Thursday, August 31, 2023

Or the story of Jezebel?


Does anyone know

Who Ahab is?

Not the Moby Dick guy

But the one married

To Jezebel.

Now Ahab was a very bad man

Not that he married a witch

That was his fault

But that he was  covetous 

The worst possible thing

In the Hebrew scriptures

Is not to covet

Do not covet

Your neighbors wife

Nor his property

Do not covet.

A very bad man

Was our Ahab.

He not only married

A witch named Jezebel

But also wanted his neighbors


He just could not stand it

He just wanted it.

The guy would not sell

He said some nonsense

About it being an ancestral

Piece of dirt.

As if that mattered

According to Jewish law

A person could not be forced

To part with property that was inherited

It came down the line

And was expected to keep

On traveling down the line

Of the same family

Pretending to be a relative

And selling the thing

Was not taboo either

Well, our very bad man

Named Ahab

Could not stop dwelling upon it

He went into a great depression

Threw himself down on his bed

And would not stop wailing

About how cruel this man was

Oh, go and kill him

Said sweet Jezebel

Cant do that!!

He would get caught

If he could only have it

By a mircle 

The guy got gutted

No one knew who had done it.

But there she was blowing 

On her nails in the sun.

Sweet Jezebel was so pleased with herself

Go and get it done.

In the middle of the night

To unknown men.

Know as the guy next door

Not the next of kin

Ahab the bad man

Simply took the vineyard

For himself

Wonder what kind of wine

They had made?

It was all bulldozed

And ground under

That expensive vineyard

That had been there for centuries

Just because Ahab wanted 

He destroyed his neighbors

Ancestral property 

Which had been held aside

By the law of Moss

Now it was going to be 

Not a blight on his sight

As he passed by

This guy so successful

He would just have it 

An extension of his own

Back gardens.

While his wife 

Whose name Jezebel

Appears to mean

Where is the prince?

A strange question

For a witch.

Perhaps she planned

Next on making herself

Into the wife of a prince.

But too late ...

The Prophet happened along

Heard about the vineyard

Had a message from god himself

Threw her down to the ground

While she was drying her freshly 

Painted nails.

The dogs from next door

Hungary with no master

To feed them no more

Took advantage of the situation

And consumed the witch 

In one great feast

All that was left of her

Was her palm

Just the palm of one hand.

It was enough to identify her

Once her husband came back

That bad man Ahab.

Who did nothing at all

To the prophet 

Or the dogs

Who had consumed his wife

The bad man Ahab

Just kept on walking

Through his new backyard

With great pleasure.

Her palm was enough

To identify her

Just like fingerprints

Those funny whirls and whorls

On ones palm 

Are unique enough

To be able to identify

A single individual

Even the modern FBI

Have information on how 

They use this particular

Part of the body

To make identification

In case there are no fingertips

Keep your fingertips

To yourself 

Mr. Trump

It wont make any difference

They can still make

An issue of your palm prints.

Once in a blue moon

There is a man so bad

That his own wife

Is killed over his envy

Coveting someone's wife

Such as Jimmy

Just wanting to be my husband

Or wanting to own

The piece of dirt 

That is no longer

A Jardin of fruit bearing trees

The trees are no more

Nor are half a dozen places

He has thrown away my families

Things to the wind

He does not want them

And there are probably

Bad people there where

Once a family of five generations

Lived together in harmony

All women too.

GG to Grandma

To mother and daughter

One by one 

They were killed

Just Like those squirrels 

Jimmy caught 

Which got him sent

To Meadow lark reformatory

Where he met and left

Behind a girl of his dreams

Which is where they remain

In his dreams

Because none of 

Them are real to him...

When he goes

His palms will be

Ground up for fertilizer

Once in

A blue moon

The world is righted

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Do you know the story of little Samuel?


Little Samuel

Was a promised child

His mother could not conceive.

She went to the temple.

And promised the child

To Jehovah god 

If he would only give 

Her a child for her husband

It was a time when rich men

Had more than one wife

One sometimes outperformed another,

In this case she was the preferred one

But was barren

Her prayers were answered

And many of us remember 

His story of being taken

To the temple and left in the care

Of the Priest to perform duties

As it was, he was used as a prophet

Who anointed the first King Saul

Then found a replacement

In a far-flung shepherd 

Who had seven sons

One not the favorite

But got gods notice

And we all know the story

Of David and the Philistine

But the rest of the story

Is that Samuel was a weak man

He was provided with a wife

Three sons were also provided

But they were ill trained 

Greedy and criminal

In their deeds 

Of stealing food or the best

From their own people

And their wives accustomed

To the best of what was brought

For donations to the temple

During one of the battles

After Samuel had been warned

He himself did not heed the advice

All three sons perished

The last wife with child

Fell on top of her belly

Killing it before it was born

In the end, the years of service

Of the small boy offered as a sacrifice

By the rich parents 

To serve in the temple 

Who became the mouthpiece?

Of god himself

Ended his years 

Old and with no relatives

No heirs to his line

No one to bury him

Except perhaps a distant one

Who might keep to tradition.

Just as Moses was not allowed.

To fulfill his years of service

By remaining behind on the wrong side

Of the Jordan 

There are also those who are elders

Who will lose their lives?

Over nothing more than

The actions of their children

Or their own wives

Imagine being disfellowshipped.

As an old man 

Because your wife or daughter

Got caught stealing another womans

Life, her thoughts, her possessions

Even her husband

Or chance to live with one.

Too bad Ken Gillette

For allowing your sister

To pull the trick

Of stealing a child

Then claiming the six year old

Was responsible her whole life

To care for the needs

Of Janet P who has done nothing

Deserving of life

But instead wants the wallet

Or the bag of groceries

Always with a needle

She only wants to sit down

And speak to your own relatives

Who no longer want me in their life

But have forgotten who many

Times it was the oldest 

Who took care of them

Now they don't need her

Nor want her to know that

After all they have Suzie

Instead of Carol to be their mother

They have Janet and Tara

And Gail G and Amy A

To be their family members

They never get injections

Nor have heath problems

Nor do they have to stand

There and watch others 

With their clothes on their back

Or refused basic food 

Too bad John G

Should we send you to Guantanamo?

