Sunday, February 12, 2023

It was just too pretty...

The place was so beautiful.
It was a working ranch.
Fruit trees were the epitome of harvests.

Americ insisted on apple trees. 
Being planted on all new farms
Whereas Oranges were the source

Of non-scurvy necessities in the south
Our place had pear trees and olives.
As well as its own vineyard

Walking my small feet along 
The rose bush with their smell
Till the path hit the Blvd.

There was once a train. 
And electric cars
As well as old stagecoach stops.

The resort next door
Sprang out of the need for people
To recover from major illnesses

One of the relatives
Opened it up. 
Without permission

Where they had already begun
To congregte
All those old beautiful buildings

Were so beautiful
The park downtown
Had a church and bank

As well as a mini city hall
Where one could find a real Abogado
Doctors were also encouraged. 

But someone came along.
When the family were visiting
Cutting down the trees 

That were their income.
Canned or glass fruit
Was welcomed throughout

America and Europe
They also pulled up the roses
And the floors of the buildings

Dirt floors is what the old ladies
Came home from their trip. 
To the very ones who knew 

They were the real owners.
Now there is a jackass.
Who claims to be Mexico?

And that gives him the right.
To do whatever he wants 
To a gringo

The law is on our side.
And East Los Angeles 

Is not Mexico.
His daughter will regret.
Getting herself hired at my place.

When the law does come in
All will be going to prison.
Including their friends

Who have sat there allowing
This waste to occur.
Tearing down buildings is not allowed.

Nor is putting up things to gain income.
Defrauding someone in order to gain money
Is highly illegal

As is taking someones personal property.
Jimmy does not know the law.
He only puts his name on top. 

Of someone else's certificate
And then gives others the impression.
That they are also allowed

 to use the same piece of paper
Such as the Santa Croci's
What a phony name

That one is worse than 
Really, they don't even try. 

To cover over that they are
Illegals scamming the government.
Which gets a little bit upset?

When their men go missing
I was explaining this to my friends.
Who were giving me a treat?

At another place that is special
The southern beach resorts.
Is not unknown to me. 

We were resting on the beach.
In a tent with those rented beach beds
And chairs waiting for lunch to be brought.

When a UFO was spotted
I had seen it arrive.
I was also explaining about those. 

Chinese container ships carrying
More than they claim.
Such as handmade items from Mexico

Really products of China
Old joke!
It came out of nowhere.

Looking closer at it
With my phone after 
I snapped its picture.

I was telling them. 
That it was not really 
A big flying object 

From space 
But a balloon
Look it is just a balloon

They were running though
Towards the Hotel
Without me.

I had not heard the quiet words.
Get up, get out of the way.
Suddenly I knew what their problem.

Was, and got up from my nice beach lounge.
Immediately I collapsed onto the sand.
Without my walking stick

I was useless with my legs.
Having been pulled out paralyzed.
From the waist down

I had gotten them to move.
But they were very limited.
In strength

I could not stand up properly. 
Either without support
Carelessly someone had picked up. 

The stick as he moved out of the way.
Of the spy ship
Coming towards us

I was covered in sand and crawling.
But eventually I hit sidewalk.
Whereupon they found the strength

To get upright 
There a fence runs along. 
The front of the place

Again, I was still moving at a crawl.
When? I was grabbed.
For god's sake can't you move faster

They must have seen you.
Recorded you by now.
Crying from fright

I was unable to respond
Just sitting in the shadows
Where I was dropped 

And shuddering at the near 
Encounter I had had
What if they had guns

What if they had been shooting
At us instead of filming us?
It was not a good day

Nor did I have a good night?
At the emergency room
Where I was taken to figure out

What was really wrong with me.
She can't walk right.
that is because she has a broken back.

What else could go wrong?
Not getting back before they leave?
Or knowing too much ahead of time

About what will occur?
If the world goes forward?
A glass wall is what Europe has. erected

Instead of an Iron curtain
That Russia put up to protect. its own
Europe has put up a thing. 

Where they can see what the other guy
Is doing while they wait.
For his demise ....

It was so beautiful

Russia was like a jewel

Everyone said so and yet

They allowed to be destroyed

Then they went back to inspect

The gem that was still there

Inside the war torn country

Too beautiful

No fair

After Germany had suffered 

So much damage and defeat

Destroy the beauty

They are at it again

Destroying what was once beautiful

Even Moldova

One of the few places

With standing churches

Is now defunct.

With its government 


For what?

So the world can watch

Them shoot each other down?

While China has plans for our missile sites?


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