Monday, February 20, 2023

And the other story


She just sat there.
As I drove away
With no clue as to what had happened.

It was not the first time.
I had encountered this type.
Of story but it was more than 

I wanted to handle at the time.
It was Mexico City.
The Pope had come to visit.

Many of us had traveled. 
A long way in order 
To be present for his visit.

I arrived early. 
To settle into the city
I remember living here. 

As a child.
I wanted to stay at least a month.
In order to get the feel of the place

It had been a while.
I was not feeling well enough.
At first, I tried the YWCA.

In the past 
This was the place.
An indoor pool

And a restaurant on site.
All females with a clean environment
Instead, I almost was not allowed inside.

This after I had spent. 
Thirty-six hours on a bus
From Tijuana border

I found out I was the only female.
It was no longer only female.
I was not allowed into the pool.

Nor did I get Wi-Fi
I had to walk around filth.
The last earthquake 

Had caused damage. 
To the old neighborhood
I moved after a weekend.

To the Regina
Along the route of Churches
Where there was once elegance

The place was still elegant.
But the staff 
Was the modern Latina.

They are no longer moral.
Nor Christian
They way they look at you.

And talk about you.
It is unnerving.
There is also a hospital. 

Along here towards the Blvd.
I had had trouble with my laundry.
Having to find a location for it.

The whole city was different.
No longer safe neighborhoods 
In which to walk nor places to eat.

I begin my journey through.
The Musuems of the city
Getting to almost all of them

I also moved again. 
To the center hostel
Next to the Metropolitan Cathedral

The oldest and largest
The large square and the old palace
It was also where the Pope. 

Would arrive in the next week.
But then I meet some old friends
Who were surprised to see me?

Slumming around 
But I had a bad accident.
I was waiting for treatment. 

For my tumors in my uterus
Wanted to stay out of the limelight.
Thought no one would notice me.

They were happy to see me.
Invited me to their hotel.
Which was better?

I was enjoying their company.
But then Candance appeared
Out of nowhere

Three thousand miles away 
From her own home
She attempted to abduct me.

To put me on a plane
To fly me back to no where
She is the one who kept.

Leaving me in a park
Without money after 
I had moved out of town.

They decided to call Jimmy.
Why or why would they do that?
We had to wait in a car next to the Cathedral.

There was this guy. 
With a chain saw
It went on all day.

While I had a been walking around
I had met this couple. 
With a baby carriage

They did not have a baby.
Nor a dog in it
I thought it odd.

I also felt uncomfortable.
About them being around me.
In this type of city

One rarely runs into people.
I had been robbed of my coin purse.
Which did not have my passport?

Others had complained of losing. 
Thier phones
Police were polite but it was annoying.

Here we were waiting. 
For jimmies answer
It turned out he sent one of his wives.

I almost laughed.
Lorraine is one of the older ones.
From Tennessee

She was living in Santa Rosa
The same time as he was living. 
With his wife Teresa

My friends did not want to tell me.
But jimmy was concerned about me.
They did not believe me about my auto accident.

Either and I was just faking my injuries
He has a way of making people believe.
His nonsense 

My new friend whom I remembered.
Giving me injections was not pleased.
To have to stay with these people.

Then Candace had me for a day 
Moved me into a different place.
When she could not get me on a plane

Lorraine found me at the new place.
She was upset about something.
She also told me she was pregnant.

He was going to allow her to have a baby.
Imagine that at her age..
I recalled she already had one.

Where my mother pretended
To be a midwife
It was a miracle she did not die.

My mother has strange ideas. 
About health and nursing
The baby was born and taken away.

Before she was able to know it.
Jimmy did not allow his wives.
To keep their babies

She wanted to go out with me.
We had to have lunch and travel.
By the metro

Which I had already done
It was a pleasant day or so.
As I was wary of her

I got drugged anyways.
And the couple approached us.
They wanted to know about my baby.

I told her it was tumors.
She told them in Spanish.
She said they did not believe me.

She said they were promised my baby.
There was a girl in the hostel.
Who said she was there to sale her baby?

She waited about three weeks. 
Before it arrived
This dissatisfied Lorraine.

Who then caught me? 
Having coffee with someone
She did not know.

He was an old acquaintance.
I did not know to sit down.
Jimmy wanted to come and explain.

Something to him 
She spoke.
We had to go back. 

Immediately because 
I had got us in trouble.
I was not happy. 

Having a companion
Was wondering how to get rid of her.
When we were surrounded 

In the underground metro
She was picked up. 
Hosted above the crowd.

She yelled back that.
They said they were only going to take her baby.
Not to go to the police

I went to the embassy instead.
It was hell to get inside.
Where I was not believed

Until the news came on 
They showed the two women.
Being separated by the crowd

They took my name.
Then sent me back to my place.
Where I slept for almost three days

She then appeared out of nowhere.
She was angry and agitated.
She had been at the hospital.

Where they had taken care of her
But she found out she was no longer pregnant.
She could not figure out where the baby had gone

Her husband was going to be mad.
Dont tell him 
She gave me a look.

