Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Skating on thin ice


No public funeral?

Well. well.

No public official's requirement.

At this point 

They are criticizing Putin 

For his lack of response.

It means none of the other guys 

Have to make the trip 

To Moscow either.

It is very thin ice

Refusing to acknowledge 


Just because 

Everyone got into 

An argument

Over land

Versus population

Who wants people

We just want the land

I am fully sympathetic

With Zelensky

In not wanting to endanger

his family nor his people

But he does not seem to care


What happens.

As for Putin

He is an old-time leader

They went into protect

According to the reports

The ones seeking freedom

And now no one wants

To give in

On either side

And this man 

Who kept the world 

At large 

From nuclear 


Is not going 

to be given the same honor

That Zelensky 

Would be provided.

If he should die

The whole world

Would cry for him.

But not Gorbachev

Just because

It is inconvenient 

To give in and attend

A funeral in Moscow?

The whole world

Watched in shock

At Philips Mountbatten's

Funeral held in a private 

Church ceremony

Where cameras were allowed.

But still not a state funeral

Noe a public attendance

And for a man who gave up his own 

For the sake of the woman, he loved.

His own children do not bare his name.

He is one of the last of the known Romanoff's.

His blood is tested against the frauds.

And he we have the last guy 

Who had access to the old reports

Of what really happened 

Going to his grave 

Without any public state funeral.

Who were they?

The Romanoff's?

The richest and most powerful royals

And yet they were taken down 

By their own security

Betrayed by their own relatives

And not even gone after by anyone at all

Except the one chance 

That alternate friend

Provided an escape but not a life.

The world will never know

Nor will the world leaders

Get forgiven by historians

When this is over.

Why did they not go?

Only the public 

Can now mourn 

This mans who rose out of nothing

According to official records

And became a leader 

At a time when the world was lost

A public viewing and funeral on a Saturday

Not a working holiday.

Everyone can walk in off the public Transportaion.

For perhaps one of the best peacekeepers

A Nobel prize winner.

Unlike the other guys.

Who are just being stubborn.

Now let's talk about the Queens funeral

I have heard talk of complaints

Of traffic on the day her funeral is expected.

Afterall, she is close to a hundred now

And not getting any respect from her granddaughter in law

And during her Jubilee 

But it is something to consider

The spoiled young things

Expect there to be anything open at all.

The Queen dies honey

There won't be anything open 

At all in downtown London

All the government will be shutdown

And the only traffic will be to her funeral.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

And now we interrupt your lives....


It has happened.

The one guy who might have saved the Western world pre-twenty-first century.

Has gone to his ancestors.

Who of you dare not attend his funeral?

Which one of you has an actual excuse?

Not to go to Moscow!

Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev

The Last and the First

Has died in Moscow.

His funeral will be held 


Of the West wants

And those who don't attend  

Will suffer the indifference

For their entire nation.

He was the last Soviet Leader

Who face the falling of the Iron curtain

In just one day, it collapsed.

He did not the red button on his desk

He went forward with an elected majority.

He became the first Elected President of the Russian Federation.

We might not believe in their elections

They are unlike ours 

Kept from the public the real count

But he did come forward the winner

And he was accepted by his people

At least for a time

Until the Coup

That toppled 

Perhaps one of the hardest Eastern leaders.

Who also knew how to keep 


With the West.

Unlike Zelensky

He knew defeat

When it came to him

He did not keep the Ukrainians

From leaving when they wanted to go 

Just let us go

In the end, 

It was seen as a good thing

All those Jewish people

After all, the real Russians 

Had been killed off

A long time ago.


Was not unknown for the Soviets

An Atheist

By nature

And an intellectual

Who kept his one wife

Despite the trouble 

It must of cost

The CIA 


Who just wanted to nip 

Into his bed for a look see

Those girls 

Can't be trusted

With anything at all.

His wife and him

Made a formidable team.

His daughter made him a grandfather.

Captured with her grandparents

There is a story 

No one has ever heard.

Yet we know have 

An issue

Freedom versus peace

Who will be the first 

To concede

It will be wrong 

Not to go to his funeral.

A state funeral 

Is being held

For a Pop star

Named Olivia

In Australia

And we all know

That nobody 

Is going to miss it.

So, what is going to happen next?

Not a single Western leader

Has anybody but himself to blame.

Even Zelensky

Should be in attendance.

He is the only one 

We expect not to attend.

His neck is too precious

But the others have no choice

Go or be the next guy

On the chopping block

And the diplomacy of the nation

Is at risk.

Just tear out that 

Red Phone

Mr. Biden 

If you don't 

Step off a plane 

In Moscow

In the near future.

The last of the Soviet leaders.

Has gone to his forbears.

Those of whom appear 

To be descendants of perhaps the Huns

Eastern leaders

Always keep their hand 

On the horns of authority.

The Late Diana 

Was a descendant

Of Attila the Hun.

Do you think 

They might have been 

Distant relatives?

One wonders,

But his family's history

Would have been kept

In the Kremlin vaults,

Just as his chauffer's

Might be a general's descendant.

His grandfather worked 

As the chef for Lenin.

Who was the grandson of a Jewish Medical doctor.

The World is small when it comes to the inner circle.

And those who refuse this invitation.

Are asking for war not peace.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Fifty years ago

Has it been that long?

It seems just like yesterday.

That the young couple got engaged.

A new man was coming from California.

To be President of America.

His family were Quakers.

It is one of those things to be from the same state

As the new man in town.

We once had an old brick building left over

From the early days 

That no one else wanted.

It had been used as a hospital 

During the civil war.

Half of it was burned down

Due to the measles outbreak.

Before that there was a small Indian village.

And then a scientific academy

Was built upon the site.

After that they took 

Our abandoned building

And attempted to steal it

The whole community had grown

around it and its solid foundations.

They say the Baptist church used

It for a hiding place for the underground railroad.

That might explain the measles.

Anyways, the old relatives 

Were angry when they found 

It in its condition

And restored it the best they could

Only to have it go the way 

Of those who just don't care

To file the papers, at the clerk's office.

Those damned city clerks.

They just don't want to file

Anything at all.

We were a mixed baggage

Of Religions and ethnics.

We were those who had found their way

Back to the District of Columbia.

Native Americans, French, Russians and a few other Europeans.

But none of us were German enough 

To make those damned city clerks

Actually, file a paper.

Others always wanted the place

After money was uesd to fix it up.

And it was nver the same

And now it is just attached to a glass building.

Not good for anything at all.

All because we were the ones 

Everyone took advantage

And blamed for what went wrong.

This man was coming from our state

And his family were religious.

Even though his wife and him were not going

To make it an issue.

His daughter got engaged.

Everyone was happy

It was to the grandson 

Of a popular former President.

Whose family were also religious.

Catholic is the religion

The atheist couple decided 

Upon in order to get away from 

All the others 

Too much Protestant protest.

Julie and David.

The romantic couple of the year.

They got engaged and the world changed.

Not their fault but their father 

Who was also a war hero

Became the nation's scapegoat.

Her father was to make a new nation

With new values

And a new generation

They were going to change the world

That generation

But instead, they were no better 

They did not want to go to war

They did not want to believe in God

They did not even want to believe in the printed word

They were their own gods

Thier own masters

And they created thier own worlds.

Through drugs and manipulation.

It was understood

Everyone was now going to be allowed 

To have their rights.

Instead, the Germans

Had not gotten the message

That they had not won the war

Or the one before that either.

Two wars they had lost.

And they would not concede.

Instead, they wanted to have their way.

All over Africa.

Where Germany went wrong

Besides pursuing the Roman church

Instead of the Eastern Orthodox.

But world domination

Every empire attempts to get this privilege

World Domination

Through ownership 

Of a land they do not deserve.

With Alexander it was India 

That was his demise.

And Babylon

Should have left the Hebrews alone.

Germany decided they wanted Africa.

All those years of Egypt

Dominating everyone else

But now they were going to go 

Inside those forests 

And use their own to breed

A better race

To reproduce a giant race

That would then dominate the rest

Instead, they made the forests angry

And their coffee plantations

Took up the water that was needed.