Or just kick you out now that 

Your daughter has introduced

Herself as a relative

Ever wonder why those people

Never noticed my parents plight

When they did now they were

Once important to the community?

No one knew my mother had died

Because Betty A and Janet U

Are always on the phone

Instead of the real person

Who cares if they wrong person

Picks of the phone

Finding out one is speaking

To the wrong one all this time.

It mattered to me and I did complain

Which is why I have no way

To get to my families homestead

The road is gone and it will take awhile

We  used to have boats 

As in the old days 

To go around the constant 

Problems of the road work

Tijuana flooded out

Causing a water warning 

In the San Diego county

From their polluted ground water

The valley route

Is longer and more treacherous

Than the one on the coast

Who is there to leap over it?

No one has come without

Ashley giving me another injection

She stands there and smiles at me

While I cant even get the right

Type of service online

Due to my tumors bulge

Who reported me as a diabetic

As a glutton who eats other peoples food

Instead of the Gluten free food sent just for me.

No one understands until 

They are there themselves.

The Big bend got hit 

By a historic hurricne

I recall we moved everywhere

To get away from this same family

But somehow they always found us

As if someone was giving them 

The information as traitorous 

To their own relatiees

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Oh, what a beautiful day...


The Pacific Ocean

Was named for being calm

But it also has storms

Unlike the current 

Non educated ones

Doing the weather

There are more important things

Than Florida and Haiti

Of the bad news bears

That CNN has become

The main theme behind

Giving a black eye

To Russia every chance

They can in their daily briefings.

Russia has had a bad week

There was this plane

That just fell out of the sky

On board was someone

Who was in charge of a coup

He surrendered and was allowed 

To live or was he?

Everyone is jumping 

To conclusions about

It being poor Mr. Putin's

Fault once again

Once a bad ass

Always the villain

Where would the world?

Be if there was no Russia

To control the seven seas

These ships above

Are patrolling the China seas

There have ports next to Japan

And the European Black sea

As well as Baltic Sea

And then there is the artic

They seem to be prepared. 

For anything

To ride out the storm

The world seems set

To destroy a country

Which is land locked

But also has access 

To all the worlds seas

Accept of course Africa

Asia, Europe 

And America

In fact, they say 

That they were here first

Before the Spaniards 

Or English

On the West Coast 

Of the Pacific 

Leaving behind evidence

Of their prior occupation

Including a few places 

Named rose or ross

Such as the submarine base

That Biden visited

Which was called Roseland

Once upon a time

Just as there is still

A building which says

In Spanish Roasrio

Russian river

Before Sonoma county

Stoled the idea of them

Being occupied

Although they do still

Have standing buildings

Which reminds me

Poor Mr. Biden

Is having issues with balance

His standing and his steps

Are being discussed

As if his mind is not all there

When a family main

Becomes more concerned

For his own people

That where his steps are going

Well, he is over fifty

And he does have alot 

On his mind.

Waging war against

Thier main ally 

During both World Wars

Is something to get 

A little bit unsteady about.

Why don't we send the Germans

Back to their country

As a failed experiment?

They were mercenaries

During the American Revolution

And even attempted to take

Over Rome and the Pope

In the old Holy Roman Empire

Sending the Pope scurrying to France.

Give the man a break

He deserves a long one

He at least came to California

For his summer vacation 

Instead of Marthas Vineyard

Which makes me sad

As I still have not gotten

A ride to that former 

French homestead by the sea

Just because it changed

Flags does not make it 

A concern and no one has

Offered to tell me if there

Is anything standing at the old place

Jimmy is going to regret

Anything he did or did not do.

As I have had enough of it all.

Even yelling at my cat.

Poor Jacques

He smelled of cigarette smoke

The other day.

Must make sure the door is locked

When I leave because one never 

Does know who comes visiting.

A man with a really bad attitude

And a man with a broken spirit

Are our two men at the furthest 

Poles of America and Russia

Who cares what the others do

Certainly no one really wants

Anything from that devastated

Place called Ukraine

Now that they have refused

To set their prisoners free

Those Donbass people

May as well as kiss ...goodbye

Zelensky is never going

To get the point

They just wanted their freedom

Instead he incited a riot

Against the Russians

Causing enormous amounts

Of casualties

Without an end in sight.

Perhaps they would have 

The decency to not go to the Paris

Olympics since their comrades

Are not being invited

What are the Olympics without

The Russians?

The Ukrainians cant possibly

Be training under all that barrage

Let them to the right thing

And not show up.

At least Africa is setting

A good example

As for being a chef

Check twice as to lifetime expectancy.

After all Egypt decapitated

The Baker in the story of Joseph

And the Obamas Chef drowned

While Putin's fell out of the sky 

Reminds one of the old Greek-Roman

Tale of the boy who flew too close

To the sun and burned up 

Just suggesting he was the best.

If lightening would only strike

Those who truly deserve it!

Friday, August 25, 2023


Spotless from the world.

Rare species.

Even humans are born in sin.

Never seen before 

Is this new baby

In a Tennessee zoo.

He has no spots.

Actually, it is the other way around.

Isn't it?

The giraffe has a white coat

With lots of spots

Or is it a design of color

With an outline?

They say each one

Is unique, like a fingerprint.

Imagine Adams first assignment

Of watching and naming the animals

Realizing this creature

Had a unique pattern

On each one of them.

Just like women

Each one is different

Even twin sisters

Or mothers and daughters

Everyone say my mother

And I are just the same

Nothing of hte kind

She hates me with all her being

While I cant stand dealing

With her constant tricks 

Without treats.

She is long gone now.

The pain of losing her

Was that no one could 

Fix her 

Since she was broken 

No one knows what happened

But she was a broken adult

Always living or reliving

Her childhood.

Never behaving as an adult.

I dreamed when I was young

That one day she would be well.

