Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Little Pussy feet


We are a marching,

We are marching,


Little tiny pussy feet

Are coming to you


Yup, even you get

A protest march

Of farm tractors

They have been heading

Your way for awhile

At a slow steady pace

They are coming

And they will be arriving

Any day now.

Be prepared for them.

They mean business

They brought their work

Implements with them.

Not calculators

Nor wrenches

But the very things

They work with in the field

They mean business

And want you to understand

They are tired of the pay wages.

They want a change

And they intend 

To block your traffic

Including your bicyclists

Beware they are not 

Fluffy little kittens.

What say you


Not even one thing

Have you not had 

Thrown at you

Once you committed

To allowing the Olympics

In your fine city.

Protests, fires, bedbugs....

Anyways you say 

You now want to limit

The crowd numbers.

I once lived there 

In Paris

We had an entire 

Apartment building

Which was reduced 

To one single room

With no room 

To lay down

Because someone 

Named Brent W

Had to have his way

He went around 

Altering all of the places

Of my mother 

In order to satisfy himself

All the time 

Holding a woman

Whom he called his wife

Named Dawn

But I am not married to him

And now that he has divorced

This woman I had nothing left

Between Brent and Juan

I have had a hell of a time.

I bet I don't even have 

A boat left in Paris

Nor a registered bicycle!

Here even the old metal red barn

Was first taken from me

And then set on fire.

Jimmy says he is married

To Teresa

Who only has a "religious"

Incident recorded 

In Reno and not 

At the civil registry

But a drive through chapel

Then Jimmy says he wanted

To adopt her boys

John and Alex

Instead they were going

To be drafted

And Jimmy is anti military

He could not adopt them

But when Teresa got caught

Without her green card

They went through the process

Of her sons were so young

And had never been allowed

All those things American

They needed a chance to stay

Instead they have been running

Around using my name 

And claiming me as their mother

Destroying all the things 

My father and I 

Did for San Diego

As elected government officials

Our thanks was to be treated

As if we are illegals.

Three strikes law

Jimmy still applies

All you need is one more

Conviction to go away

For life.

You have a stolen

Drivers license

My fathers actually

A stolen birth certificate

My mothers had a still born

In 1960

Convicted of an abortion 

As the time required

But not sent to prison

Had a funeral for him

Which was in the newspaper.

And a false marriage license

Not even registered 

At the civil authorities

And I know you were

Deported a number of times

As an illegal born

In Germany 

Prior to my fathers

Untimely death.

The first time I met you

You tried to kill me

And the next time

And the next time.

As for the last time

I still have a concussion

From your banging my head.

I recall being trapped under

The glass elevator

At Fashion Valley

And being in a black bag

At Golden hall.

You even had 

Juan push me into 

A trolley

As its ramp deployed

Trapping me feet 

I understand you are 

After my feet now

I almost lost them that day

And now that you 

Are having your multiple wives

Who work at various 

Medical places

Claim I have diabetes

You are having them

Threaten me about them.

I cant feel them 

Because of the auto accident

But you want them cut off.

I see the many different

People around me

Who have had their limbs


Including their feet.

That kind of cruelty

Just to annoy me

Just to let me know

Taking other peoples


Comely are the feet

Of the messengers.

You always wanted

To be the one

To give people the word

No matter what it was

It had to come from you.

But even righteous 

King David 

Killed the wrong messengers

Who arrived before 

His assigned ones.

Little pussy feet

Are coming to you


But they are not mine

They will arrive

Without a sound

But be carrying 

An implement of their job

Guns not in their holsters

The authorities have become aware

Of you and your family.

There is no way to hide

On Del Sol court

They are coming to you

Police on pussy feet

Quietly arriving

Just because 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

You call that edible?



The orange one

In master chief

Bobby Flay

Has decided to have

His own brand

Of culinary delights

Cooked by his own

Cat slave 

Does not impress

My cat Jacques

He is turning his nose up

He bites me 

In the leg

Wants something to eat

What am I supposed to do?

I bought the box

Imagining he would

Appreciate it.

He hates it.