And they animals 

Did not want to be hunted

Nor did the humans.

They brought home 

Only the ones 

That looked right

They were wrong

The stupidity 

Became obvious

After a single generation

They went mad

Thier creations

Had come out stupid.

There were the smart Jews

Who still  had banking and merchant 

Skills and contacts.

They sought to end the route

Towards Asia and Arabia

They thought by making

Africa the primary trade route

They could control the others.

Instead they created monsters

Stupid and large and white.

It would take generations before 

They would be caught 

So they deported them

And went to war with those

Who would know

Attempting to create 


As war machines

Thier own gave them up.

The upper class

In order to get away 

From they had caused

But even that did not keep

Them from entering America.

We here of the slave labor

But it was nothing more than

The owners punishing their own

Kind for the most part

The system got out of hand

In the end,

Those who needed help

Were sorrounded by those 

Who were going to destroy


Because Germany 

Had not intended to loose 

The war

They simply moved it over 

To this continent

There we sat

As dead ducks

Because one of them 

Had found us

Causing our mother to lose her mind.

Not racist on our part

But we could not stop

One of the White stupid ones

From convincing our mother

That she had to give up her brown children

In order to have a better world.

Jimmy caused all sorts of trouble.

We could do nothing at all or there 

Might be a civil strife 

That would bring down the White House.

Instead, Jimmy whose father was white

And a very big an in Hollywood

Kept promising a movie star life

To everyone not expecting

Anyone would understand his misery

Being born to an African woman.

Her name was Camille

She was married to an African politician.

In Washington DC

He had a mistress without her knowing

She felt so guilty for having an affiar.

But the man would have married 

If the laws had been different

A different time 

Jimmy was spoiled by his real mother

While he took advantage of everyone else.

He even made blond, blue-eyed men

Believe that he was their son

All the while

His father Captain Kangaroo

Kept taking us to court

And making it clear

That is my kid!

He was supposed to be raising him

Not a bunch of German girls

He refused to pay the bills 

And somehow, we ended up with him

My mother would not give in

She was stuck in the war years

She was only four years old

And everyone was afraid of the Germans

Including Candace who was a convict

As well as her husband Duane 

Who liked to call himself Dick

And live inside walls 

Whatever the politics or beliefs 

Of our new man in office

He had not a chance

While his daughter was being married 

In a rose garden

Jimmy was playing games on the Potomac

Down by Georgetown

Because the city clerk

Had not papers on file

We were forced out of our house

And had to relocate 

To this place.

There was a new building 

We had to pass on our way to school.

It had a library and a post office.

There was a bus stop out front 

And a park on the river 

Out back.

It was called Watergate

As a gate to the water 

Of the Potomac.

It was his clever idae

To lay in way for us 

As we went back and forth

Us children.

There was four of us 

In the beginning

Two identical girls 

And two boys.

Not blond and blue eyed.

There were many young girls

Willing to play with jimmy

One was named Mae

Or Sonja, now Ludmilla

She changed her name as often 

As she changed husbands.

She finally was forced 

By jimmy to marry

A KGB agent

But at this time 

They were twelve years old

And in love.

They got married in Mexico

Just like the young couple

And then they set up house 

Wherever we went

Just to amuse Sean

As he called himself 

In those days,

He changed his name afterwards.

He also played games in the garage.

My sister was telling me the stories

I had been sent away 

To get out of my mother's way

The boys had also been sent away

She could not understand

At some point

She had been put in the wrong place

Adn now her brain was washed

For Jim to use to his advantage

He wanted to have fun all the ime

And not go to school

His real mother wanted him 

To go to college as she had.

Her husband had gone to war

And now they were both involved 

In the organization that was a going 

To right the wrongs 

Of the past.

Jimmy heard teh President was going to make it happen

This new world 

Where he would have to acknowledge 

His black colored mother.

His little wife gave birth

To the thing that was going to destroy

My family because he had made 

Himself over the son of the family

Except it came out the wrong color.

His blond, blue eyed wife could not understand

Nor could his real father

Because he was not mature enough yet

He explained to be the father of anything at all

The poor young woman had to be put in a mental hospital

Before she had the baby taken away

And then had to go do this and that

Before she ended up with the wrong man.

Meanwhile, she was pretending to be a young girl

And other times trying to get the teenage daughter

In trouble as well.

After a while everyone 

WAs helping jimmy 

In his efforts 

To make trouble

For the establishment

Many had done things in that town

And even more had caused their own

To go and elaborate 

Unnecessarily upon

The wrongs of the current generation

It all came out in the wash

The Washington Post

Decided to run an article

They said they had evidence 

Of the wrongdoing of the President

Based upon the young blond, blue eye

Boy who did not want to be African

But was going to have his way.

No one really knows what happened.

Two people at least died 

My little sister 

Who looked just like me

And was playing with Jimmy

Since her brothers were gone

And a neighbor's wife

Nellie had gotten involved

With the children who went 

To the park and the library

I don't believe she knew anything at all

But maybe she had met the real mother

It would have been a simple thing

The auto accident 

Took her life, her small daughter 

And my sister

As well as my family's life

We never did recover from whatever went wrong

At that place 

Called Watergate

My mother always took me back and insisted

I was the one who had been the rat

Instead of the cat 

Who wanted to know the truth

But watched 

Instead, her own father 

Set on fire 

By Jimmy

And her mothers 

Suffer from brain cancer

All because no one would rat on Jimmy

And he was not going to explain

His pain of not being in the right family.

After he made that man go back

To California 

He allowed his real mothers 

Husband to become elected.

The first African Mayor 


Mr. Washington 

Is how they called him

And he and his wife 

Were invited to the White House

Instead of this other family

Who were war heroes 

And some of the oldest families

On the East coast.

For no reason at all.

They had gotten included.

Not anymore.

His pretty wife was taken away from him.

And no he had to go to school.

But he owned this family.

Who had somehow gotten 

Caught in a tug of war

With those who should have known 

What they were up against.

A spoiled rotten boy

Born to the wrong mother

And raised in a different community.

The new man never had a chance.

They all do things 

They should not do 

But it is the nature of the job.

It is difficult to explain 


Jimmy just wanted his way.

He has tried to kill 

So many people

He even had the Russian President 

In his fingertips,

They would also no allow 

Him to have that man's job


In his head he creates

A world where he replaces others

They get elected or win a prize 

And he is supposed to be given the reward.

He does not understand when he is told no

By his real parents.

Who are both gone now.

His psychologists have also gone 

After having a nervous breakdown

Some things can't be fixed

Especially if they don't want to be fixed.

Jimmy liked his world the way it was in his head.

All of us have grown old 

Waiting for Jimmy to grow up.

He has had a number of men

Impeached, the ones who disagree with him

According to Jimmy, he allows them to become 

President, and then they are supposed 

To give him the honor of sitting down

In the Oval Office.

Nellies husband is now in that office.

And he appears to be unhappy

Every one of them gets something

They had not counted on

A worldwide Pandemic.

Who would have thought.

I would, because I knew his friends were up to 


I just did not know what

But they had become friendly with the Chinese.

Now Joseph and Jill

Have had the disease themselves.

After all, the safeguards.

And the doctor in charge

Is taking retirement

We might need him

With this new thing.


My family came back from Africa

With this thing

And then the boys were gone

All because 

Someone did not want 

Them to be in the same house 

As us girls.

My sister left me before 

Our usual catch-up conversation.

What or what 

Was he doing down at the park.

I sometimes cry for no reason at all.

It is frustrating 

To be blamed for something 

No one can explain.

Maybe I should sue 

The Washington Post

For allowing Jimmy 

To have his way

With the world leaders

Just because his parents were in love

But he did not want them to have had him.

Instead, he would have preferred 

To have been born a Prince such as Barack?

Or did he think 

He is going to get away from being African?

Merry memories the romantic couple.

Maybe they will be invited.

To the granddaughter's wedding

In the rose garden of Nellie.

Who only wanted to know what the children 

We're doing as her husband 

Was newly elected and she wanted to make no mistakes.

My world view 

Is that everything

Is Jimmys fault! 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

He was just five

The nineteenth child has died this year.