I knew Jimmy fakes things
I also suspected he had arranged
For her to loose the baby

He likes to say he is the daddy
But cant stand having babies
Or the attention on anything besides himself.

She also did not believe me. 
When I told her about being 
Taken at the underground

She had also been drugged.
She left the next day without saying goodbye.
After having been sent for to keep me company.

I wondered if she was still alive.
It was unusual to disappear.
But I did see her a few years later

In a coffee shop
Just sitting there 
And saying nothing at all.

I simply left her alone.
Her story was that she did not know
To trust Jimmy and belive he would allow

Her to have his kid.
The other girls story
Was that the Pope arrived

After being there a few weeks
I had to move out
As they told us the rent was triple

I should have stayed
But went around the corner
Where they were very nice
Had a roof top view of the city

But I had to climb. four stories
I had gone to the hospital
Where they told me I was very sick

I needed to be on a respirator.
For at least a week.
I did not know what to do.

I was missing most of my money.
I had to keep the little bit to get home.
The pope came and I saw him. 

From a distance
They had invitations. 
For those to go inside the Cathedral

I was found a few days afterwards
FAce down on the sidewalk
By some of the guys

From the hostel
They took me back to the hostel
Where the staff said I was homeless

But the police took my story.
I was angry at staff. 
I was paying me way.

I was a student.
They said the woman had told them that.
She claimed I had her bed.

I reminded them I had paid for her bed.
Then I asked if there was room
To return as my health was bad

There was a bunch of vacancy. 
Now that the pope was gone.
I packed up and moved in.

I apologized to the others. 
But could not handle the climb.
Without having an asthma attack

This place had an open area
With the rooms around
Some looking out on the Cathedral

There was a restaurant on site.
And street musicians outside
While I was getting some food

I went out to speak to someone.
I recognized.
I wanted to know what had happened.

To the others
But he was angry at me.
He acted as if he did not know me.

The guy had showed up outside
I was trying to ignore him.
While his wife was working as 

A housekeeper
Probably the one who was drugging me
I just did not know why.

I started to explain this to the guy.
When he pulled out a gun 
And shot at us!

I was put on a plane that night.
To leave town
But was tossed out by someone else.

She did not want me near her.
Not good enough at all.
The ways some people talk about you.

A reputation is so easily ruined.
By a bad mouth such as Jimmies
I had to move back in 

The middle of the night
My friends thought I had left town. 
With Candace

While I waited for a few more days.
To get my breath back
The girl with the baby

Had it in the bathroom
The blood was everywhere
They screamed at us

To clean it up.
I called the police. 
As the girl was laying on the floor.

They arrived to take her statement
She got up and walked into our room.
She laid down for three days.

I was telling them that this is what
Happened to the other woman
She came back without her baby

And I was found face down.
I told them again
I have tumors not a baby.

They sort of dismissed me 
As American trouble.
I felt the jab from behind me.

I went back and laid down
When I woke up
I heard the sound of a newborn baby

It is different
Like a kitten mewing
I got up and walked around

To see what was going on.
The staff was really acting odd.
I called someone. 

Who agreed I could come? stay?
On the Baja coast
To get away from this

I booked a bus ticket online.
Packed quietly.
Went downstairs. quickly

Noticed the housekeeper was gone.
Got a taxi to agree to take me.
To the huge bus staion

He had to have me pay at the desk
This is the way it is done
One pays ahead of tiem

So, there is no exchange of cash.
The desk asked me why I was. leaving
They were the ones who kept. 

Saying I owed them money.
I had to keep paying for more.
Nights while doing my online college courses.

Now they said I had a few more nights.
I was well enough to leave I told them.
I had to go back to America.

To see my doctor.
Where they told me I did into have pneumonia
This doctors diagnosis.

They refused to refund me money.
But the guy was ready to go and took my luggage.
As I walked out the girl was done speaking

T the staff 
Who had told her she was no longer a guest
She did not know what had happened

Where her baby had gone
Nor that she had had it in the bathroom.
She was without funds.

In Mexico as a young blond girl
I told her to go to the American consulate.
She said she had no wallet nor passport

Then you need to go talk to them
Or you will be living outside.
She just sat there staring. 

As I was driven away
I was not. happy with my bus ride
But did arrive back at the border.

A few days later.
Where I crossed the border
After spending six weeks

In a city I would not mind living
But needed medical treatment.
Two years later

They arrested the couple.
With the baby carriage.
They had killed at least twenty women.

And was in custody of at least one baby.
I tried to call the consulate.
Tell them my story again

But it is drug land.
El Chapo is their main stay.
There were not. really interested.

in silly girls who get pregnant
Without a man 
Then don't want their baby.

If they don't give it up for adoption
It will be taken from them. 
As a matter of course.

This is their story.
The young women of today.
No princess tiara for them.

Being murdered for a baby
Who then can become the next
Meghan Markle

A prnicess in her own mind.
While Jimmy holds his plastic thing
He had to have it replaced.

It never did grow.
So, he got one from the morgue.
Poor Lorraine

Does not know she will never have his child.
Nor will he ever be the father of my child.
The world of Jimmy where girls die giving birth...

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