Even God cant fix something

That does not want to be fixed

She only had twenty percent 

Of her brain matter

But somehow managed

To convince people

She knew what she was talking about

No way in hell did she understand

Anything at all.

Especially science 

All those arguments about 

Health and diet

She only understood. 

To starve you.

Her answer to everything

Was don't eat

Got a cold?

Don't eat anything.

Need an operation.

Don't eat!

She had cancer

She ate everything she could

Because it meant she was dying.

Everyone else needs to live

So, they are not allowed 

To have a single bite of food.

A girafffe with one very large


It is not that he has no spots

But that he is one large one.

Poor baby

Still unnamed

And not going to have

A moments peace

His entire life he is going

To be stared at

And watched

And visited

By complete strangers.

Locked in captivity.

Cant imagine what 

That feels like

Never having a moment

Of privacy or peace

Always being watched

And never getting to have your way

Always under suspicion

Of having done somethinig

While everyone dumped

Thier babies on her

Duping her easily

The judge got so frustrated

With me, more than two hundred

How could I lead them on?

I only tried to adopt one child

From the old Soviet breaking up

Years for her to be raised


She got her raising but by 

Someone else, always being stolen

And led to believe I did not want her

While she never finished school

Jimmy does not believe girls

Should get an education

Nor does he want to marry

So my beautiful angel

From Kiev

Became what everyone

Sees on television

Always involved in one 

More relationship

But never marrying

Nor being allowed

To have her children

And a safe home.

Amber was her name

My mother renamed her

Clair Marie 

She calls herself


The Christmas present

All those arguments about

A simple holiday

Both my mother and Jim

Are Christmas babies

And my only sister 

Died a week before 

My father would spend money

On the boys 

While waiting for my mother

To tell him the truth

She always said I was dead

While this girl 

Who showed up

Was a fraud

None of my relatives

No the difference

So accustomed to her lies

Then there are all those 

Real little princessess

Behind my back

Who just want to steal

My wallet

And live my life

While they live behind

A present in the form

Of a tarantula

There are many guys 

Out there who would like

To spank the different 

Selfish girls 

Who only think of themselves

Only to come back

Sit down and smile 

One more time

At my exhausted face.

I am immune to them

Both the girls and the spiders.

What if was her favorite game

What if Jimmy decided to do 

Something really stupid

And got himself 

Personally involved

With Putin's war

After all, Ludmilla

Was his wife 

When they were both

Twelve years old

Too innocent to be told no

But could not stand each other

She has always told me

That I am her friend

Which ususally means

When she comes that

I am about to loose something

Such as my apartment

Or my job

Of my bank account

I am so friendly

That I just hand it all over

No one sits down

And asks someone

For something such as 

A bank account

Or a home

Or even a guy of yours

Instead I have a bunch

Of jerks who insist

They are my husband

But all they want

Is my moeny

Or my introductions 

To others.

I was once a well known


Who could not go anywhere

Without some set of parents 

Claiming i left something behind

I cant have children

Some women cant you know

Just like some guys have never 

You know...

What if jimmy got 

On that plane

That fell out of the sky?

I recall how many times

He would pull the stunt

Of holding the airline stewardess

Hostage with a bag over his head

He would put a gun to her head

While he made demands

He did it so many times

While we were traveling

That no one wanted to get

On a plane with us anymore

She got tired of the gun to her head

Poor Ludmilla...

She has had such a hard life

Just like Teresa 

Who was born rich 

And did not live in poverty

Until it was convenient

Ludmilla, Jimmies first

Her mother died rich

A movies star

Named Doris

Her first husband

Was found hanging 

But was a CEO 

Of the same airlines

She worked

She had a number of guys

Before she landed the Kremlin lawyer

Who thought she was pregnant 

With his child.

Neither of those girls are his 

Nor does she tell him

What she does behind his back

Not that he is stupid

He is just busy

Made a match 

Like many men 

When it was convenient

She betrayed him 

Everyday but it was expected

Those days are gone

And so is the coup

The petty criminal

With a mug shot

And jail time

Who began as a hotdog stand

But got lucky as a chef

To a man whose

Grandfather was a chef

To both Lenin and Stalin

Never trusts the ones you like

They always get offers

How he became a mercenary leader

Jimmy always wanted to be a mercenary

And his cooking will make you sick

His ingredients are unspeakable

Anyway Jimmy

Likes to play in Africa

What if he came back

To Moscow

Just because he is not supposed

To ever step foot 

After setting fire 

To the Kremlin.

How would we identify 

His charred remains?

His dentist probably

Has no records

He is always switching

People around

So that even his fingerprints

Will come up on

Someone already incarcerated

While his mug shot

Has been destroyed

He once had a file of them

He put them up on his ceiling

All the ones he wanted 

To get even with

Mostly females 

Who did not understand him

They turned him down

Or men who thought

They would tell him no

As most men did in those days

Now everyone are yes men

And none of the grandchildren

Are worth their weight.

But he sometimes finds one

Who is above the law

Or just does not get caught

Such as myself

I have been accused of stealing

My entire life

Shoplifting or worse

My own drivers license

Is not really my own.

He would have to concoct

A situation where he would

Just have me removed

Without service 

In order to get the stupid cops

To put me through

The whole enchilada

Such as what Trump 

Is now doing

He was one who was 

Not even a Jaywalker

He learned early 

About the crazy kid

With the celebrity daddy

And rich mama.

A rare giraffe with no spots

May the right guy win

Jimmy makes people suffer

Just because he is stupid

It is too bad

He has survived every attempt

To get rid of him.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

It costs how much???


I received an email

From Diane Feinstein's office

About the deficient and spending

I was encouraged to respond

But when I attempted 

To find out why I was selected

For this honor

The guy on the phone

Had no clue as to how 

I got the number to his office

Nor did I.

Now I could offer 

A suggestion to cut the budget

Get rid of the Trump thing.

This is the fourth jail house

How much does it cost

Just to get the guys fingerprints?

And then there will be the trail

And, and, and.

Then if he is in fact 

Convicted and incarcerated,

Gues what!

