Saturday, February 11, 2023

Where's the body bag?

Jimmy was smiling in his sleep.

He was having a wonderful dream.

He was king of the forest!

He slowly moved around.

Then he opened his eyes

He did not enjoy rising at all.

There on the ground was a hard surface.

He was not in his bed nor his bedroom.

Instead, he was in a forest.

As he attempted to rise

His back was pushed back down.

No one does that to Jimmy.

He yelled and attempted to whip around.

On his assailant telling him he was mince meat

The he was going to feed him to a wild animal.

Instead, two large dark brown eyes

Fixed on his mouth.

A large tongue came out and licked him.

Right on the lips.

Jimmy lowered himself back down.

For a moment he thought

He saw a Lion.

He slowly opened his eyes again.

Nodding his head slowly

He told himself.

He was going to murder her.

Whichever one of them had done it.

She was dead!

He was not in the forest.

But the zoos enclosure

For lions!

How he had got there 
He did not know nor care.

Until he got his hands

On the one responsible

Right now, he was going to try.

To sneak out of this dumbo

He could have eaten him.

But no, he is just sitting there.

Starring at him.

He already had his breakfast.

Yelled the zookeeper. 

Or you would be dead.

Just don't make any sudden moves.

We are sending for a tranquilizer gun.

Jimmy made a sudden move.

He flew into a rage. 

And ran for the fence.

So did the lion.

Foot for Paw

It was no match.

As Jimmy made it halfway up

So did the lion.

Hanging on with a massive Paw

Eyeball to eyeball

Just starring at him, again.

There was no going back.

He had already gone halfway up.

And he was not going back down.

So, he hosted himself up.

The lion reached out with its mouth.

And snapped shut on Jimmy.

We told you not to move!

Why the hell did you try to scale the fence?

Are you deaf and blind?

We saw you walk right into the enclosure.

As if you could not see the lion.

He saw you and just went right on eating.

Its breakfast then moseyed over to you.

Felling you with one big clop

Of his paw

Now he remembered.

He had attacked someone the other day.

And thrown their wallet into the enclosure.

He thought the closed sign outside.

Meant they were not in their pens.

How stupid to tell people that they were closed.

And still have their animals roaming around

He would get even with that guy as well.

Right now, he wanted his arm back.

And his shoulder

Dangling by just one arm

Was not easy

But he was not going down again

They came with the gun

And shot the lion.

Who dropped back on the ground?

Jimmy also lowers himself.

Slowly to the ground 

Found the wallet. 

And walked past the lion

Who was doing a strange waltz?

He boldy opened the gates enclosure. 

And walked out leaving dumbbell.

Inside without bothering to lock the gate.

He was enjoying himself as he cruised along.

His should hurt like hell. 

But he was going to get to the trolley

First, he had to cross the park.

And the parking lot

Then the pedestrian overpass 

Before he got to the schools 

Where he could hope over to the trolley,

While he waited for someone to come 

He had it all worked out in his head.

The only thing is he no longer felt.

Any pain and was woozy.

Must have had too much pizza the night before.

The man with the gun was told to aim.

At the crazy kid hanging from the fence

And then they would take care of the lion

He was reloading the gun

Having given a mild sedative 

To the young kid

But then the lion dropped back

He was just romancing himself.

About his prey

He knew about those guns.

Had seen them in action.

By the time he was reloaded

Well, he was trying to get out of harm's way.

Weaving back and forth

When his prey walked past him

And opened the gate.

It was his chance

He allowed himself out to follow

The prey following him 

Right out the front gate

And across the street

Softley padding behind the guy.

Who never once looked back?

Just kept on plodding along

He saw the chance escaping him.

He had been waiting for the guy. 

To drop down again

But instead after an open space

There was a cluster of buildings. 

He was headed towards.

He quickened his pace.

Jimmy was so woozy. 

As he approached the overpass

That he stopped a moment

And shook his head from side to side.

That is when he saw the lion.

Right behind him and running.

He screamed like a girl.

And bolted for the covered.

Pedestrian walk

What he thought he was going to do

No one knows.

Because once he entered

There was no way out. 

Except the other end

Because the lion 

Had entered behind him

Blocking his escape.

When they found the escaped lion

He was hugging the walkway.

He had gotten in his head.

To go for a stroll

But encountered a highway


He was just laying there, 

With his paws underneath

As if he was terrified. 

Of falling onto the moving 

Traffic below

Who? would not be scared?

They loaded their gun. 

Letting him have two in the rump.

He crunched his jaws down tight.

They were in the process of grabbing his tale.

And pulling him backwards

Except he was not moving.

They might have to get. 

An ambulance gurney 

To get him out of this narrow space

Some of the guys had gone. 

Around to the other side

They got excited all of a sudden

The kid was under the lion!

They had to wait until 

The lion was fully asleep.

Then they approached him

And began to disentangle. 

His huge paws

From the kid

They had gotten the guerney

Laying the lion on his back

With his paws

Dangling over the edges

They pushed him back to his enclosure

Without bothering to put him in an ambulance

Not that he was welcomed.

The ambulance guy was shaking in his shoes.

He had to go out on the overpass.

And reach down to see if the guy. 

Was dead or alive.


Jimmy had been laying very still.

The first thing that touched him. 

Was going over the side. 

Poor emergency crew member

He never saw it coming.

Just one big heave how

And he was riding the waves.

One last time 

In a California beach town

A big rig passed by 

Allowing him a shorter fall 

He still ended up splattered 

While the prey rose up in a rage

Yelling at the guys

Who had not known? 

To tranquilize him first 

In order to save his life.

Now he had taken an innocent one.

What was he doing in the zoo


No one found out

Because he charged out the other side

Shoving aside the guys 

Out onto the overpass ledge

This guy is homicidal

Not suicidal

Jimmy went into hiding. 

In the school grounds

Where had had to wait?

For his girl to find him

Meanwhile he plotted out. 

How to kill each and everyone

Who had allowed him? 

To almost be eaten by a lion

Never mind it was him. 

Who had walked into the 

Enclosure himself

Now, now it is a real story!

It even made the evening news.

Could not understand. 

Why jimmy wanted to take me to the zoo....


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