From being locked inside a car.

He was just five.

How wrong is it to have a society 

Where children have to be locked inside cars.

And then have no way of getting out.

They said it was 101 degrees outside.

How hot was it inside?

Hot as hell, for a child so small.

Don't you wish some others would suffer the same fate?

Such as Candance!

She is nothing but a wicked witch.

She was convicted at 17 from sexual assaulting a child.

Little girls were not allowed to be prettier than her

She still has difficulty in dealing with reason.

She knows believes she is married to the young lady

Who survived being sexual assaulted

But can't understand why everyone believes.

The sexual pervert

The convicted sexual predator

Is anything nice.

She is just a sick little monster

Who talks as if she is six years old

And actually, points her little finger and threatens

Uses the words promise

When she means or else.

Is not unknown to visit men at night

And remove the offending object

She wants her way at all times.

And her family have allowed her to continue

They are collaborators in her illness

Conspirators in her debauchery

And constant defrauding of another individual

She calls constantly saying someone is contagious

That they are homeless

That they are a little thief

She has no knowledge nor authority

She says she is the police 

Or the social services

And stupid clerks in stores 

Listen to her because they don't know any better

Elders and social workers won't do anything

Because she is a sick little witch.

She has locked children in hot cars

Inside freezer, and basements and closets.

Anything harmful

And her family help her 

In her efforts to teach a child 

That she is going to get even with this child

If they dont make sure she gets what she wants

And her family continue to lie to authorities

They even have her nephew go around acting as if 

he his James bond or something

Candace has not respect for James Bond

In fact, she would laugh at hi

If she had a chance

She only wants to make sure anything and everything 

Is corrupted that the girl might come in contact

Such as a movie, a book, a park or even a pet

Do you have any idea how many little kittens have been strangled by her?

She was just five

My little sister

When she died in an auto accident.

Because this little witch and her family

And friends would not stop following

Around and continue their sexual perversions.

They introduce themselves 

With a handshake 

As Christians.

But even Jessica and Ernst were told

That why were not Christians

But they also keep coming around

Claiming falsely to be relatives.

One day someone is going to pick 

Up a gun

And use it on Jessica

Because she won't stop taking advantage

of a blind old man too stupid

Too stupid

Just because of this family of perverts

Such as Alona a retard

Just as Candace's bastard

Is retarded

Little Lisa, the born out of wedlock

Bastard retard

Found in a garbage can

Where Candance threw her away

Because she is a sexual predator

She just wanted to crawl

in and take advantage of a man

Not have his child

And it came out retarded 

Just like her

Which is why the family 

Won't do anything

Susie and Ken and Gail and Eddie

And all of their children

And their friends

Have spent a lifetime

Of promoting a sexual predator.

We now have a society where children can't be left 

Inside the safety of a car

Inside a house or a yard.

We lock our doors and shut the windows

And she still finds a way inside.

All those children want to do is behave

Their parents don't know what to do 

With themselves when there is no reason 

To go on to the next day.

Like my father who lost his way

He had no reason to live anymore

After Jessica and Becky 

Insisted they were will Christians

But really just wanted to be a real princess.

My poor little sister

Snagged that title

And my father did not know the misery

Of a jealous wife

And envious neighbor pervert

And a whole association of liars

Each and every child that dies inside a car

Is the fault of these people 

Who keep introducing themselves 

To politicians as Christians

Instead of liars and sexual predators

All over Candace being 15 not 5 years old.

My little sister

Just wanted to be her daddy's


Instead, fat head such 

As Lila want to sit down 

With their husbands

And take advantage of the situation

More predators

And her husband believes

He will become smarter

Just by looking at my computer

Such a thing is illegal

But these people don't know the law

They don't want to know the law

Nor will they believe in their own bible.

Just a people of swindlers

Sexual perverts

And scam artists

Are all these people 

Practice quite openly

Meanwhile, children are being forgotten by their own families.

Inside cars 

Just because Candance 

Can't use the bathroom facilities

Too retarded

Due to her relatives' indulgences

Those who don't want anything at all with a Paradise for all.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Cossak's journey


Joesph was dreaming of his training as a youth on the long ride East.

The train kept shifting back and forth underneath him.

He was jerked awake with searing pain.

He looked around and he was inside a train car but not a passenger one.

Next to him lay a man laid out in his uniform.

He sighed deeply inside as he closed his eyes.

He could see them again running away the youngest ones across the field.

He knew when his son in law had come with the wrong men that they were in danger.

He climbed out of the window but was struck from behind.

He heard the shots over and over again.

They had propped him up in a chair with his wife and oldest daughter standing behind him.

They were protecting the young boy while his remaining daughter had also been caught.

The two women in the back were whispering "we did not know he would turn on us".

He had allowed his oldest to marry a military man for love and protection of the family.

He was now one of them, which is how they had been gotten to so easily.

He should have seen it coming, but he was distracted with his wife's sympathy's.

He had lived with the Cossacks as well as part of his training.

His father being murdered had prepared him for many things.

But not the betrayal of his daughter by her husband and her mother desperately clinging to her.

They were dead of course; they would not have been able to have serviced the close-range shots.

Meanwhile, as his mind readjusted to the train he could hear her, Ana's breathing with difficulty.

Somewhere in this train she was a still with him in their fight against the mad Kaiser.

There are cousins and then there are relatives.

The Germans had gone way over in their domination.

Everyone was meant to have their own kingdom.

The power struggle of the past century had strengthened the borders.

But destroyed the interior workings of the court.

The Great game had gone to far for some.

He could only lay in misery as his wounds became more evident.

He had been wearing an insulated vest provided him by his own valet.

It was worn constantly and had been hot at times.

It was worth it as it had saved his live and given Ana a chance.

He had thrown her behind him when they began to shoot.

He lost consciousness as soon as he realized his wife was not wearing her corset.

Her protection was on her back, and she was to throw herself on the nearest one.

Instead, she had gone down with her first born protecting the boy.

He can almost remember being hauled out by his shoulders.

Over the others and up the stairs and shoved into a dark space.

He can smell hay and they must have been on a wagon at one point.

That would explain the rolling that was going on inside his head.

He shifted between consciousness and hallucinations.

His life flashed in settings from the past.

His life living among each ethnic group.

His desire at learning the grace skills.

Finally, he can smell the sea as his dressing have been changed.

He is now sitting up and the man was removed a while ago.

They put it on a cart and drew it up towards the border in the south.

Crimea got to see the sight of the dead hero, before he was slipped into the water grave.

It was the only way they could understand to get through to the troops.

That their leader was dead, and his family gone for good.

Her body he discovered was on the train with them.

The two women were in the car where the ice was piled at every stop.

A huge fire he understood had engulfed the small forest where they had been held.

He has been provided information that they will be setting sail.

They want to know where to take the women.

They feared to leave them behind, not the wolves but the maniacs.

Unspoken fear, he nodded his comprehension.

A proper burial for them would have been at one of the small churches.

Or even taken back to the city, but they were not sure if it would be secure.

Too much hatred had been shown towards them for being beautiful females.

Instead, he had to decide on an Asian burial perhaps.

Or even Alaska, a former Russian territory.

Ana had not recovered but continued in a coma like state.

Her health was fragile, and the next stage of the journey had to be considered.

His self-appointed savior had explained the delicacy of everyone's situation.

It was discovered there were friends he had not known.

They have agreed to take the responsibility on the rest of the journey.

He can stay only as long as his recovery will take.

Then he must move on with his females.

The ones to be buried will continue with their ice.

Ana, is being given special treatments.

They hope she will awake soon.

Wherever they go it will not be back home.

They must go towards the last outposts of hope.

An ocean voyage was almost more than he could bare.

The constant jarring against his ribs as they healed.

His mind again wanderd to the times his family were told.

How the others were living and yet they had done thier turn.

It is odd how some dont understand the complications.

Of dealing with trouble rousers.

Rasputin had been dangerous they had said.

With his monk's attire and lust for a life not his own.

But the Jews who had been welcomed were now causing concerns.

Ulyanov was a medical doctor allowed to convert to Orthodox.

His spoiled grandson was pretending to be a field worker.