Poor Mr. Flay

Cant cook 

To satisfy my 


My mistake

I was raised around

Expensive breeds

And recall buying one

At the last Cat Fanciers

But immediately lost it.

While I thought the cat

Across the hall

Was familiar

I did not believe

My fortune

In obtaining

A kitten

With the regal

Blue gray coloring

But he has copper gold eyes

Not blue as they should be

After some investigation

It seems I received 

A kitten from 

A hot mamma

Stolen pure bred

Forced to put out litters

To satisfy someone else's desires.


Across that pond


Would you please

Pull out another one.

It seems someone has 

Decided to soup

The Mona Lisa

Over environmentalism.

If one was really 

Worried about the environment

They would not be buying

Cheap soup

An entire industry 

Those contaminants

The area around it.

Not like Julia Child

Who was taught 

The careful ways

Of real French cooking

Not the Marxist

Values of the younger generation

Which lowers itself

To purchasing the very thing

That is causing the environment

To be polluted

Just as the politics

Religion and news

Has been pollutted

By the current generation

Which just wants

To misbehave

But not actually abide

By their own code.

And destroying works of art.

For what end?

It will not make a better world

Museums are all we have left

Of what was once culture

And society

None of the modern stuff

Is worth the canvas

It is painted on.

Take Warhol 

For instance

The infamous 

Can of tomatoes soup.

Just because he could not afford

To buy flowers instead.

By the way 

That was not the real one

Hanging in the Louvre

There are hundred of them

The Mona Lisa

It was stolen so many times

And resold to so many

Different people

That there are copies

Worthy of being hung.

A frozen lady

With bad teeth

Could not really smile

But did follow one

With her eyes.

And that setting behind her

That artist at least

Went out of his way

To afford such a view

By working for it.

Another one!

We need a replacement

One of those great forced copies

Who would believe the real one

Would be hanging on the wall?

And with those French farmers

Rioting and striking

Using their tractors

To get attention

For reform.

Emmanuel, who is like god,

Has more than enough

On his plate at this time.

I bet his dogs would eat

Nachos culinary delight.

Oh Jacques

How would you like 

A little trip?

To Paris 

Where we could eat

Real food not produced

In a factory

And you can scratch and bite

Any tourist you like....


Hopefully the young woman

Is being acquainted 

With cleanup 

And trash removal

As her part

In civic duty 

Just because 

She choice not 

To eat her soup.


A curators secret

The real one

Is in the vault!

Due to insurance reasons

They cant put it up.


Anyone knows

That something

So special 

Has to put out 

Of harms way.

The real one

Is always 

In a secure location.

Unlike this newest


Of Frankie Drake

Series about a girl detective

One can recall

All the different versions

Of this Toronto based story

Where she gets to meet

Everyone important

Including Agatha Christie

They are attempting

To tell us what life 

Was really like

During those years.

It was the Germans 

Who rewrote history.

Its true!

Check the facts

They got caught

Altering everything

To their white version.

Do you know

This girl

Lauren Lee Smith

Looks just like

Cathy Lynn Miller

Not the name on her birth certificate

Ran a fraud on this ignorant 

School district

Where she posed 

As a poor person

Living with a family

Not her own

In order to stalk

And harass another girl

She had so many girls

That they are spread out

Across the screens

This one was born in

June of 1980

When she was missing from school

And I who was in a environmental

Class got caught 

Having my menstrual cycle

On the last day of school

To the embarassment

Of everyone

Who just cant

Stop following one

Into the bathroom.

With that name

She probably got

The kid named

David Smith

Whose parents 

Ended up getting divorced

While he was in everything

From orchestra to theater

Only to fail afterwards

Spends his time in the park

Now that he has nothing left.

After a  25 year old crybaby

Was allowed to trump

Across the stage

To shake hands

With the shady Murphy

Whose wife kept showing up

Everywhere I attempted. 

To get away from 

This monstrosity

Whose mother

Was a victim of rape

Not something they talked about

But with Cathys personality

The trauma of having

To raise the by product

Of a mad rapist.

