Thursday, August 18, 2022

The fall of three brothers


There were once three brothers who banded together and traveled together.

They made it clear that they were the boss, and, in the end, they became known as the Rurik's.

Their origins are not known except the roots of Eastern Europe under the fall of the old Romans.

It said that there were voyagers who made it around the world.

Or at least to an unknown corner of the globe.

Most left their mark behind in some form.

The Historians write about whom they are paid to write about.

The unpublished journals tell a different story.

Once people respected old houses, buildings and the things inside.

Recently an old building was torn down in my old community.

It was once known as the East Village.

It was a beautiful rendition of old buildings and charming houses.

It is now a mecca for the homeless.

The old things have been torn down for no reason at all.

The tall glass buildings swaying in the wind and sitting right on top of a double fault line.

It was also the marina or harbor at one time.

There are boats buried underneath we were told.

We rescued the written words when we found them.

But no one rescued us instead they brought in German Hippies.

Who mistreated everyone and left behind their bastards.

And that Italian catholic man from New York wanted to build a shelter system.

It is said that he was really mafia gangster.

The West coast was fresh victims.

His hold on the old village has a ruined the very charm.

Why anyone wanders through is a miracle.

There is only a few things left and none of original.

Only the really old could pass on the information and no one but the very young were listening.

In the really old days, there was what was called the Western empire.

The Romans were dispersed, it said that some never returned.

They might have made it all the way to the East and established a village.

It is known the Russians had found the West Coast at the same time that the Puritans

We're establishing themselves on the East Coast.

Historians only talk of Massachusetts Bay Colony but not of the East village.

There is more evidence of inhabitance than is allowed by the State Parks.

Everyone shows Fort Ross to the north,

A Fur trapping business called the American Russian company.

Alaska was established by Russia,

mixing with the locals and then leaving when the Tsars

Became too busy with thier own borders.

They say Russia wants its ice locked state back

Meanwhile there is a fight among at least four candidates

To become the Senator from Alaska.

Just as Maine is really Canadian.

They appear to have given up their claim

But eons ago they made it known they were on the wrong side of the line.

French speaking and Canadian born they said.

There is also evidence all the way to Cabo San Lucas of Russian forts

And other things left behind when for some reason they could no longer hold on to their territory.

Among those early arrivals were three or four brothers.

Traveling together and viewing the entire territory.

From the Volga River across or around to the far East.

Vladivostock is the largest city on the Eastern side.

They are near Japan and on the other side of China.

And then there is the route that Vitus Bering took.

Towards Alaska and all point south along the west coast.

This included the fishing villages and fur trapping trading posts.

It said the Russians made the North safe for others.

Such as Canadians and Lewis and Clark.

These men may have been blown off course

Or suffered a shipwreck.

It is known for a while they built themselves a house.

Perhaps out of their boat.

And lived in three different rooms.

Reading their writings and their maps.

While they waited.

How long they were here was in the journal that was found.

But eventually they did leave one buried under the floor.

There was a church built next door and later thier became an old building.

On top of thier boat was one of those hundred year old things.

It was called the Yale House.

Not after Yale University but after the Ferry.

The ferry was one between San Francisco and San Diego.

It had a hotel or boarding house for those who worked for them.

It docked at what is now the Dole factory and Hilton hotel area.

Where there is still an island that has been incorporated.

They had their own roman ruins once,

Now they have an old door Ampitheater

That resembles the huge, covered wagon that still stood on the spot.

It had a land fill to get across to the island which was a favorite fishing spot.

The house has been moved off and is used as a restaurant instead of a post office and general store.

They also wiped out the little forest with an ugly convention center full of diseases.

The latest is monkey pox, which is spreading to all those who attended.

Meanwhile, the 12th and Imperial trolley has underneath a few boats

And there was once evidence of a wooden rail system.

The ballpark stands on top of the old private pool club

Which was located in a small marina 

And the new library is on the same spot as an older house which was moved.

The church was burned down years ago.

A Safeway was built on top.

Safeway ruined every small neigbhorhood which stood in between hoodlums and the homeless

Then they pulled out of the Southern California locations.

Just beyond is the old horse barns that used to pull the original trolleys

It is being rebuilt into a glass something or other.

And there it sits, completely torn down.

The old Yale House which did nothing but got too old

And fell into the hands of the rough illegal business non owners.

While the homeless have grown

The Business of this quaint village

Have begun to be run by those who are clearly not the owners

Nor do they have legal documents

Just lots of rats that scurry around when they need to show a force

And those who contend are removed by force and under drugs

What they are going to do under the shadow of a major ball park

Is the cities problem, since it is known they are not the original owners.

But there is a small cement section divided in three showing the foundation 

Of the home of a set of brothers who found themselves 

To the east of the East of Asia

Called the East Village of Russia as it became to be known.

A human body is there somewhere 

Not that the modern machines are going to notice.

They claim to have found nothing but a pile of dog bones.

They have reshaped the entire areas skyline

While underneath, not an arrowhead nor a boat has been found.

No buried treasures, meanwhile, the glass windows are popping for no reason at all.

Do you believe these were the original Rus brothers?

Or family sent out to see the realm?

We won't know unless someone finds the owner of the journal now long gone.

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