Or industry slave. Like that Hughes crew.

Donetsk had been bought by this Welsh guy.

Who reinvented the community into English speakers.

Meanwhile, the Odessa Jews were known to be Pirates.

Cutthroats, the worst villainy upon their own people.

And then there was the sadness of Sicily.

Who had also gone the way of the rogues.

But again, friends had arrived with a place for them.

Thier arrival was soft and in the fog.

He recognized the old fort.

But it is not the correct place.

There is one better than this for his family.

He had not seen the old wooden buildings in a long time.

He was surprised there was so little left to the area.

Most of it they said had been sold and was now in Sacramento.

He was taken to Sebastopol, where he laughed, hurting himself, it was the wrong one.

They introduced him to a new vehicle.

He had been in aeroplanes but he was not expecting this ride.

They wanted to get them quickly to the last place.

He has to make a decision now on the final resting place.

He recognized the young man.

His family were rail inventors, and exiled royals.

A variety of different types of rails and engines.

He was very kind in explaining how much had changed.

When he and his wife had arrived, they had expected a wooded estate.

Instead, they had Jardins of fruit trees.

Olives, apricots, avocados, and even grapes.

His life was not as expected, his new friend lamented.

But he knew people and there was nothing to go back.

Schleswig lands were gone to the Germans.

His theory of life was not his own but he enjoyed the conversations.

He understood he could not be in contact with his usual associates.

He was introduced to several new people.

Those who knew how to fly these machines and electric cars.

He was introduced to Hazarthy the West coast wine master.

He had seen the International Pan-America exposition.

He explored the old original Sebastopol.

He was sad to see how much of it had been destroyed.

In their haste to get away from the Spanish once they realized.

What they had missed, not the coast but the ships east.

His decision was a service inside the old ceramic tiled churches.

They were laid to rest with cement walls to guard them.

If they could smell they would smell flowers.

The Monarch butterflies keep coming to see the new residents.

The point was to have that found at all, due to their identities.

Having meet several pilots he began to take lessons from them.

While he waited for news of his living ones.

Those that escaped had not been mentioned to him on the journey.

But one of them made it through, word had come of her in Asia.

She had gotten separated from the others and was air delivered to hm.

He wanted to join the fight from the air himself.

Now he must consider relocating to another place.

For the safety of the children, he can't be discovered. 

Ana finally awakes from her coma but has been left behind.

Adopted by a distant relative she will remain undetected.

His one daughter was removed to a more secure location.

He has gone back as a Cossack to sneak in behind the lines.

He must find the other two missing, before they are used as hostages.

He has new friends who are helping, with negations.

He has had to be kept from speaking to those who have been waiting for news.

It is their security they are concerned.

It is thought that once this Great war ends.

There will be more trouble ahead.

If he wants to stay hidden, he may.

If he wants to challenge, he will have to do so afterwards.

Cairo became their home for a while, his grandson had been found.

The youngest found her way to him anyways instead of staying in America.

And the last one stayed missing until Paris gave up its secrets.

She had stayed under the radar the whole time.

And he had never known where and what she had done.

But had gotten the information that her body was never found.

Until one day she walked up to him at the Eiffel tower.

He had decided to become a diplomat.

To stay behind the scenes and mold the others.

And to keep peace as President Woodrow had attempted.

His grandson had grown up at his knees.

Never far from him, as he learned the Western styles.

Living on horses and going to the shore.

Learning life in a different world view.

They had survived the worst sort of horror.

Thier own relatives had devised to destroy.

Not even a hint of it will ever surface.

But there is a grave waiting to be given back.

To the people who should have wanted them not to be murdered by their own.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Just a pair of sandals


The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Candace just wants to own the body and soul of the very embryo of the expected ruler.

Jim wants to be the ruler of the world and has gone to great lengths to get even with everyone.

He even attempted to kill Yeltsin at least three times when he came to visit the Clintons at the White House.

There are those who still wonder what happened that day and a few who were left outside long enough not to be kept from remembering only to be liquidated anyways.

Life is never easy for the Jims of this world.

Born to the wrong women.

A wealthy woman in Washington married to an upcoming politician.

She controlled much of the African community and him as well.

He would not acknowledge her due to his lack of pigmation.

And being abducted by a number of blonds who had heard about something.

All they needed was that golden boy and they could get into the newer Wasps.

The Candaces of this world are fewer and rarer when combined with a Jimmy.

They get into each other's way most of the time.

It is those women who feel they can own other children.

And then raise them for themselves to control as heard in many fairytales.

Where would the world rulers if they had not had safe Nannys?

Or good grandmothers who kept an eye on their own offspring?

Instead of wanting to get rid of each and every one of the things born.

Or attempting to steal another child to replace hers.

Or just make everyone's life miserable because they just don't want to cooperate.

What was the end goal in getting even with one member of the family at the harm of the rest of them?


Once upon a time in a Harem.

There was a Prince who wanted to make an impression.

He only had a few girls yet and the new one was fair and blond.

Odd ones often caught the attention of his father.

He wanted to go visit and this new slave came to him first.

She was very willing to please him now and unaware her place would not be first once he got want, he wanted in place and position.

He promised her a slipper made of gold so her foot would never touch dirt nor leather and made of glass to sparkle as she danced for him in front of the others.

These promises were made in order to secure her trust and complicity in what he was about to do.

He needed her to do exactly what he told he and not argue, those shoes were his key for they would be noticed and then removed if she disappointed him. 

Returning her to slave condition again.

They had made it to his tropical resort.

A vineyard and spa with horse races and other vices. 

It was called Pompeii.

It was beautiful and the very powerful came to visit.

Even the Emperor himself might make an appearance.

It was not as easy to get to Rome as it was to find a location where one might meet a very important person.

She had the shoes on her feet, and she was very careful. Very careful.

They were leather on the bottom but with gold overlay on the souls. 

Real gold straps for her ankles in order to never lose them.

They were kept in sight at all times by her new keeper.

Who needed a security guard?

The glass beads sparkled in the sun and in the moonlight and in the candles.

There were many glances at them.

He must have robbed his father's coffers in order to get those things.

She was not a fool and knew her life was short if she lost even one of the ugly white stones.

It was one of perfect weeks, he had come to the spas as expected.

The Prince had made good on his bets and even won enough to pay for what he had borrowed.

It was to impress his father that he was working so hard to ensure his place in the system.

A harem was tricky, it was not the oldest, the prettiest, the smartest but the favorites.

He had enough he felt to make his father impressed and with the vines he had dug up

a new vineyard for his father as well, to ensure his success.

She had liked it after all the play to be told, that she was also a prize.

She had even asked to have the shoes removed, he had not given in.

Now she was crying with her bruised body draped across the horse.

He was quietly leaving before they woke up and discovered her gone.

He had only promised one night and one night it was going to be.

Besides he felt the shoes were more the reason for the night.

They had to be removed before she stepped foot into the sleeping chamber.

Hence her bruised body and his heavy heart. 

Mount Vesuvius was always in the way whenever he tried to get his bearings.

It was doing something strange, and the ground had been shaking.

He was more worried than he wanted to admit.

He finally got off his horse and started to jog alongside in order to move quicker through the night.

She was worth getting out of there and back to the safety of his father's harem.

He might even make her his chief wife after all.

It struck suddenly and without expectation.

A volcano. Who had heard of a volcano in the area.

He knew of them of course from the travelers.

He knew to move faster and away from the thick smoke before they were incinerated.

He tripped over some roots and went down hitting his head hard.

While the rest of Pompei slept and were overcome by the ashe.

She had agreed to switch places with another one.

The young girl wanted to have this man in particular.

She found it afterwards, that she wanted to murder him.

At the time she did not know in the switch.

It was the shoes that were the problem.

When he said they would have to be removed, she knew when to make the switch.

The problem was getting back with him afterwards.

She heard her being beaten and could not stand it.

She was spying on him to see what he was doing without her.

Nothing but guarding those shoes.

It happened so fast she had not seen them coming up behind.

They captured her as the girl was being removed.

He had arranged for them to be drugged at some point.

All she knew was she being carted somewhere in the dark.