The Secret Service guys

Assigned to protecting him,

Will also have to go to jail

They might not be incarcerated.

But they are by law required

To protect him for life.

That includes hospice such 

As the Carters are receiving

And prisons if this guy 

Does not get a fair hearing

Which my former collogues 

In the news media have already

Indicted and convicted him.

The prison might want to feed

Him beans and rice

But his housing has to be adequate

Depending upon which place

Gets precedence over his body

They might have to take over

The entire floor in case of a high rise

Or an entire section of the camputs

Really, he will not be standing in line

For his gravy train without his body guards

It will be too much not to bring it to him

And then the coast of the prison itself

Who will be paying for the extra security

The American people?

Or the Justice department

Which has decided to put in jail?

Georgia is probably

The lowest of the four jails

How much are they spending today?

Will they be able to afford

Imprisoning a person 

Who is not allowed to be knifed

In the communal shower?

Or get diarhyea from the food?

How much of their budget 

Is going to be handed over for this guy?

Might as well give him house arrests.

In Mar Largo where he will not be a flight risk

With his passport or planes grounded.

Or he could be sent to Guantanamo.

To sit on a beach in Cuba 

As those accused of being

Part of the 9/11 attacks 

Have been afforded

Really is there any place

Capable of housing 

A convicted President?

I will tell you one thing

There is no prison in the USA

Who wants this man to die?

On their turf!

Not a single one of them

Wants anything but a natural death

And preferably not in their jailhouse.

As for the costs,

I believe the state of Georgia. 

Might declare bankruptcy.

By the way, Georgia,

There is the little matter

Of my nation 

Still has a bill 

For one million dollars

Promised to them

When they were forcibly removed

Pre-Civil war era

Over Indian rights to their own land

And that gold found in the hills

Of the state of Georgia

Which was a new state 

At the time.

That bill by the way

Was promised by the government

And is about a hundred years past due

Oh, it is actually almost two hundred years

Ooh, the interest on that amount...

Hey you guys' cant affords this guy

Send him back to some bigger boys.

Throw this fish back

It is too big!

Slurp, goes Joe on his smoothie

No comment from his staff.

They don't even want to know

What it would cost

To have to build 

A state of the art 

New facility just to house

One guy.

One guy who can't be killed.

While the Secret service stand by and just watch...

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The South Pole!


Taj Mahal

Has landed on the moon.

India owns the south pole.

As explorers go forth

The fourth country 

To land on the moon

Is the only one

To make it to the South side

Of the globe in the night sky

How many poems 

Have been written

About the moon

Only one side is ever

Seen by those down below

But a space ship has made

It to the far side

Of the moon.

Just imagine...

They say the original

Aryan race left Europe

Over a thousand years ago

Where did they go?

India some say

While others claim 

They made it across

A little piece of ice

To the American continent

We know now 

They did not go to the moon.

What else could be more important

In todays news?

The Trump thing

Really, why are we even

Discussing it.

He is just going to get off.

Who would have put 

George Washington

Or Abraham Lincoln

In prison for their crimes?

Everyone makes mistakes

And it does not include murder

What is the big deal?

Eaves dropping is illegal

Even with a warrant

Not that keeps Candy

From getting on the phone

Every time I make a phone call.

I made a few calls yesterday

And there it was

On my phone

In between 

The notice that the 

Phone was busy!

It is my phone 

And it is busy.

Who is my phone 

Speaking to while I am not?

Candy, sandy 

There is kitty litter

Waiting for you on your

Burial day

Might not even give you

A wooden box 

For the rats and snakes

To knaw on and slither through

Just a huge amount of kitty litter

To bury you in.

Why is she calling people

After I speak to them?

I once caught her

Actually speaking on the other end

You promised, you Promised.

She has been answering the phone

For fifty years...

No warrant lasts that long

Wonder what the authorities 

Are thinking just siting there

As she flashes her fake credentials....

Meanwhile, the most important

Thing unless the White house

Blows up from a gas leak

Is a belly flash dance.

Congratulations India

Please don't find any little green guys...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The vultures are here...


What are they?

Large brown and ugly

Long legs and vicious beaks




I even saw a grandpa


Really, he was super large

All these seabirds

No one sees these guys

Except when there is something

Such as a Hurricane 

Moving through

Then they seek shelter

As well as humans

Imagine living your life

Outside the normal

Then something huge occurs

And one has to seek shelter

They were all over 

The Seaport marina

While the navy yard

Was empty due them

Seeking higher seas.

What can one imagine

Of the old homestead

Once consider a grand house

And only the rich came calling

As the place on the coast

Was in good shape

But no longer

Under the wrong management

It has been declining

Someone wanted to make

It into a campground

Imagine the private compound

Which once had a church

And a schoolhouse

As well as a pool house

And a large enclosed pond

Several larger houses

The family had inherited 

Just before the great depression

But others arrived 

While they were gone

Having the roaring twenties

Type of parties

Then they left as well

With any valuables

Not nailed down

1929 was hard

On everyone.

There were marble floors

Then there was hand made tiles

Finally a hard wood floor

Was put in to keep up

With the modern times

It was just a dirt floor

They keep ripping up the floor

When the last huge storm 

Occurred they called me

To come out and save them

Then they turned on me

Killing my fahter

And destroying my mother

While my life became 

A living hell,

Even sweet Denise

Insists a six year old

Gave birth to her.

Perhaps some religions

Could have science discussions

Since so many live in a fantasy

Where the impossible 

Is all they talk about

Making the entire religion

Sound ridiculous

No one believes a six year old

Gave birth to anything

Not even a kitten.

Meanwhile a hurricane

Hit Ensenada 

A former French territory

And an international mecca

For many until the Imperial Mexico

Went all communists and cartels.

They have not called

Nor are they possibly

Still standing

After all there was no repairs

They took out the phones

And television and radio signals

The gates keep being removed

And the Wi-Fi along with security

Also discarded 

So those with no reason

Could so up without


Such as the Hurlbutt's

Somebody wants to loose 

His dick 

Claiming to be my son in law

But wants to explain to me

That he expects to be taken care of.