Blackman is her real name

Not Miller

Which is Mrs. Christies

Maiden name

Agatha Miller Christie

The false one are always

Visible even in their 

Maddening attempts to get 

Someone else caught

Probably says I am 

Her mother instead.

Not likely 

As I am the one 

Who cant have babies

A drug addict I presume

Whom I am going 

To bring criminal charges

If she prevents me 

From my daily life

Which does not include

Causing harm to others possessions.

Gourmet food fantasies

That is what the supplanter

Dreams about with his paws waving in the air....

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Can women be taken seriously in politics?


The story of two 
Female Ambassadors
Are they real?

They come from 
Different backgrounds
Born different decades

Have had the same type
Of education and marriages
They even made it up 

The ladder towards
Good enough

To represent America
But not good enough?
Trump and Biden

Aside is  it possible
For a woman to be taken
Seriously in politics?

There is the knowledge
That no woman 
Has ever made it past

The forums
Except Kamala 
Who was carried into

The Oval Office
By Joseph
Without the permission

Of the entire populace.
We might be interested
In this upcoming

Election 2024
If it was Kamala
Versus Nikki

Not that they would
Want a cat fight
Most of these modern

Ones want to stand
On alone with their backs
Not facing their opponent

Trump versus Haley
Has already died 
Trump vs Biden

Has already been played
They also offer equal
Problems and resolutions

They can offer the hope
Of the past 
America is not going 

To go down
But what else is there?
All the newer ones

Had to bow out
They both have 
Problem children

And multiple marriages
Which one 
Which one is the right one?

Whereas if the women
Were to go up against 
Each other

They both have family
From India
And teenage children

Who have of yet
Gotten caught 
Doing anything wrong.

Loving husbands
Willing to be 
Second Gentleman

But is it a reality?
Than there is the sad story
Of the Kennedys

All that promise
Ambassadors children
And grandchildren

Only Bobbie Jr.
And little Caroline
Are still in the ring.

The others back out
Or just went home.
No fault of their own.

If John Jr. 
Had gone forward....
The press would have

Eaten him alive.
Just as Bobbie 
Has not found

A place to jump
Into the race
Too much interference

Or inference
No match
For the common man

Bent on deceiving 
His closest neighbor
Well, who are you

Voting for?
Caroline and Nikki
Even have similar

Looking families
Thier children
Are perfect

Yet Caroline
Will never fill 
The shoes

Of her father
While Nikki
Has a long way

To go before
She sleeps
In the White House

Little Red riding hood
Is not going to find
Herself being escorted

When non of the others
Have made it through
The woods.

The really big 

Do we need
To have a woman
Represent us ?

We are American
We don't stand 
On tradition

We don't need
Any of that 
Do we?

As long 
As the Oval office
Has a qualified 

There is nothing 
To worry about

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Where did you come from?


Where did you come from?
I just came past
The Devil a walking

Along the same road
As I
But a going the other way

He asked my name
Unwillingly it came out
As if from behind me

He nodded and kept
On going making
A note in his book

You be fine.
Might stay home

Sleep in for once
I wont be a seeing
You not for a long while...

I heard the place
I left was hit in the night
No one was left alive

I heard this the next
Morning on my walk
Back towards my work

My destination 
The night before 
Was home where I spent

A restless night
Wondering if I had dreamed
Or was delirious ...

No one knew 
What had happened 
But everything was gone

I kept silent
Not wanting to complain
To be left behind

Might warrant 
Another visitation
Of someone I did 

Not care to know....
Kind of like 
Knowing Jimmy

And having one of those
Shivers down your spine
Knowing he was going to come back

They are two men missing
At sea
Or are they really?

One never does know
With the military
One could run across

A General just sitting there
Out in the open
With no one to know him

But Jimmy never leaves
Anything alone
There is another flood

One woman complained
Of not being in Louisiana
Honey this is California 

No one knows what
The next day will be
Not in weather

Nor in politics
And your neighbors 
Might disappear

In the middle of the night
While your own dog
Will find you where

They take you to get away.
There are things one does 
Not want to see in this life

I saw a whole walled bookcase
Of Bibles that my family
Had once owned

Including my favorite
One from 1655
It sold for 1678 dollars

Seemed cheap 
But no one cares 
For real books 

Those books were 
Well-guarded all those years

And then those wolves
Pretending to be sheep
Came in and threw 

Away five generations
Of hope and grief
When will it end?