They had found the important man drugged and bleeding.

They knew the girl had not done it and decided to steal her and sell her somewhere else.

In the dark, the Ashe overtook all who attempted to escape.

The girl on the horse bolted and threw her off.

She would be turned into Ashe but as a murder avenging her own father it was fitting.

The girls cart got overturned and she was able to escape.

Just as the men found her man.

They recognized him and went for the shoes.

She had just enough times to hit them on the head.

She loaded him on to the cart and began to push with the help of the horse she had found.

They made it to the marina where she loaded him on to a boat.

She almost made it out herself, but she wanted her shoes back on.

It was something they had spoken of, and she was afraid he would be attacked again.

A puff of the volcano had come out faster and speed across the rest of them and caught up with those at the marina.

She lay there with her head covered under a rocky overhand and her feet dangling over the edge.

He saw this as his boat was swept away onto the water and safety.

She had saved his life, switched with another girl and rescued the shoes all for him.

He would go home and set up a memorial for her to be remembered.

Those shoes would remain in his memory as he uneasily explained to his father his success.

And the wrath of the Volcano that had given them time and a vineyard but not a new Emperor.


The archaeologist in training had actually been working for many decades.

It was returning with different degrees until she had enough to earn her the right to her own discoveries.


A little further down was the marina, she recognized the water and boats.

She found evidence of the length and strength of the volcano.

She found the legs sticking out of the rocks.

Her feet at been cut off.

She laid there layered in fine cloth and protecting herself.

But her feet had gotten in someone's way.

A little further on down the route pack towards the main center they had found more evidence.

It looked as if there were bandits at work that very night and some of their loot could be seen.

There was a strange space on floor where there appeared to have been something laying.

It had been covered by something heavy and fire resistance.

Further afield on one more trip to the area was a pirate's cove.

There in the middle of it sat a proud body of a please young woman who had escaped.

Only to die anyways at the haven where she had a baby.

Her body had been left in the middle of her loot guarded by jaguars who eventual died as well.

On her feet where a pair of gold slipper sandals, they still gleamed even with a flashlight.

It was only later after photographing the site and recording it that it clicked where the bandits had been.

The two locations must be related but how to prove it. 

Her memorial had been made with love by someone and evidence of a baby, but nobody gave evidence of another human interfering with nature.

She would have to be careful in her questions and she was going to hide her discovery for her grandfather.

He was the master archivist and could at least find the information if not already know it.

Her trip took a turn to Arabia for something or other that was required.

It meant on her way back she might be attacked by one of the many girls of Jimmy.

He had so many and all they wanted was to wear her clothes. 

What he wanted was to know what she was working on in order to use it for extortion.

It was candace who captured her but after she had begun to unpack.

She had hung the shoes along with the others on the back of the bathroom door.

It was another girl who came and took over the room who began to wear the sandals.

She had no idea what they were but started with the expensive summer sandals.

She had to actually pretend to be a housekeeper.

The Jims girl did not go out at all unless she had to but was wearing each pair of sandals.

There was only a dozen she had to get in there quickly.

The girl had taken the drinks to easily and was snoring lightly.

The shoes were in the waste basket and a replacement on the wall.

She had not finished the toilet area when she heard noise.

She fled as she would be recognized.

As she passed a stranger, she knew she handed him a manila envelope for him only.

He looked startled but by the time she got the cart downstairs they were upon her.

This security was through in their search of the garbage and laundry.

The Jims girl only knew the wrong cleaning lady was in the room.

She was fired and told not to come back.

She sat in her car and thought of how to get out of this place.

He walked over to the steakhouse and hoped she would follow.

She walked in and waited until he called her over.

He handed her the envelope and told her too never do it again.

She apologized but in her line of work she was always carrying items that the insurance would not care to lose.

Where to take them was the question.

She was sure she could not get to any of the places without getting caught.

Her father was in town she seemed to think he could handle anything.

He just nodded his head and handed them over to his father-in-law who had a safe.

It would be a few weeks later that she found herself working in her grandfather's office.

She was wondering where he was and phoned him and asked him to come down.

He came by taxi and asked her how she had known where he was.

They were captured in the parking lot.

The safe was invaded and the contents thrown away except for cash.

The brown bags were picked up by her father and he found the shoes again.

He gave them to his son and told him to take them to the bank.

The boy gave them to his mother instead out of fear.

The mother wore them on her feet every day for a few weeks.

She had heard about her daughter stealing them and jsut made her happy.

She was wondering why she had not heard from her father and was going to make a phone call.

She sat down on a bench to catch her breath while she looked down at her daughters' shoes.

She could not stop making fun of her, she was scientific and not at all ladylike.

She wore strange things; she hated pink for instance.

These shoes were just too much for her to handle.

She imagined an elegant dress and then instead of heels, these things. 

She smiled to herself and took another look.

The shoes glistened like glass.

She got really quiet and took them off.

Just like her daughter to find something and hide it from her.

She walked barefoot all the way to where jimmy was running a pawn shop.

He had stolen much of her father's stuff and there was nothing she could do about it.

She was going to demand to know what these were made of then kill him if he double crossed her.

He was about to pear at them when a needle wiped out and jabbed him in the neck.

It was extra strong, and he was extra resilient.

He went down anyways, and she had the shoes in a metal lock box and in the car before her mother could do anything.

Mothers with Dementia should not be allowed to run around on their own.

She not to let her in the car with her but called a cab to see her off to the station.

She was taking her to see her grandfather who had his head bashed in.

The shoes made it to the museum security room.

At last!

And then her grandfather's funeral she forgot to about them for a short time.

That short time sent Jimmy looking for his lost loot.

He had seen enough of them to want them back.

He knew where she had gone and sent in Candance to steal them for him.

Without telling her what they were.

He was still examining them when Lisa made her way in and decided she would wear them instead.

She was found lying there in a hotel bed with a sheet wrapped around her Roman style.

The shoes were missing from her feet but there was a picture of her wearing them.

The grandfather had begun to work on the shoes and had gotten that far.

It was amazing who much information these people could get, even classified files form the Pentagon.

It would be another six months before Candace would be seen entering the Louvre in Paris.

On her feet were the missing shoes. 

She had found out what jimmy had her steal and she wanted them for herself.

Security was called and she was arrested.

She was convicted of attempting to remove a musem item by wearing them out the door.

Interpol had had a big day.

This lady they had been after a long time.

But that safe that was robbed contained information the grandfather had known could be used.

She came home without the shoes and her feelings hurt.

No one hurt her and she was not going to get over it any time soon.

Meanwhile, jimmy wanted his shoes back.

He decided to torture the father over a pair of glass sandals.

The father was set on fire and then jimmy realized he had cooked his golden goose.

They all had to chip in to get him out of that hole.

But one day she would be back, and it was over her discovery.

He had wanted to slip them on Dianas feet and have him make him the Prince of Wales.

Or maybe Hillary would give in to him if he gave her diamond studded shoes and make him the President of the United States.

He wanted his shoes made of pretty diamond stones!

They have never been seen again.

And if they were diamond once they are no longer real stones!

Just fakes like Jimmy and his girls.

Imagine if Hillary had ever become President what Jimmy would have done?

Or if Diana had not suddenly died and had married an even wealthier man?

And what of Candace and her poor family suddenly having the ability to outmaneuver the law?

This current situation with a dead girl in a car bomb is so familiar.

Jimmy always promises.

Always asks them to go too far.

Could she get into the Kremlin?

He just needed to know.

Paste instead of real jewels?

Who could have done that?

Probably done long before she had left Arabia.

After all that is where they had come from.

And would have been recognized even centuries later by the descendant of the original Prince of a Harem. 

Meanwhile, another girl lies dead with her father mourning her death.

Jimmy never does stop, does he?

And who will ever stop Candace of threatening people in order to be the one in control?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Some little girls...


She just did not know what she was doing the day she cried on daddy's shoulder. But daddy....

It is so hard to know how to deal with children when they want things that are not theirs to have.

A man can't buy his daughter a princess title for real. Some Americans attempted this avenue only to have it end in bankruptcy.

Look at Astor, one of the richest men but got divorced and married a nobody who then inherited everything her and her unborn baby when the Titanic went down.