There they are all gone

Those houses in front

Must have been swept away

Since the were built 

On top of the Olympic size pool

The cliff may have given way

The old road was washed 

Away a long time ago

What of the edificio?

Is it just hanging 

On the edge ?

Or did it fall into the beach


And the older buildings

With cracks in their walls

Are they empty shells?

Or did they manage

To keep on standing?

A flattened earth

Is what I am expecting

When I go down there

Once the roads 

Are navigable

With a shoot gun

To shoot Gary C

And anyone else 

Who even thinks

Of arriving just like

Vultures on a non abandoned 

Piece of dirt

Which once held the dreams

Of an old woman

Who had arrived as a young bride

To see what her uncle had left

To her in his will.

She also made a will

But no one looks at it

They don't care

Free, free, free

Except Denise is not free

Nor is her husband going 

To be happy

With my final decision

Candy keeps insisting

She is the owner

Which is one reason 

The old lady made a will.

But Jimmy got in the way

All these silly little girls

Believe they can falsely claim

To be my duaghter

Born out of wedlock

And they are real princessess

Behind my back

Such as Amy Adams

Who gave it all away

Or my mother who kept

Lying about being cut out

Of the will due to having

Already robbed her own grandma.

I have decided 

Since I am not allowed to kill


I will instead 

Maim him for life

Let him spend 

The next thirty years

In a nursing hospital

He put so many of the old ones

In them just to get rid of them

Such as my mothers aunt

Who took care of her

And was older than my own

Grandmother who was shoved

Down the stairs by some spoiled girl

I grew up hard

Worked even harder

Having achieved almost

The impossible 

Only to be taken out

By him over his promisses

Of nothing at all

But for thirty years

I have been drugged

And knocked over

And robbed as well

As attempted rape

While the old aunt

Sat waiting for me

To come visit

Which I did do

But was immediately 

Removed by crazy Lisa

Mona Lisa 

It is such a sad song

And sadder painting

The beauty of world

Was stolen so many times

That no one really knows

Which one is the real one

There are more of them

In the closest

Copies made to cover

The thefts.

Just like Jimmy

Is going to loose 

His ability to speak

And walk 

While he lays in his bed

Not allowed to leave it at all

But just lay there doing nothing

For the rest of his life

Now sixty years old

He is not needed

These young girls

Don't want his dick

Nor his tongue

They will not miss him

Nor will the world leaders

Only my mother 

Will cry over her missing

Property, not the land

The boy that made it possible

For her to keep on lying

Everyday of her life.

Jimmy and his romper room

Routine are going to come to an end

As will all those girls

Who keep faking being family...

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Waiting for Hillary to come knocking...


Now, Now 


You did not do that!

Who crashed Mr. Putin's

Moon ship?

Come on guys!

Look at all that gold.

And a fifty year

Hiatus of moon missions.

The Cosmonaut's life

Is not expected 

To be long

This is not the first


Although it appears

To be unmanned.

The first trip back

From space

The three cosmonauts

Were consumed

When reentry was not achieved

Then there was the guy

Whose parachute

Did not deploy

Just like my grandpa

Who was a paratropper

But he was not in space

Somewhere out there 

Is a frozen one

As for the ones 

Who did make it back

At least one was shot

Down while flying

In an airplane

The others retire quietly

Somewhere they wont 

Be found.

The Russians 

Or Soviets as they once were

Had over twenty successful

Missions to the moon

They were the first 

To do a flyby in 1959

Causing the space race

With the Americans 

First attempt

To be successful 

In 1969

A great step for mankind

Or astronauts

Never had anything to worry about

Except the ones burned

Alive on the tarmac

Or the guy drifting

In the ocean 

While his space pod


Made the team

Angry that they had to rescue

Him instead of their device.


Jimmy has been there

The whole time

With his mind

Making decisions for them

Both sides, as he is an expert

At nothing at all

Having passed nothing 

But making others do his work 

For him.

Now Jimmy

Aunt Candy

Wants to know

Did you really 

Cause the crash?

All those hackers 

Beware of that 

Knock on the door.

If it is Jimmy

Just wanting a favor

It might be something

You will never 

Be able to talk about

If you don't get discovered.

He has his ways

Of making people

Do things for him.

Only Candy is not afraid

Of him.

She should be

With colored on her

Birth certificate

Jimmy has one of those

As well.

The days when the color

Of the skin of the parent

Was noted on an official document.

Well, someone is having a bad day

I told them to get out 

They would not listen

That wrecking crew

Which have been arrested

So many times

I did not have the strength

To go it alone 

This time.

I still need an operation

My tumor is so large

It is causing rumors

To spread throughout

The whole world association

Of envious ones

Not Christians those

Who only want to find fault.

I am still a good Christian woman.

I just don't want to hear about

It one more time

About why I am not qualified

To sit down 

But be shown the door.

They probably think 

I have gone apostate on them.

I have not gone apostate

I just don't believe 

They have the right 

To sit and condemn others

Without any hearing

And then follow one around

Telling people that the are no longer

In good standing 

For nothing at all

Except refusing a penis

Or a finger.

Those old men

In Tuxedo 

Have no idea 

What goes on around them

I am out to bring criminal charges

Against Aunt Candance

And her entire family

For the harm they did to myself

And the religion

They falsely claim 

To support

When it is just 

Themselves they are supporting.

I am not allowed to complain?

Have you ever heard

Of such a thing?

Especially as an innocent

Charged with lying

But no particular lie

Was brought forward

It is probably about me

Not having gotten baptised

Or something else sinister

Meanwhile my mothers 

Cousing sit or stand

Waiting for the reason

When it is nothing more

Than them not getting

That they were betrayed

The first time Jimmy

Stepped in front of them.

Smoking everyday 

In order to cloud the minds

Of those who seek 

His control of a family

Not his own.

Meanwhile his seventy

Year old real half sister

And I have to put up

With medical personal

Who believe he is a god

Or something.

Perhaps, Hillary 

Will come calling

On his doorstep.