When Candy acknowledges
She is Lisa mother
And not mine

Little Lisa 
The Weasel 
Has been told so many times

She thinks she has a pinky
Agreement with Satan himself
And Candy has his phone number

Blazened inside her head
While Jimmy just sits back
And enjoys everyone's else's

Flooding Ebay 
This very day

Are a bunch of unwanted
Books of the Orthodox nature
Not King James Bibles

Who spent 400 years
Being caressed 
And placed firmly

On the family piano
But Greek orthodox liturgy
And some of them

In the Slavic language
As well as the vestments
Velvet, gold plated and nickel

All types of items
In all sorts of economics
Being offered altogether

Along with wooden icons
From those people 
Over there

Did those millions.
Of people who ran away
To no place at all

Leave them behind
In their homes?
Or were the churches

Robbed along the way?
Don't know how old these items
But their appearance is as new

Well-loved once.
But no longer needed
Perhaps someone else's

Private collection
Has been raided
To pay for their time

Watching your places
Not your backs
No intention of doing right

By you or your people
They just want your money
Even if it is by selling your precious

The smell of boiled mutton
Waffles around the nostrils
Maybe I will sleep in tomorrow....

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Best plans go amiss

The best laid plans
Of mice and men
Go amiss

All too easily
When others get 

Where they do not
Belong at all.
Oh how the world

Would be different
If not for Waterloo
Or Water gate!

Now Desantis
Has backed out
Of the race

As has Christie
Which leaves only
Poor little Nikki

To run up
Against the big bad

Poor little Red Riding Hood
Is she going to be eaten
Or rescued?

The story goes
Both ways
One she meets her end

And another 
A hunts man
Comes to her rescue...

It was all planned
So well to get rid
Of the rif raf

Poor beggar 
Turn to riches
Made his way 

Through real estate
The Internal Revenue Service
Was mighty interested 

But no man would
Consider not paying them
After all they incarcerated

Even Al Capone
For non payment
It is like getting 

An overdue fine
From the Library!
One of my many 

When I had my auto accident
No one wanted to help 

I had just enrolled
In one of those dream courses
Asian arts

It included India
As well as China and Japan
I could not afford

The book
Over a hundred dollars
Picked up the only copy

At the library
And it did not get back
For at least thirty days.

I provided proof 
Of being in hospital
They were not amused

A twenty dollar fine
Was paid in full.
They were not amused.

It is all a body 
Can do to sruvive
Without something

Such as that hanging
Over your head.
I am not amused

For all the bad things
Have altered
The plan 

That was devised
Survive my mothers
Mental illness

Get yourself 
Back in school
To go back 

To your prior
My previous employment
Instead they did everything

They could to deny
Me the right just to a life
They wanted revenge

From the Gordons
To the Greens
None of them Goforth's

Why cant they just
Leave me alone?
Not their plan.

Well the world 
Moves on with 
Or without you.