Look at Kate Middleton, so miserable. At least Diana was an Earls daughter and not just an airline stewardess bastard. Overnight mail order business became billionaires and now all she can do is sit there and purposely irate the youngest prince just to have attention focused on her instead of that Jubilee nonsense.

What did she do I wonder that caused the path towards a night gone wrong?

Alot of girls end up driving their car into a lake or pond and not being found for at least a decade or two.

Another one just was found in California, a week after she went missing, strapped into her car seat.

Just wanted to go to a party at a lake and then disappeared in front of her family.

My father had the same trouble with me or not me.

Demi Moore was one of the girls and Thelma Louise Weatherford among the many who showed up demanding they were the real daughter of the family.

The real daddy's Princess, except it was my little sister that died who managed to snag the title from war hero grandpa on a visit to the old nations stomping grounds.

It was always assumed i had the title as well, but my mother always took it for others to play with, her mind was so small. 

How could you not see harm coming to a bunch of girls, more than two hundred who want to be princess not for a day as my mother would allow them, but for a lifetime of cheap thrills.

Six months ago, I awoke to my world coming to an end once again.

I am American and Native American and Russian. 

The last thing I wanted was a war between Kiev and Moscow.

Who started the damned thing?

And stop throwing blame but get over it, there was once a beautiful country called Russia America in California that had culture and class. 

Those people disappeared due to the soviets. and then when that collapsed, it was worse all the German high-handed girls showed up claiming freedom but instead just ruined what was left of our culture.

They even taught Russian in schools when I was growing up and Spanish was not one of the options when my father was a young man.

Now it is all Spanish this and Communism that, none of the Latino girls understand that Catholic does not mean prostitute. Even Selena emphasized this culture despite her family being Jehovah's Witnesses. 

One can only wonder what happened one night in the Zelensky's house. 

He has a little girl whom I imagine wants to be a Disneyland Princess.

Which one of the girls does she want to be Anastasia? The missing Romanoff Princess?

Or Queen Esther of the bible?

How do fathers tell their daughters that enough is enough.

They don't. Sometimes they are not even aware that their daughters are asking them to make them into the boss.

But the boss, is what they are, sitting there sweetly with their fingers making it clear they are innocent and unsure of why there is so much trouble.

Even if the other girls don't get what they want, who cares. It is nothing to her, she just wants to be told when and where. She just wants to be included.

It was her car keys wasn't it that got found when things went wrong, and no one could understand how the wrong person showed up and used needles on the girl who was supposed to be left alone.

Now she is dead, and it was her father's car.

Her father who said to be the mastermind of a war that no one wants.

The brains of causing so many others to be denied the right to live and breathe.

We are now told he is behind the war and yet the Zelensky's who are nice people still won't let go of those who want to go and become their own.

Meanwhile, a man who was hailed a hero is being seen as a villain.

He has daughters as well; they might not be his own and his wife was never loyal to him.

But he did what any old good soviet did, he bite the bullet and kept his wife and daughters comfortable.

Now they are fabulously rich and don't do anything at all for old dad.

She even left him for another younger man while he keeps dallying around considering what he wants.

What he wants is his job, what he had was a family and a country. 

Now he has nothing and is doing what he is expected while he wanders around with no certain home.

Maybe Zelensky can ask forgiveness and walk away before there is too much more harm to the entire area.

Otherwise, there might not be a six-month anniversary next but a decade long aftermath.

Someone has to give in at some point and stop pointing fingers.

We all want Donbas to have freedom. We all want the Zelensky's to go to Disneyworld and have a grand time.

We also want to know where they plan to be when it is over, and no one has a place to call home.

I have no home to go to because a bunch of Germans kept crying about big bad wolf Russia.

My father lost his mother when he was three weeks old.

He was adopted out because he was Indian.

His white aunt actually kidnaped him and ran till her husband came home with the navy fleet.

He managed to keep her out of prison, his nephew in his home and the other family out of his hair.

While his young brother-in-law never did find peace of mind even though he remarried and had other children.

Some things never are the same again.

My father lost his youngest of two daughters when she was only five.

He made a special wooden casket for her and then stayed with her until they made him leave.

He was never the same and she was never buried in the fashion he imagines.

He could go places and do things because he knew she was safe. She was not.

Neither was his life ever the same nor would those other girls understand.

Get a life of your own, but they still come back, it is just a game to them.

And nothing more. Nothing more than getting even or making the other girl suffer.

I was known as the lady of sorrows. Crying for no reason. Having been sent out of the Catholic San Francisco community into the Russian Orthodox school near the French Legion of Honor. 

I grew up speaking French and Russian and not knowing I was not supposed to until I meet a bunch of Germans who wanted to know what English was not good enough.

Because they were not my community nor culture, I never did understand them, but my mother bought into their life and lost hers.

Soriety girls are the worst in the world. They claim allegiance but never will tell the other girl what they have to do on her wedding night.

Anyways my misery was about suffering my childhood and getting to adulthood and raising my siblings and giving myself to my relatives and my religion.

I was abandoned by all of them over a bunch of Germans who now wanted to invade China.

They had a fine time in China and now we have Monkeypox. No that is what they brought home when thy invaded Africa. Coronavirus is what they brought home with them.

More body bags, more body bags. 

Home people were not even buried but just burnt in the city parks or thrown into the rivers in hope.

Hope which they claim was the last thing to come out of Pandoras box seems to have gotten lost.

I have meet a number of mean people just today and yesterday and last week.

I thought things were bad, so I crept into a dungeon in order to protect myself.

I figured everyone else would go by me and deal with their own issues.

Instead, my migraines are getting worse, and I am reliving my past few years in a dreadful nightmare.

If a person wakes up in the same bed, they think they have gone to bed in, then they assume they have been nowhere else.

But I keep screaming in my mind about certain people and I am begging to believe Jimmy has been having fun with me again. and again. 

Hmm, might as well see what is out there.

Tap, tap, scrapppp

Oh, its horrible.

Just horrible.

Dark and damp and dangerous.

The world outside is just as I felt it was while I have been meditating inside my dungeon.

Might as well get all the way up to the tower and see what is not flooded, blown up or dying.

Maybe my little sister can come with me this time and see some light, 

She was Hope when we were little, and I was faith.

My faith is never fragile, but sometimes more than others can handle.

Its time a little Hope finds something nice in the world. 

I used to carry her when we were little because she was too fragile.

Then I almost died from kidney failure, and they gave me her kidney.

I have been carrying her since then and dealing with not a dual personality but a dual world view.

Monday, August 22, 2022

And then this weekend,

When we thought it couldn't get any better.

There was a car bomb.

Just like in a movie.

Where has the world gone to that it is now following a Hollywood script?

Out of nowhere, one of the Russian influential has his own daughter engulfed in flames.

Who expected a car bomb in the middle of an actual war?

In the old Soviet days, there was such tactics.

But with an all-out onslaught of heavy artillery?

It is very odd.

Very odd.

Who would do such a thing?

And which side are they aiming at?

The West will assume it is the Russians.

The East will assume it is the Ukrainians.

To whose benefit is it anyways?

And why the daughter?

A threat to keep dad from talking or pursuing peace?

Or is it a mistake or something else altogether.

After all she might have been involved in drug trafficking.

In all the movies it is the usual answer.

The person was assumed innocent is in fact involved.

Well, we will probably not know for another twenty to fifty years.

We are still awaiting the aftershocks of the fall of the Soviets.

All that spying on us and then it turns out they were turning each other in.

Where is this going to end anyways?

We all expected a nice walk in the park after the Pandemic shutdown.

Spring air, and all that.

Instead, we get the Russians throwing bombs at each other.

It is very disturbing to the rest of us that they started up a little war.

Just when we wanted to get out and explore.

Now there is nothing left to go view.

They have destroyed it all for us.

No body bother, it is all over.

Just go back home.

We don't need your money.

It was ours and we did not want to share.

So, we just blew everything up.

Just another apocalypse.

Stay away and be happy.

China is another story.

They really did not want the US to interfere.

They threatened to shoot down Pelosi's plane.

