Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A blustery, blitzery day ...

There are those days.

When there is no hope

At all from the elements

Such a day it is best. 

To stay at home

Or to pack up

And head for safer ground.

There are semi rigs.

In the East skidding

Across all lanes 

Of their highways

While the Coast

Has huge trees 

Topline down on top

Of homes and highways

Blocking the traffic

And endangering lives

In Europe,

No one is paying head

To the high winds

Swirling around them

The high hopes

Of the crisis coming 

To an end in Kiev

Is not forthcoming.

Instead, we had a surprise.

Visit by Big bird. 

Of Sesame Street

To view the neighborhood

Just to see if he would get shot at

While the big man himself

Gave his State of the Union 

Speech for all to hear.

He is not a coward at all.

Nor did the President.

Of the US give up 

He got on stage. 

In Poland to contradict

Putin in his assessments

Of the situation

Only to have Putin

Attend a rally for the one year

Anniversary of the Special operation

After being shown the history of their victories

Including over Napoleon Bonaparte himself

Another brave leader

He got the wrong women

To lead him astray

It happens sometimes

Thank God for Jill

Standing there waiting

For Joe to return home

From his most dangerous 

Of missions in confrontations

Oh, but she went to Narobi

Instead of standing by his side

Maybe she is a little miffed.

By his heroics 

At his age of 80

But we are not taking

In the fact he is not running

For reelection

Either of the two men

On stage, are we?

Neither does it not look

As if America has bought

Itself a new state of the union

Not since 1959 

Has the United States

Accepted a foreign body

Into its ranks

Hawaii was not its choice.

But thrust upon them.

As a paradise of ports

Just as Sevastopol

Will not be given up.

By Russia 

Meanwhile Kamala

Is off and running

Around to amuse the masses

Of her intentions of becoming

The first female President

Of the fair America

Don't give up hope too soon dear.

All those strong gusts

Of wind whirling around Washington

Even the Justices are getting involved

They have subpoenaed former Presidents

Now don't they think they are grand!

Meanwhile a man is on trial over. 

His own wife and son

Being slain.

It is still too early to tell.

Which way the system 

Is going to go with him.

A train derailment

Causing the clouds 

Of toxic fumes

Will create havoc. 

For the locals 

And eventually make its way

Around the globe 

As all things do 

What is congress going to do

With a fiftyfirst state?

How many seats are they going to provide?

To represent 44 million people

Minus the 8 million

Give or take.

Who ran away from it all.

Break a leg

By the way on your way

Up on stage

Those two old boys

Should know better.

But some days

The only thing

To save them 

Is knowing they have not long

For this earth.

Good fighting men

Giving the best they got

For in the middle of a storm

On the sea of Galilea

Only Christ forestall

The complete collapse of his colleagues.


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