spot with his family.

There is his grandson wearing a jacket with his hand up

The news says he is mimicking his grandpa, the President.

Waving at the crowds.

Look again.

He is actually doing a Donald!

Really, the young man has probably seen more pictures of the famous man.

Then his own grandpa!

He is just doing what comes naturally.

Following the news stories.

Trump seems to be ambidextrous.

He uses both hands, his left as a gesture one.

And there it is in opposition to his not famous grandpa.

Poor grandpa.

He is just grandpa.

He almost died from this bad virus.

But his parents did not tell him that.

Instead, they had the news on.

And he saw the famous man raising his south paw.

Ah, that's cute!

Well, after he gets a really long vacation time with him.

Maybe he will start to raise his other hand.

And maybe he will not go into business.

But something practical such as teaching at a university.

Well, well, do as they see, and they only see what they see on tv.

On the other side of the world.

Kim Jung-un declares a miracle.

He says his nation has beaten the beast.

Coronavirus has been conquered by Korea.

His sister says he was running a temperature during the entire thing.

Sisters, they always have the information no one wants to hear.

If I could only tell all the information on Jimmy.

And he is not my brother.

But then if I had one of those little ones, he probably would hide from me as well.

The Queen still has not recovered from her little bout.

We know this because she is not back in the saddle.

It takes longer for those with infirmities to recover.

Her age will possibly keep her from ever getting her strength.

Charles though has gotten old himself and is not a spring chicken.

Maybe they should just let little Louis take over with his antics.

Of course, it is just his mother trying to supersede her position.

In the old days they would say she was poisoning the Queen.

I might suggest jabs as that is what I get every time I move forward.

Drugged each time I come clear or through another amazing situation.

Sad because she wont last a day without making her life shorter.

Just as the many other pretrend princessess.

None of them know what they are doing.

Look at the Whale who thought it would sail up the Seine.

It just wanted to see Paris!

But they did not want it to stay.

So, they sling shot it back to the sea.

Where upon it died of a broken heart!

Just wanted to see Paris!

For god's sake!

Why did they not let me stay?

Well, well, Parisians are funny people.

They love you and they hate you at the same time.

It comes from being foreigners in their own land.

Just as Native Americans have been pushed out of their own properties.

French don't realize all those visitors believe they are the real owners.

Especially, those Germans, the lowest IQ's around.

All that inbreeding.

They even claim to be the descendants of the Aryans.

Everyone knows the Aryans left over a thousand years ago.

Who are they kidding?

A bunch of Billy goats?

Really, can't find happiness in pretending something that is not real.

Anyways, we don't know if Putin plays golf.

Almost all of the Presidents seem to have to know the game.

But fishing he does know how to do and he has not gone on his usual vacation to Siberia.

What if they are sneaking him in to this little island?

It would make more sense than anything else.

But they are probably just planning his funeral.

So much has gone wrong in the last decade.

Someone should have taken care of it sooner.

But there was no one who could see the future.

And no one who cared to stop the hatred.

Mexico has erupted again and again.

Too bad, Jimmy and his wife have not found themselves in the wrong place.

But he is most likely causing the problems.

He was supposed to be raised by his papa.

Instead, a bunch of German women kept taking him in order to play out scenarios.

He likes trouble him and his women.

No one can stop him now without a bullet in a chamber.

Meanwhile, everyone are holding thier breath about Monkeypox.

Betty Adelman has already had Monkeypox.

In fact, she is the one who caused it in old Africa.

She is also a byproduct of the in breeding.

She got convicted of attempting to murder me.

This after being convicted of abducting me.

Now she insists she gave birth to me.

I understand she is attempting to steal someone else life.

As usual, this little German group wants blood.

They want to control politicians.

They joined the only religion that thought they could out last the rests.

Instead, they have joined them and are therefore worse.

Mind boggling how that happens.

Look at what happened to Joseph and his new position.

He came to be second to the Pharoah himself.

And yet, his family were victimized into slavery.

Just as the Native Americans were first welcomed.