She is third in line to the Oval office.

If something should happen to the President and the Vice.

America will have the Speaker of the House sworn in as the standing authority.

No matter where she is in the world.

Even in Tawain.

She could become the Executor of the land overnight.

Again, why the fuss?

She was just acknowledging trade with an already known country.

China is not acknowledging Tawain as a separate entity.

Just as Ukraine is not acknowledging Donbass as separate.

It is hard to say who is worse.

But China decided to throw military exercises into the works.

Show their force as she was sitting inside their boundaries.

But not a visitor to their shores.

And now two more delegations have gone to visit as well.

Quite frankly, I think the Taiwanese are a little bit yellow.

They looked off color in the news reals.

They are actually in direct line of fire.

If something should go wrong.

They would be hit directly, and they are not a big country.

No hiding in bunkers or flying to another section.

One small island.

With a lot of trade potential.

It is almost as if China declared war upon us or something.

Or was it the other way around.

They were the ones to shut down their country over a little virus.

A pandemic ensured throughout the whole world.

Something that had not occurred before.

The last time China sent a bug to the West.

It hit Europe in four waves.

They called the Black death.

The plague hit them hard, wiping out a good portion of their population.

Meanwhile, a bunch form England jumped on ships.

And set sail for a new country.

The Puritans were successful in not bringing the plague with them.

But negotiations with the East were stalled for another few centuries.

China withdrew behind their walls.

And this after Marco Polo 

Went out of his way to open the country back.

He brought back noodles for the enjoyment of the world.

Spaghetti was this new phenomenon 

After World War II.

America had to import this item.

It became a staple among them.

Macaroni and cheese

And don't forget the Pizza.

What would we do without Italian food?

After all, they also tried to wipe us out during the war years.

Anyways, the noodles are supposed to be made out of rice.

Not Wheat flour.

The world is going to come to an end.

Celiac Disease is a serious issue.

Wheat crops have even been failing in Europe.

This scrimmage in the East isn't helping either.

Remember a real noodle dish is made out of rice.

See the local Italians serve up spaghetti made out of rice.

Where would they be if Columbus hadn't set sail for China?

He found instead of the passage to the East.


Hail the spaghetti sauce from Italy.

Made of ripe tomatoes.

From the Aztecs to your table.


The world goes around and comes right back.

Doesn't it?

All the diplomacy in the world.

A car bomb in Russia.

Just when America is busy trying to execute one of their own.

Who wants to have to pick up the red phone?

Hey, stop that or we will send you something big.

Who wanted to wake up to the Crimean war?

It has been fought over for centuries.

It occurred and they got their freedom.

And then some Jewish guy says they want to take it back.

It's like the Russians are going to take back Alaska!

Or have they suggested that as well?

I wish the Mexican President had not stopped in Tijuana.

Without taking back all of those unwanted illegals from Southern California.

That was close 

The shutting down of Tijuana

AT the border where Trump took his stand.

A wall just as China had built.

Again whom?

Probably all those Russians who are good about slipping over a border.

Well, well.

I think fellow Americans.

We might be at war.

Not with Russia itself

But their next-door neighbor.


They started a plague no one has been able to stem.

Now they don't want us stepping foot on some small island.

And they shoot past the bow.

As the Madame Speaker left town

They shot past her with their new little weapons.

Developed to take down the big bad wolf.

Russia is so close to them.

And yet the Koreans have had a pretty time.

One almost wants to declare Kim an unsung hero.

He has kept us all guessing.

And then got quiet during the pandemic.

His little sister is now getting fisty with him.

He sits there buying up all those supplies.

Then declares his country Corona Virus free.

Meanwhile, his little toys have had a nice time.

Here now the Chinses are showing what they think of having their country stolen from.

They had to endure those noodles being regifted to them as Italian food.

And their little tea plants have given Great Britain sustenance for the last few centuries.

But a Californian woman believes she is going to step foot 

On their island!

No way!

Time will tell.

But I do believe we did actually go to war.

This last month with China.

If not before.

The last straw.

Hopefully it will be a diplomatic war.

And not along range one of them throwing their rockets in our direction.

In the other news.

A huge event occurred this weekend.

In Monterey, California.

They had an auto auction.

Instead of antiques they were selling cars.

They had them out for display

To those who could travel

And walk around.

The old Tulipwood sold for over nine million dollars.

1924 sportster and made out of wood.

Instead of steel.

What a steal.

A one-of-a-kind item.

I know I once had a miniature toy one on my desk.

They made a replica of this model 

And sold it not as a toy

But as a desk item.

And I had one 

In the days when I still owned my own name.

And could make a phone call

And know whom I was speaking 

I just got my doctors message yesterday

Three days after he told me firmly that he had phone me

And left a message on my voicemail.

I did not know anyone left voicemails anymore.

I could not find it, the message. 

But he put me on a 48-hour house arrest

My asthma attack was severe when he did get me on the phone.

Nothing to do for the next few days.

While I got another round of steroids.

I am never going to get my female figure back.

I lost it after my car accident and four quarantines.

No matter of starving will accommodate no exercise.

Any attempt at exercising and my lungs go into overload.

An athlete training was my upbringing.

He could not believe how I sounded.

I could.

I have been telling him all year.

I can't breathe.

Really, I am having a hard time.

Now I have had a weekend of nothing.

And while I was watching the auto auction.

Someone went in planted a car bomb.

What is the world coming to?


Number 98!

Got sold.

The little Cherry red Ferrari

That won a few races.

1956 it was built. 

Went for 22 mil.

They were expecting up to 30 million.

But with everything going wrong on the other side of the globe.

They were glad to get that.

22 million for number 98!


Hope Mr. Putin can sleep,

And Mr. Zelensky,

And even Mr. Macron.


Means no killing.

No war!

So, we can walk around and breathe

And admire little sports cars

From afar!

Oh, and Jill is out of Quarantine.

She can now rejoin her husband.

He says he is coming to visit.

This coast.

Wonder if he will have time to stop

By and visit?

Oh, and yes

Jimmy did it.

The car bomb!

Who else?

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The sad tale of two missing bodies

 My Mother was not ready to be a mommy when I was born. 

She was also not ready when my sister was born.

They caught her on the way out of the plane after giving birth to me.

My grandfather was in hot pursuit as usual of his one and only dividend.

When he finally caught up with her and the ah hah moment was me being held up as evidence.

She had another one sitting there in plain sight that she had just given birth.

My poor grandfather never did win an argument with his progeny.

She was almost thirty and had made a mess of my father's life.

So, they the parents on both sides made her get married.

The end results.


There were two of us and mirror images.

My grandfather knew he was beat.

He knew his daughter.

There was no way to make her believe she had given birth to me.

So, he took me home with him and made the most of it.

I was allowed out on good behavior, hers.

To visit my family but was never really expected to stay.

At some point my father became aware that he had two girls.

Not happy was he, nor wanting to go down the road that led him to meeting my mother.

Again, and again.

Sigh, he was too old to play the same child games.

She never did grow up and her brain deteriated at a rate 

That would startle any scientists.

She ended up with eighty percent of her brain metastasized to cancer.

That is another story.

My little sister was precious and spoiled.

I enjoyed playing with her and cried when she showed up unexpectedly.

I had to return her as quickly as possible

Or she was going to inherit my life.

Aurora was always dying and going to the hospital

Awakening in an emergency room, the morgue or even a coffin.

I am a survivor I am told.

She was not and fragile in her emotions.

We learned to get along somehow

With my mother telling her I was not real nor her sister.

Dawne and I just looked like mirror images of each other.

We walked into alot of danger and waltzed out usually

She liked to dangle from Ferris wheels and rollercoasters.

I often was found in impossible places

Such as Patagonia or Siberia

I even made it to Tibet and meet the Dali Lama!

Then she needed to meet him as well. 

I took her to see the Pope

He made a few calls, and there he was visiting California.

We are not really Catholic but Orthodox

And old school protestant.

One leg or foot on each side of the border and religion.

Just to make sure there was no misunderstanding or mistake.

There came the day when it was her turn to end up dead.

My poor father cried to himself and went to work on a handmade coffin.