Alec is facing charges
Again for his accident
Who  is stupid enough

To point a gun
And have it loaded
In front of a group

Of people
With cameras!
Worse than having guns

Pointed at him
Cameras to take it down.
Maybe he has gone looney

In his old age.
Because only Jimmy
Would be stupid

Enough to expect
To get away from it.
And he was living 

Just down the road
When that occured
I know because

I had my court case
In New Mexico
Which I attended 

Via tele 
My lawyer and I 
In California

While the Judge
And Jimmy sat there
I was told I had lost

And then got approved
After the Pandemic

Is that really over?
I was not sure
We would not be hit

By a backlash
But then there are
So many things

To die of nowadays.
Walking down the street
Sitting in a cafe

Or just being the wrong
Jimmy has it all now

He has planned
And plotted
To just have his way

When was a President
Under so much scrutiny
Not since Jimmy

Or Shawn 
Stepped into town
Saw what trouble 

He could cause
All those stupid people
The little mutant 

Went after all of them
Just because
He was born to the wrong

Camille Bullocks
She was his mother

But he was not married
To his father
Captain Kangaroo

Her husband 
Caused him alarm
He had to have his hand

The guy became the first
Walter Washington
Mayor of DC

After my father
Was elected mayor
Of South San Diego

And later Palm Springs
He sat on a number
Of offices

My father
The child genius
Who could play the violin

Like an angel
And without eye sight
But got the shift 

From everyone
Died  from the afflictions
Of society

Just as others
Before him 
Who had a plan

And a dream.
What are we to do
With the mess 

We know have
Living hand to mouth
The Capital

Cant keep their budget
Under control
We had another stop 

Passed to keep 
Us America 
From going bankrupt.

Are we going to see
The end of Biden?
And the effort

Of equality?
Or are we going
Back to Trump

Who was not a bad guy
Just not the usual 
Status qou

When the March winds
Come through those windy
Streets of the Foggy Bottom

It will not be with an end
To the Russian Federation
It will still be standing

And hopefully
So will America
Preferably without Jimmy....


Thursday, January 18, 2024

A sad day for a sorrowful lady

My mothers daydream
When she was little
Was her mothers funeral.

Since my grandmother
Had been a radio announcer
During the war years

She had been well-known
For a spoiled child
As my mother was

Those years of meeting
Famous people
In the Green room

While her mother introduced
Them or interviewed them
And then afterwards

When they sometimes
Were included into the festivities
My mother had to sit in the corner

While they wined and dined
She just sat there dreaming
Of the day her own mother

Would lie in state
For they also went to funerals
And a few weddings

All those people
Would come by 
And she would curtsey

And hold out her hand
For them to kiss
Not shake

They would bring her presents
As in the old days
And perhaps invitations

As they had so many 
Times been invited
While her own father

Had parachuted behind 
Enemy lines
Spending every day

In order not to become
A German POW
And  waiting for that day

When he would go home
To his loving wife's arms
And his doting child's embrace....

On this day 
Just after winning 
The Caucus in Iowa

Former President Trump
Stood next to his third wife
Melanie as she welcomed

Her mother into the church
She gave a eulogy
Of her mothers life

Having lived in the Soviet sector
Of eastern Europe
Life was different

Then from now
Had also survived

The War years
Then married 
Had a child

Watched the Soviets
Come to an end
As she had watched

The Nazis fall
She even watched 
Her own daughter

Become a model
And then the mother
Of the Presidents son.

Her life had been 
Bitter and hard
But she preservered

Is that what Melanie
Said at her funeral today?
I don't know

I am without television
Can only imagine
What to speak

About a hausfrau
She lived up to the challenge
After all the trouble

Her husband has had
Even his first wife's 
Death during the Pandemic

This was her day to live
One that most of us 
Don't want to know is ahead

My mother was not so much
Cruel as unable to feel anything
Her amygila had been injured

During one of the blitzes
She was never well
And her mothers fame

Diminished with television
And age
Age comes to us all

Sitting there in the sun
With two granddaughters
One not her real one

She had fallen off the roof
With her third child
And second marriage

It died in  a miscarriage
Her husband forced her 
To raise another

And the one twin
Without the other one
Not allowed to tell either

Of them what had been decided
She could still turn heads
She had been a beautiful baby

Her daughter also had beauty
But age had come upon her
She did her duty by her daughter

Her only one 
While wondering what had happened
Moving back to Los Angles

From her forced hermit life
Was a shock to her
There had been so much

She had done in the early years
Now her sister and her
Had their bridge club

They were the ones who showed up
On the day of her funeral
A quiet affair

Attended by almost no one
My mother had caused 
So much trouble over

Demanding that her miscarriage
Had not occurred
That this jimmy 

Was really her son
And not dead
He showed up after 

Shoving my grandmother
Down the stairs 
For acknowledging my

Sixteenth birthday
He sat there crying 
And carrying on how

He was going to have
To assume his responsibilities
And everything else

Was just his
All of it!
No big show for my mother

As usual spoiled
By the boy who was not hers
No front page photo

No mention on the evening news
Not even by her former colleagues 
Son now an anchor of the Evening news