And lead to believe they could marry as they were royalty.

Then they were eliminated from the records.

Today, no one knows where Joseph is buried.

All those plagues that were unleashed by his descendant Moses.

Locked up in the tombs of the Pharoah's.

Pandoras box was supposed to unleash all the worlds bad.

Except Hope which hides until someone looks from it.

Joseph had controlled all the peoples of the earth.

Do you think he also had the Americas?

The historians say there is no evidence.

I say that the libraries were burned.

There is ample evidence that there were ocean crossings'

That a drought occurred causing the ancient world to starve and seek food from outside.

We know there was devastation in America.

We dont know where the Indians came from except Siberia, not Mongolia.

We dont know where the Aryans disappeared.

We dont know where the Aztecs came from who destroyed the Mayans.

The Romans left nothing unturned and might have sent out groups who never returned.

On purpose seeking these answers or knowing them already.

To keep not peace, but silence.

Historians, forget to mention that word, silence.

It is the silence in the narrative's that are noted.

Such as why women stand around watching their men being used by others.

But back to the twenty-first century.

What are we to do when we finally get out of this sistuation.

How do we go back to those we have not spoken to recently?

Family and friends often forget why they stopped.

Coming by, calling, sending letters.

Instead, they get stubborn.

Then reality sets in.

Will this make a difference?

Or will my family be forever tarnished by Jimmy?

Candance, Lisa, Tara, Elisa, Katrina, Mckenzie and Janet.

Are just a few of the horrible girls set out to destroy.

They have not left anything to chance.

But how long can they manage not to face the truth.

The truth might no be in them.

The truth will prevail even if they don't understand.

One day they will not exist.

But the truth will and perhaps God is not dead.

Perhaps, when family remembers vacations past.

The future that was destroyed might be reorganized without the witches.

When Jennings, Brokaw and Rather went on holiday, no one worried.

We all worried, and turned on the radio to hear the emergency signal.

What if someone tripped over a bomb?

Or a satelite dropped out of the sky?

Or someone really important died, such as Olivia?

They are going to hold a state funeral they say.

Australia, who lost a Prime minister when he went for a swim at the beach.

Is going to welcome home a folk singer who turned actress.

An actress who has not worked in a few decades.

But she made it big when she turned thirty and that is all that matters.

She was a child singer who did not have her first single until she was 18.

Her life was a real challenge and struggle.

And then she finally had it all.

She entertained us for a short time and then married.

It was all over then.

Allowed to marry and reproduce.

She lost one husband to another woman, one to the sea, and this last one to the board room.

All in all, she had a sad life.

She survived cancer only to get it back.

Unable to walk in the end, she still managed to get past seventy.

She will be mourned and missed.

Someone once said.

That Folk singers don't die they disappear.

It is that they are not Rock stars who live on forever.

No one forgets an Opera singer.

And all those others are written on stone.

It is only the most popular genre,

The Folk musician who transverse the universe

Who gets forgotten after they make everyone else happy.

Air is a funny thing.

We all get accustomed to breathing it every day.

But sometimes a person is afraid to exhale.

They are so happy for one moment.

And then it is gone.

Without air, there is no way of breathing nor living.

This disease has been stealing the breath out of individuals.

Stealing the lives of those who have died.

Stealing the breath of those who had hoped life would go on some day.

Tomorrow the sun will come out.

Another well known song of a time of diffiulty.

We all hope there will be a tomorrow.

Without the world blowing up.

Without Ukraine pushing the wrong button.

And the other guy responding in kind.

While the rest of us just want to be able to breath.

And remember a young John K, jr. saluting his young dead father

While his mother was beyond grief, and also never had a day of peace.

Where did all those times go?

Perhaps with the death of our grandparents.

Our own parents did not seem to care or did they?

Go for it young man.

Lift up that south paw.

Maybe Donald will come over and speak to you while ignoring your important grandpa.

There is a hammock somewhere needing me to stretch it out...

It's a given, that the grandchildren will give the game away.

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