What would happen

If he got caught 

In a little storm?

All that wind and no place to go

Did he get out of Ensenada?

Fast enough?

They are about to be hit

By a hurricane.

No roads will now

Get them out.

While the navy

Is abandoning 

Thier home port

For the high seas

Hopefully no one

Will come crawling in

While they are gone.

How does one get

A lunar probe

To collide with the surface

Of the Moon?

A whole lot of 

Zeroes and ones...

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Mayor says to stay at home


Stay at home

Go away


Tropical storm

Now Hurricane

Is coming to visit

Us on the West

Not unusual

Just not as common

Flash floods warnings

Preparations with sandbags

Don't go anywhere.


Unless one is insane

Always asking god

To find them

More important

Than their neighbor's

Really, hunny?

I am busy with these

Other fools

And you want 

To go to church

Just stay home

And read your bible

Just too much to ask

When there are real people

Needing his help.

First the fire in Maui

Then those stupid ones

Over there in that area

Now he is expected

To drop everything

Just to escort a few

Unfaithful ones to church,

What about the ones

Without homes?

Up it comes 

Cabo San Lucas 

Has been spared

But what about Ensenada?

And then there is San Diego,

Wished I had stayed home

That Sunday 

When I got my check

Went to get gas

And pay my insurance

Then with rent in hand

My landlord ran out the door

Wouldn't come back to collect

So I got frustrated

Went out to the car

And drove slowly 

Out to the afternoon meeting

Only to know I was in trouble

It had been so long 

Since I had gas in the car

That they had assumed

I was dead or worse

I had sinned!

They stood up 

At the end 

I just walked out

Knowing it was 

A confrontation

I did not feel like

Dealing with 

As I was innocent

But had to switch

Residences due to other

Problems with manager

Who just wanted me to get

Laid with one of the men.

It is the new thing

Mangement gets tired

Of hearing about afemale

If she just does it 

With someone 

Then the complaints stop.

Not me too tired

Of the situation

Of having no choice.

Anyways everyone 

Was acting weird

The school did not want

To give me midterms

Until the next week

After they were scheduled

And then the ghost in the trees

What was that Wiens girl

Doing in jeans and

Hiding in the trees.

Too weird

Her father used to drive

School bus

He allowed a female

With a shot gun

To take over his bus

He is over six feet tall

Then after she had her

Way with the media

They the kids on board

Were put into containers

And she did not carry them

Herself but had help

The same guy 

Who left the keys 

In the lock

Never did trust 

Him and his wife

Who have a daughter

So misbehaved

That she must have

Been sired by the devil.

There I was walking

Out to the car

Getting in and starting

A quick back up

And then the seat belt

Pulling out carefully

On to the old highway

Knowing how many people

Never make it home

On a Sunday afternoon.

There it was a van

In front of me

And on my side of the road

Avoid it by crossing

Over to the other side

Is dangerous

What if they follow ?

He followed

Back I went to my side

And he came back with me

He is aiming for me!

Stomp on the brakes

Crash and boom

He hit me so hard

They could hear it

In the next town

The paramedics

Took an hour 

To cut me out of the car

Especially after the Weins

Girl slide in behind me

And strangled me!

She said she was holding me down

Liar, Liar

Only her father 

Would take her side

Need to stop 

Coming out here at all.

The guy backed his van

Up to the ride side of the road

Looking at me

With that look

Later they said he was

A seventy-year-old Mexican

Living with his daughter

No drivers license

No arrests

Because of course

It was Dan Fucella

Who was driving 

I saw him running

Across the fields

As the neighbors 

Pointed him out

They knew he had 

Tried to kill me before

Six foot six inches

His shadow was 


He used to steal

My wallet all the time

His tall shadow

Skipping into hiding

All he wanted 

Was to own something

No one is allowed

An old lady 

Had to leave everything

Behind in St Petersburg

Just before the Russian revolution.

She inherited a French estate

On the coast of California

Still alive and being told

She had to move out

By Italians and Israelites

No reason except greed

Took all the trees 

And the horses 

And the boats

Just a waste land now

Dan is probably

The one out there

Boarding up the windows

Or not as he is a lazy bastard

All those years 

Of being religious

My entire family suffered

Over this piece of dirt

Too us it was once a haven

To others it was a nudist camp

Hate to tell them

But paradise

Does include clothes.

That story about Adam

And Eve

They were not naked

But without insight

They found themselves


Once they had eaten

The forbidden fruit

Now long gone

And no it was not sex

After all god gave

Eve the woman he had created

To Adam 

Whom his angels

Had created in gods image

To him in a ceremony

Watched by both the angels

And the future demons

Not likely

She was still a virgin

When she meet the snake

Who just wanted to harm her.

I still believe in god

Just not humans

Unlike the others 

Who do so much harm

Always claiming 

That we need help

When they were the ones

Who took the wallets

Or the keys

Or raided the larder

Or emptied the safe

It is always them

That cause the problem

Then claim they are helping us

When in fact 

All they want 

Is to lay naked 

Under the sun

In full view of the demons

Who once walked around

Just stay at home

The neighbors 

Have already seen 

Everything you have

As you are not careful

Enough with your curtains

Nor your backyard,

Stealing an old ladies

Dream of freedom

What will she do 

In the resurrection

And comes home

To find her family

Were all murdered

Just to sit outside

In the sun 

Instead of hiding inside.

Like the Donetsk people

Who have now been

Betrayed by the 

Danes and the Dutch

They will never get

Thier freedom now.

What was the cost?

One wonders 

To the wives

Of the monarchs?

A Hollywood lifestyle?

Or a life of free drugs?

Who is crazy enough

To get involved

With the Odessa


Just stay at home.

Wait for the storm

And pray that god hears 

Over the noise

Those engines are going to make

Or the laughter of the wife

Of Zelensky.

Or should we call him

Leonardsky after spoke?

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wonders never cease


Once one of the mighty

Now spit upon 

And peed upon

The decadence 

Of the early 20th century

Rich luxury

Only the best clients

Will do no riffraff

Then all the years

gone by

In a flash

Now only the homeless

Find accomadations

Inside the gilded rooms

The pandemic caused

It too be used

For nothing at all

Left without 

Paying customers

Left to earn its keep

Turned over to the city.