She laid there still beautiful
But old and aged
At 62 she was a year short

Of collecting her old age
Her  sister brought her will
In which I was mentioned

Not Jimmy at all.
Did not go over really well.
The cops had to be called

The few of us who did show
From her huge family
Her mother had a dozen children

Sadly watched her coffin 
Be put in the away from our eyes.
I must have past out or something

The next thing I knew
We were back in that dreadful place
Up there in the once celebrity 

Studded Lakes area
Watching her being lowered
Into a grave

Far away from her birth place
As usual it said Salt Lake City
But really it was the former

French colony.
Whose funeral do you think
Was more beneficial?

The woman who interviewed 
The Lindbergs right after their son
Had been kidnapped?

Or introduced the Windsor's
As abdication of the King
Was being announced?

Or the woman whose daughter
Became the first lady of America?
Probably nothing more 

Than the size of the press.
Both women were wives and mothers
Both lived their lives

Without causing harm to others
And both died with at least one member
There to care about their deaths.

My mother had no one at all.
Not her son nor any of her
Little granddaughters 

Who still show up asking
For them to be introduced
For the usage of extortion

To people who have long
Forgotten any of us
Who lived and breathed

The news the real stuff
There was one set of friends
Who showed to my surprise

It was not they were unwelcomed
But on their honeymoon.
They have since lost their mother

Who was not unknown
Raised around each other
But never allowed to have

A relationship
By those who will not stop
Causing trouble

Even the extortioners
Thought of showing their faces
Not to offer condolences

But to make sure her will
Was not read
And she did have one.

Dear Betty Adelheaded
Has no mention of me
In her will

One of those who will not
Stop making others feel
Her pain for having done 

Nothing but causing harm.
After being convicted
Of abducting me

And attempting to kill me
She ran away from her prison
Taking me with her

Putting me up for adoption
In Germany
A woman in France 

Wanted to see me
She was once a rich woman
Having come from the south

Working at everything
To make it big
Which she did 

She was one of the biggest
Things that had hit Paris!
And then the Germans 

Came marching in.
She worked for the French
Resistance as my grandmother 

Had done during those years.
She wanted me to know
Who my grandmother

Had been to them
And said normally
She might adopt me

But I should go back
To my family
While that little bitch

Was executed for 
What she had done
To our family .

Poor Betty 
Did not stick around 
To meet this grand lady

But she died shortly 
And before my grandparents

Arrived from America
There was a huge funeral
Through the streets

Of Paris
For Josephine Baker
Which I walked 

With the others 
Behind her casket
To be meet by my own

Grandmother Hazel
Along with her husband
To be told to never

Again, think I was unwanted
They had both meet the 
Former Queen as a child

But were not there 
For her huge state funeral
I recall the one for Churchill

Being important to them.
But they were not important
Enough for those in the know

To keep out the ones
Who just want extortion money.
Sadly I watched on my television

The woman who altered
The modern world.
Now her son has taken over

Charles has never had a good life
It has always been beset with difficulties
He had to go in for surgery

An important event
A possible life threatening one.
But even in this he was

By his daughter in law
Who just had to go in for

Abdominal surgery
Kate is so skinny
What could possibly be wrong?

Maybe she had a hysterectomy.
For Jimmy!
He does enjoy wearing them...

Anyways a woman 
Passed away of whom
Not many of us knew

But got the send off
Her family desired
While the rest of us

Wait for the day 
We don't want to face
And hope there is still

A spot on the hill
To bury them.
Roses,  look for roses....

The sorrowful lady
Who attended the Orthodox 
In San Francisco instead 

Of the Catholic private school
Desires that daughters be allowed
To send their own mothers off

Without regrets that the wrong one...
Nor conspirators showing up.
Sadly it happens to us all.


Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...