Thursday, September 1, 2022

Where is Saint George?


Smok has arrived on the scene. 

Once again, the villagers have had to flee. 

While their homes burn.

And their town destroyed.

In order to tame the dragon.

The city's finest have been blasting away

At anything and everything.

They haven't even kept themselves a way out.

There is no fair maiden

This time to take his heart

And allow the rest to live

In peace and freedom.

Down he swooped 

The dragon out of the east

To meet his mate in the West

Except she was not there.

They had killed her 

Or worst locked her away

Where he could not find her

He needs a female to mate

Even one of their own

To turn into a dragon

With his wizard friend

Or don't they know what happens to their sacrifice?

Here we are again so long into this strange

World of tall glass mirror towers

And cement basements

Hiding what he wants

Revenge for his kind

They thought they could do away 

With them all together.

Instead, they have simply been sleeping.

If only the local artillery

Knew what lay beneath their feet

Huge fireballs of hell

Will be coming their way

And it will be their own fault

If they upset the balance

Those furnaces are light 

Down below by something they do not know

It is strong enough to blast

A whole in the atmosphere

Above them

Stupid fools

With all that gun power

Why don't they learn

As he circles 

Eyeing below 

Of what is left 

Of the old city of Kyiv

Before that there was another 

With a different name

It was wonderous

And beautiful

It was the envy 

Of the East

But no more

They were not wise

Enough to leave

Well, enough alone.

Long ago before those 

Long boats arrived

They flew themselves

In small aircraft 

Made out of dragon wings

They were their pride and joy

Those crafts that could 

Breathe air instead of ground

Even the great outcropping 

On the Black Sea 

Can't stop them from coming

To see what is left 

Of the once and proud

The Scythians

Were a much smarter people

And yet they also went the way

Of Humans

He can feel the heat

Of their factory

He knows how to make 

It lights up the entire sky

If he wants and he will want

If he does not find his sleeping 

Female somewhere

Maybe they will light

It together in their marriage

Romance is in the air

As he searches and searches

No Saint George

To come in and smit 

Him this time

He took care of those a long time ago.

There is no one left willing

To lift a hand or a spear

Towards him in fear

For his delight to destroy

Became too obvious

In the past

That they won't even mention

It anymore in their journals.

Where or where 

Is she?

Let sleeping dragons lay

Wise villagers or he will be back.....

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