Nothing remains.

Of the old life

Nor anyone to remember.

She sat there smoking

In front of the hotel

Where everyone 

Could see what 

Her daughter had done

Not even allowed 

In the lobby

But forced out 

On the streets

Like a criminal

Smoking was her joy.

It was against gods laws

And now against mans

As well.

She once wrote 

An article about

How bad her daughters

Asthma was and how it hurt

Her to see her smoke

All that fuss about

Her lungs when she

Should not even 

Have been born

But she could not 

Get rid of her

She had won an award

For her article

It was so heart felt

And that she would

Give up something 

For a child to live.

It was not true

She had not given up

Her desire to destroy

She just did it 

When no one was 


Behind her back

But no one could 

Tell her how much

It meant to her to get

That award 

Afterwards she told

Them all about it

How much she hated

Her daughter for making

Her write the article

And lie to her bosses

She had done the same

Thing to her mother

Behind the backs

Of her relatives

Just to get even

She drank alcohol

They never did know

Of course they did

They just did not tell her

And it was the same

With the daughter

She could smell 

The hotdogs on her breath

And the cigarettes 

In her purse

There was no way 

Of making her stop

Such a harmful

Thing to herself.

She just wanted her way

Now she wanted 

Everyone to know

What she had to put up

With all that Christianity

Her death certificate

Said she had died

When her heart stopped

She had brain cancer

Which had eaten up

Her brain

And her life

Always doing harmful things

Who knows what her parents

Thought of her actions

It was really those kids

Who came from Germany

During the war

So envious and devious

Making her believe 

Her parents did not

Want her nor allow her

Anything at all

It also sadly stated

She had melanoma 

Of the lung,

Cancer of the lungs

If she had lived

She would have begun

To know what it meant

Not to breathe

Nor to know good health

To always sit outside

The group of kids

Not able to join

The fun when in fact

She was better equipped. 

Just no allowed

Her mother would not have

Known how much pain

It is not to be able 

To breathe freely

To lay there without

The ability to smoke.

A cigarette in the hospital

Probably broke her heart.

But it was the other children

Who never got to have a mother?

Nor do they really care anymore?

Not even visiting her at hospital

They did not know

But thier wives had known

She called them everyday

Once the daughter had left

Making sure they knew

How bad she was to her.

Sadly, all the glamour

Of her mothers life

Was gone and she was penniless

She did not care about it

They would take care of her.

Not even a burial was paid by any of them...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

A bright new day

Ah, the State fair
It is one of those oddities.
That the biggest thing

Of summer is the state fair
Everyone comes 
To see the exhibits

That the clubs
Have worked on all year
From sewing to woodworking

And then there is the ice cream
And lemonade
Those scary rides

The public information
With wat is poison ivy
To how not to be skimmed

Then there is all those
Food trucks
With wonders from around 

The world
Such as Iced Tea
And Hamburgers

Created just for the State fair.
Brand new items
Along with the science

And technologies tent
It is the meeting place
Of the public 

And the private sector
Along with politicians
It is often the starting

Point of an election
In fact elections
Can be won or lost

Whether or not one
Goes to the State fair
And today is no different

Several of the GOP's
Are there walking
Through the crowds

Just after two others
Have been shot down
Ecuador and Japan

Have both lost candidates
For public office
And yet this day

Is so important 
To be on hand.
Where does the country

Stand with what has occurred
In the last twenty years?
If 2008 had gone smoothly

Instead of Donald being
Indicted over and over again
We would be faced instead

With Palin in hand cuffs
The first lady of the Oval office
Would have been Sarah Palin

The former sportscaster
From Alaska turned governor
Who was the running mate

Of John Mccain
The former prisoner of war
Of Viet Nam war

Never forgotten by the press
For his heroics
Nor was he going to be given

A perfect honeymoon.
He would have been 72
On inauguration day

The oldest president 
With what Ronald Reagan
Faced once he began to have

Signs of Alzheimer's 
And now Biden with 
His arthritis catching up with him

Is it jsut stumbling because
He is older than most
And should be sitting down

Not walking and standing?
Or has his mind actually gone?
Those are the questions 

Everyone is facing
And what of the other guy?
Mccain had suffered in his days

At the Hanoi Hilton
What would he have done?
As it is he only lasted a short time

If he had won the battle
With his running mate
The world would have woken

Up at the end of August 2014
With a new face as the world leader
Sarah the first female 

Lady of the Oval Office
Would the world have welcomed her?
After all her running mate was over

The retirement age limit
And not expected to survive
Now Trump is older than hell

And he has never chosen 
A woman to replace him
In the White House

They are doing everything.
They can to prevent him
From returning despite

The fact some will say
He did the world a favor
In keeping Sarah from sitting down

Not Hillary but Sarah
What would have happened next?
No one likes Sarah now 

And she has faded from 
The news feeds
Meanwhile Hillary

Was under investigation.
At the time of her running 
By the FBI

Her indictments would have
Been almost sure if she had 
Gone forth and been inaugurated

Despite everything America
Likes honest politicians.
And not those who benefit financially.

Is the world ready?
For its next death?
If Biden should fall

Or fail to wake up
Then it will be 
Kamala who will become

The First Lady of the Oval Office
Are we all ready?
Everyone says it is okay

For her heels to show up
But are they really ready
And willing to show her

The same authority
As a man in office?
Will she be able to handle 

The constant pressure
Without breaking composure
And is it going to be a shue in

Instead of a hard-fought victory
Who will decide the face of 
America for the rest of this century?


