Friday, February 3, 2023

I have a question Mr. Trudeau?


When did your country go to war?
With the United States?
We have always been neighbors.

Of course, there have been those.
Scuffles in the past
About the border disputes

Some places have two different countries listed.
On their town signs
All those good old Indian fights

The British had to come and help.
Settle the French Indian wars
When you were still part of France

Then you sold out to them
During the American Revolution
Had half your country sold.

By some guy named Napoleon
Ended up on the wrong side
The British side after all

Had to learn to speak. 
English and drink Tea
Or escape to the wilds 

As Charboneau did
Married a girl named. Sacajawea
Who then showed the Americans

All your western wilds
Left you with the border. 
At Vancouver through Toronto

And then on through Montreal
To those tiny towns in Maine
Maine still says it is really Canadian.

Now that you have your independence.
You thought you would start another. 
Border war?

After all when Churchill
Came crawling over to the Potomac.
Begging for war implements.

He had to use the ruse.
That the war planes 
We're being sent north.

To have them go through.
A weathering tests.
During the entire war

Those birds sat on the turf.
On one side of the Atlantic
On paper 

While they were being flown
Over Germany in reality
Only to be returned

All scuffed up. at the end.
Those ladies with clip boards
Must have been confused

After the delivery of the test
Planes were delivered 
To find them missing!

And then at the end of the war
When they went back to have 
The reports drawn up. 

About how much extreme cold
They the machines could endure.
Not now how to mention. 

The small thing of bullet holes!
Now you now that America
Has had a contention with Mexico.

Also called the United states of mexico
But they speak not English
But Spanish and drugs

All they know how to speak.
That little wall of Trump
Has caused so much trouble

Who would think Mexico? 
Would march across the border?
The Alamo would remind them.

But then Texas gave up half
Its territory after they won.
The Spanish American war

You have now gone in with the Chinese.
After all, those years of peace and harmony
During the early days of California

They had to outlaw the Chinese.
There were so many of them.
And that tiny train that

Was being built across the American
Continent was being eye balled.
By them as to technology

Their engineers were disguised.
As common workers on the tracks
Instead, Angel Island as it was called.

The West coast Ellis Island
Closed the doors to everyone. 
Traveling from China

Including a family of Scandinavians 
Who had already immigrated?
But got lost in the shuffle 

And ended up boarding a boat 
From the south that was in fact
From China

They spent a long week
Sitting there explaining 
They were niether spies

Nor staging a war with America
Everyone else had to go north.
They arrived in mass. 

At Vancouver 
Almost an Asian city
Usually, people say China town.

Is located at a certain section.
But in Vancouver they are the larger
Portion of the city.

Here your allegiance with your neighbor
Has had difficulty.
You allowed a Chinese spy balloon

To cross over your fenceless border
To encounter Montana!
What is in Montana?

Just a few nuclear silos 
And a lot of empty space
With the buffalos gone

America is declaring. 
That China is at war. 
With us Americans

First, they sent over all those kids.
Who learned computers?
And doctoring

Then they shut down their country
To this Pandemic virus
Made a fortune on drugs

And learned the infracstructure
Of their enemy's economy
As each country in turn 

Was forced to shut down.
They have that great wall. 
You have heard of it?

To keep out invaders from the north
Those horrible Mongols
And Siberians

While Europe is employed
In this special action 
Between Ukraine 

Which provoked thier nieghbor
By asking for the Crimea
As if they had ever owned it!

They are the ones. who sepereated
From Russia 
Who itself owns the ports of the Baltic Sea

Of course, this would cause concern.
If someone else came along
And said by the way.

We own your property!
Anyways, it was spotted
I just want you to know

Mr. Trudeau
Your extremely large spy balloon
Larger than the Hindenburg

What are you thinking
Now we are going to have to build
A wall all along your border as well

We will be fenced in like animals.
Is this your intention.
To poke fun at a bunch of zoo animals?

Nowhere to go anymore.
How did they get it up?
They could not have sprung.

It out of a container ship
And magically had it materialize

Over the middle of the United States
It is not possible that it was not brought.
Through your customs

And then allowed to be inflated. 
With Helium 
It must have taken a massive field.