She was so small and unique

He could not keep back his wage the rest of his life

Even his real sons were unsure what to do

My mother was an atrocious liar.

She lied to everyone, from the Pope down to her own children.

They did not know who I was at any time.

Except I was always there after the divorce.

My father began to forget he had sons

Instead of Jim.

I complained that after a while I had selective memories.

They all included Jim and none of them made sense.

He was trying to replace the memories of others with him.

Like putting his picture over anything I look at.

He had someone hoodwinked in order to get them to do it for him.

I fought it myself and even got a degree in psychology 

Because I knew there was something wrong.

My parents did not seem to notice.

My father went from great to worse.

He feels apart after awhile

And no one seemed to be able to put him back together.

Enough of his friends tried and complained to me about it.

My mother never did recover the shock of giving birth 

To any of her half dozen.

She insisted Jim was hers no matter what, because he was the one, she had not had.

Anyways, I recall getting up and crawling out of at least one coffin

While my family were sitting there having a funeral

What going on?

I don't know when she began to suspect

But at some point, we both knew we could not be caught together

Or one of us was going to die.

A week before Christmas 

It happened, we were together 

And it was going to be a good Christmas with our favorites.


The grandparents were going to be there 

And they had promised the boys as well.

We were being especially good

Both of us.

Then she disappeared.

And we got in the wrong car

The neighbors who had no clue

What hit her but we were dead

Both of us.

I awoke once more from a really bad place.

And crawled out of the back

To discover 

That someone had dragged my sister out as well

But had left her once they knew she wsa dead.

I had done a lot of praying in my day

And now I pulled out everything I had learned 

From both the Pope and the Dali Lama and anyone else.

Just not Beelzebub!

That would bring Jimmy.

She did not respond to my tender affections.

She was gone.

It took me another six hours to finally be torn away from her 

lifeless body.

As it lay in a morgue instead of me.

I was guaranteed she would be there the next day.

He was wrong, but it happens sometimes.

An adult that is not told the truth himself.

But we had to find my parents first

And he had lost as well.

We found my grandmother first and then his boys

While waiting to for the phone to ring

My father walked in to find a stranger.

He never did respond the same after that.

His boys came and went

I'm sure he loved them.

But when she found her way back 

From where she had gone for a ride

With those people who were not friends.

And found out about the situation

She made the one girl disappear

And the other the device to get even with everyone.

I was not to know how many times she told people

I was lying or dreaming or just making things up in my head.

I was not real to her nor was she going to allow anyone else

To believe in my birth.

Otherwise, she would have to go back to that point

when she had decided to get up off an emergency room bed

And flee

She was not going to back

Nor acknowledge 

That it had ever occurred.

Her reality was a fantasy world.

she had developed while grandpa was away at war.

And she was not at home with her mom.

Not Grandmas fault but she was working

And her brothers' wives were not willing to accept an extra

They did things to the one sister who had a baby

But no husband 

They made sure they had access to their husbands

Afterwards they became suspects

As Nazis 

From the way they always knew where theirs was.

But not where my mothers was located.

Whatever she suffered

Is not compared to what she made everyone else suffer.

I spent years working in various things.

I also kept entertaining morgue attendants.

The doctors put me to work after a while.

Working with the dead or at least the labs.

I ended up with a Forensic degree.

Not something I wanted.


Does not have flesh on them bones.

Dry bones, dry ancient, cracked scraps of bones.


She was well protected at first.

I found her where my mother had sent her.

Mainly because she had stolen my face when she was born.

On a school trip to visit in DC 

One of those places California kids do not get

The real world with all the possibilities

Of where to go to work.

In other words, government agencies of all kinds.

From Libraries to national institutes of science.

She was pulled out of her little draw

On purpose by a guy who had no idea

What the rest of the class

Was going to do

Start puking and screaming.

He just wanted me to see his special one

No one was supposed to touch her.

Little sleeping princess.

That is how i also lost my name to her.

It was not her fault

But among siblings that is how it goes down.



She had to be taken care of before Jimmy found her.

He found her!

We were told about the night visits.

My father did not seem to understand.

If he ever did get the phone call

It was always mother I argued 

About her being moved.

I worked there on and off 

And brought in reinforcement

Til the day I was old enough

To sign her out myself.

But first they gave me her kidney

As I almost did die on dialysis.

That was stolen from me.

Jimmy found out about that little operation.

He made a switch

But got caught that time.

He made it a point

To always know ahead of time 

About any medical emergencies.

And now I can't get anything done.

We moved her several times.

Leaving behind false clues.

A plastic skeleton.

He did not like that one at all.

The next time he caught up with us.

He was left hanging upside down

In a meat locker.

Something else had to be done.

Finding a refrigerated place for her

Was becoming a problem.

And the parents were not speaking to each other.

And the grandfathers had forgotten who I was

In fact, they who survived WWII

They were both showing shocked 

And only knew about Jimmy.

Not even I registered.

He had worked wonders on them.

They had forgotten that there was any girl at all

Nor were there any other children.

Just Jim.


As finding her another location.

I passed her off to another one.

Just make sure it is secure 

Don't tell anyone at all.

He immediately told mother.

She removed her from that location.

I spent a few years not being able to speak.

And then one raining night.

The backyard had a visitor.

Out of the ground arose

A thing.

On inspection

It was a box 

A box with a skeleton

A small female

Had been buried in the back yard.

Like a dog.

My father was very angry and upset.

He had found out years ago

That his little coffin was empty.

Now we had to go visit the church.

In the middle of the night

And a storm.

I was muddy and waited outside.

I should not have done that.

Never do that.

Always go in and find out what is happening.

He told his sad tale.

And then was shown the coffin 

Inside was a small child.

Dressed as a Princess.

She had buried the child 

After she was told about it

By the one I had trusted.

He was never the same again

He had not told me

But also did not argue gain.

This I guessed.

I did not know what she had done

Was then tell everyone that she had two 

Two dead bodies.

After using my sister's body 

To prove I was not real

She was now using two dead bodies

To prove I was a liar.

My father did not know for a while.

He was angry with me.

That I had lied.

All that time,

I was not his daughter

But someone who would not go home.

She just could not stop 

With her dementia 

Lying to her own family

Using enemies

For her games

And her fantasy world.

None of those girls will be forgiven 

By God.

No matter what name he uses

Nor which one they call on him with.

I finally got wind of what my father 

Was now angry about.


As usual 

I went to work to correct the situation.

I had our blood tested.

Surprised grandfathers sat there with him

He had not known what else to do

But get both of them


One last time.

They both died within a short time.

And then it would be his turn.

All because Jimmy could not be caught

Making up stories and causing trouble

Again, and again.

She never did see her sixth birthday

The boys never did have another real Christmas

And I was again both 


And screwed.

I proved to the men I was the real one

But she was not going to go down.

She started a different attack.

On her only living daughter.

Her mother had given up the fight.

I still wonder where she is buried.

Or what ever became of their grandmothers.

Having two great-grandmothers was not usual.

I know one froze to death outside

While Jimmy let himself inside.

To tour a place that was not his.

We on our way to Utah

With her just sitting in the back seat with me

When we were car jacked.

I know the car was found in a barn.

In California,

With a skeleton sitting in the back seat.

Jimmy drove past me once

When I was waiting for the school bus

And he was not old enough to drive.

In fact, he failed his driving test.

I knew I could not tell my parents

They would not believe me.

I did tell grandpa

I saw his mother out for a ride

Sitting in the back like a queen.

I don't know if he ever caught up with her.

But I guarded the next one

And the next one

And probably won't find 

Any of them in the right place

When Gabriel 

Blows his horn 

For them to arise

In that far off time

Of the Grand Resurrection.

According to a few Protestant


Who believe there will be a second chance.

For some

But not others.

Maybe God

Will remember my birth

And know not to strike me dead

When he discovers I am still alive.

My father's misery proceeded his death.

He was not able to forgive himself.

But when a man loses everything

And is still presented

With a woman he does not know

Has gone ahead of us all 

To that other place 

In order to destroy

It as well.

She might not ever rest in peace.

But for the rest of us 

Peace will never be enough.

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...