Saturday, August 12, 2023

A massive fortune

 He built a massive


In his tenure

As the Pharoah's 

Chief accountant

He was put in charge

Of the incoming 

Improvised of the nations

The great drought

Caused by the greedy

Made all the crops 

Fail in the entire area

The area was the cradle

Of civilization

Quickly providing

The grains needed

For the inhabitants

To keep from starving

As the animals

Were hunted to extinction

By the Babyloanins

The land his forefathers 

Had come from

A rich patriarch

Willing to leave 

The decadent city

Rich from its kills

Having brought the peoples

To them under the old Nimrod

They continued to return 

Feasting on the abundant

Of life until they had

To hunt humans

For food as there was none

Of the other for them

This is when they failed

But again the rich trade

From the sea to the south

And the road to the north

Even Tera was massively

Rich in his ability to leave

The city behind

And provided for his 

Son and nephew 

A good life in the desert

Even the desert 

Had rich rewards

Not just the sheep

Rich silks

And pottery 

Until they could not leave

It behind in the Sodom story

But his father had returned

From his journey

Being robbed by his 

Own mothers brother

With two wives

And a dozen children

His own brother whom

He himself had cheated

Of his inheritance

Greeted him gladly

laughing at the massive offering

Of animals for him

Culled from his own herds

Which was masssive

His family were rich 

And welcomed into 

The realm of the royals

Of the area

His own sister Diana

Engaged to marry a Prince

And then they had sold him

His own brothers into slavery

Out of jealously and envy

We worked hard

And made sure he was seen

As moral and honest

For his own mothers sake

While the others had begun

To misuse their own father

Now he was at the head

Of a massive effort

To save the humanity

Given a dream 

Of a great drought

Where the earth was 

To be scorched

No fields would survive

Without water

Nor could the herds 

Feed off the grasses

Nothing but sand 

Was left of the area

Once abudant

In natural gifts 

The massive forests

Were even cut down 

For the buildings to come

But now he was second

In all of Egypt

The visitors came to him

Leaving the Pharoah 

To deal with his own issues

They came to buy food

Then they came back to sell

Themselves and their land

From all over the world

The Egyptians were not niave

They knew there were great

Places across the water

And high in the mountains

And to the south

They hid themselves

Only after loosing themselves

A fifth of all was handed over

To the Pharoah 

In exchange for grain

They had a warning

To store it in massive silos

It was enough to last

The full seven years

And then it took so long

For the fields to be replanted

And provide for the people

But not in the growing deserts

The people could not go back

Once the Pharoah died

And his bad seed rose up

But during this time

His father had arrived

With seventy as his family

To have such a large amount

Of people to provide

And they did have money

They were given the best

Land of Goshen

Where their flocks

Would not be affected

He had the daughter of a priest

And two sons 

He was a rich man

By many accounts

But he had also a personal

Fortune of a massive


His drinking cup

Was silver 

His younger brother 

And younger son

Were made into princes

While the others 

Were not his slaves

They were always


Despite thier pledges

He made them promise

To take his body 

With them once they left

The land that was once

A paradise

Then became a prison

The new pharoah 

Wanted absolute power

His fortune was so great

No one else could compare

His was also massive enough

To hide especially the gold

When they left and roamed

The wilderness 

After crossing the Red Sea

They had enough gold

Rings and bracelets

To create a huge bull

To worship as Egyptians

Had been taught

And then they melted

It down along with more donations

To create the Angels of the Ark

The temple of Jehovah

Was made of clothe

Huge pieces to provide

A tent large enough

To be seen from far away

Which was not a small thing

Nor was all the gold implements

They forged in the wilderness

For the temples offerings

Including the sacarifices

To god as they travled

With huge herds

And other goods

It was only stealing

A cloak of authority

Which would cause

An entire family to be swallowed

No man was to supercede

Jehovah gods authority

A city of gold

Is what they said existed

Not in Egypt nor Babylon

The ones chosen

Had gone by boat

In the quiet of the night

On a fleet of ships

Before it was too late

Taking with it his massive

Fortune to different areas

They were supposed to be waiting

When the time was right

And as it was Saul became

The richest ruler of his time

A zillionaire in his own right

Helped along with the hidden

Fortune awaiting them in the promised

Land but it was not the only treasure

They had carefully distributed

It throughout the world

His father and him

Having access to the maps 

Of the great library

Burned down by the next

Generation of greedy

The Muslims gained 

Control of the area

Even the distraught

City of David

Made it clear

They had no reasons

For others to know

The knowledge

That only the rulers 

Of the world  had at 

Thier fingertips

His fathers seed

Had dispursed

And shown themselves

In such areas as Medes

Where the great Alexander

Went as far as India

Where they had fled

From Europe 

But there were others

The monks had kept

The secrets as they found them

Or were entrusted with them

The Holy Grail

That his descendant

Would drink from

After his family 

Came to Egypt to visit

Was not the thing

They needed but the gold

Sent across the waters

For apeople to live

Before they were trapped

Into brick building

Where was it now?

Most of it would

Have been brought back

When it was safe enough

But those plagues

Brought by Moses's god

Were found in lost communities

Creating a situation

Of abandonment

His massive fortune

Meant to save his people

From decimation

All those rich jews

Of later years

May have been frauds

Having foreignors

Getting the information

They were not to have access

No plan is perfect

Certainly not when 

Your own family

Are enemies....

They probably even 

Melted down the angels of the ark

Knowing the ways of thieves

Unless they are decorating a wall

Somehwere deep underground

And the rest of his fortune

Might yet be found

In the land across the waters

The Romans had been sent

To keep it out of thier hands

They were sent to Babylon 

And Rome in order to break

Thier family into

Foreignors pretending

To be religious

What was the cause of the hatred

Towards them?

They have still survived

But his massive fortune

Was misused by those

Who were not to have it

Taken from the caretakers

His grave and his fathers

Have never been found

After his brothers children

Made sure it was forgotten

Whom can one trust

When your own mother

Is a thief and a liar

Allowing others the impression

That all they have to do

Is pretend to be related

In order to steal what is not thiers


There is a true group 

Of his peoples

While the rest have been

Punished for nothing at all

But then there are those 

Who continue to betray

Thier own for the sake

Of having themselves

Made over into princesses

Without any blood in thier veins

The day he understood

What he was sitting on

Was the last day of peace

For Joseph the dreamer....

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...