An Olympic size stadium
To inflate such a large specimen
of Chinese ingenuity

Where would they have been able to do it
On the American side?
It must have been done somewhere

Near Toronto
Those girls will let the crooks.
Through while stopping the innocent ones

Crazy bus drivers
Get to tell high school dropouts.
What is what?

No college educated custom officials.
Not the way it used to be in America.
Before the war

Only those skilled enough to pass. 
An exam were allowed to inspect
Your luggage as you went through

These girls dont like old things
Nor when someone has had to move
Suddenly when they find they are in fact.

They are about to be murdered. 
In their own beds.
But that is another story.

What or what 
Is the American congress.
To do with you?

Just allowing a bunch of Chinese
Businessmen to cross over your border.
With this extra-large balloon 

All wrapped up it still must have been massive.
You are claiming that they found an empty field.
On our side, right to inflate?

Not your side and then drifted across
Come on, what do you take us for?

America is fighting this migrant
Thing at the south
With all their nasty drugs

And now they have to deal.
With their backdoor
Being put ajar 

To let through a bunch
Of computer geeks!
What are they looking for anyways?

Computer labs?
Pharmaceutical companies
Who cut them out of those Coronavirus?

Drugs and tests?
Really Justin
I can call you Justin,

Can't I?
What are we to think?
It does look whether bad. 

For you, you know.
It is like the kid. 
Who shows up with measles?

Just after all the other ones
Have had Chicken pox.
It as if he did it on purpose 

Or something.
God help those
Who have to be quarentined again

Just after being releasead.
Some of them might get sent. 
To places like Siberia or Australia....

Anyways I know you and your wife.
Were also ill from this virus.
But I would consider explaining.

To the American President 
About how this occurrence happened.
Why did you guys not shoot it down?

Oh, and don't let that empress Kate
Back in your country
She is a druggy who smuggles.

In order to keep her habit 
Quiet from her in laws.
Must double check the facts.

Before publication.
Well maybe it will rain
Missiles from the east

Upon my west coast 
Location, just wish I still. 
Had the old homestead.

Everyone enjoyed visiting.
But that Jimmy has stolen it.
As I told everyone he would

Threatening to rape
The women of the men 
And steal the children as well.

He has gotten away.
With a lot of threats
He is not going to say. 

He is the father of my children.
Not that I can give birth. 
These tumors keep growing.

My only chance at happiness
Ran off to hide somewhere.
He found out that Jimmy.

Threatens to cut off. 
Men's manhood if he does not get.
His way and then wear it as a tie.

On himself.
Who would want that.
But he has already murdered. 

My father in front of me
After he went mad thinking
The authorities would not ever

Do anything about the kid. 
That showed up at his door.
Then took over his house.

There is no one Bob. 
Has not threatened.
His name is really Bob.

By the way.
I think I will initiate
A search of his property

For paperwork
After all the President 
Is having his private homes

And offices searched.
Since he uses my last name
I am going to seek justice

By having him investigated
Over paperwork
And all his little firends

As well are going to get.
Stripped of their rights
To say no.

Most of them all illegals 
Anyways commiting crmes
Just White collar ones

That no one cares about
Who cares if a man shows
UP at the bank wearing pants

And goes running down the street
With them swinging off his shoulder
Filled with money?

Or clerks who just want. 
A trip to Mexico 
Who lose titles and other? records

Now we have historic houses
Bein torn down in favor
Of death traps 

No one is going to escape. from
And when that earthquake 
Does hit San Deigo

Which is on a double? fault lilne
They are just going to crash into each other
It will be like a scene

From the Sunday school 
Of Armageddon.
The Mayor should find. 

Other quarters lower
To the ground
If he is wise enough

To know what is coming.
The first lady is arriving
And she is going to be a target

For someone.
Should I attempt to view her car?
Passing by or will I be labeled

A stalker and trouble maker? 
Muter, muter 
I chines spy balloon

Just happens to be flying. 
At the Canadian border....
Who do they take us for?

Only Jimmy or Bob
Could have caused this. 
Situation over his drug route

You don't think he has. 
A Magazine routes?
Do you?

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