Saturday, February 25, 2023

Blizzard conditions headed straight for me!


Pack your bags.
Costner and Harrison 
As well as Dalton

The Russian freelance guys
Are threatening to blow up.

Yup, you guys are just in the way.
They don't care about your names.
Nor your bank accounts.

Some of those guys are getting angry.
It is what happens in any community.
Take the confederates for example.

We even had scrimmages. 
Here in California 
During the Civil war

Did not settle anything.
But caused a lot of hard feelings.
Among the locals who have not forgotten.

While you guys
Are just in the middle a battle zone
Between Ukraine and Russia

Some guys not in Moscow
Are tired of hearing about 
The Celebrity kid.

And know where the keys.
Are hidden,
Want to break in and send off.

A few fire works. 
Towards one of the more famous
American tourist destination.

That is war!
No one is going to win.
But everyone is going to pay.

Meanwhile, I have a blizzard.
Coming towards me 
In sunny lower California.

I do recall snow on the ground.
And being the target 
Of a few too many well aimed.

Snowballs from my little brother
Snowplows were not unknown to us
But not in California

Waiting for the school bus
In California is always interesting
It is dark and cold.

Before the sun rises
Then all those layers come off 
To reveal those perfect tans

Meanwhile, the coyotes
Sniff around us 
Attempting to see if we are good. 

Enough to eat.
First a Cyclone of water
Deluging the streets

Leaving stranded those. 
Who no longer have a car
Due to those car jackings

I went through.
There were a number of them.
Janet and her needles are going. 

To find their way 
Somewhere else, never to return.
Julian is already covered in snow.

The town not the lost actor
While those winds were fierce
This week outside.

This place used to be nice
Chalet on the hillside
After the church was torn down

Perhaps at least one of these building
Could collapse.
There has been enough mismanagement.

For the entire complex to go down.
Embezzlement galore
Someone ran away with fifty million.

Dollars in their pocket.
At least I know qualify for Section 8
Maybe I can get new digs.

That is of course. 
If Suzanne and Rebecca
Stop going around claiming. 

I am the crazy one.
Instead of themselves
These wives of Jimmy 

Don't seem to know. 
That they are not the only one.
He has dozens of them.

I want to know what is left. 
In his Swiss bank account
With all the money my mother

Spent on him. 
Only to have his mamma 
Camille shows up and ask her why.

Why steal from her?
He was her son, and she took care of him!
Died shortly afterwards. 

Never ask what one can't handle.
I often get those dead feelings.
Around my chest.

Too much, too much.
Well, Biden is running for reelection.
He is a good man and Kamala a good woman.

Trump wasn't really a bad one either
He was just all business talk.
Instead of Military.

Oh, by the way,
A grand juror 
Sounds grand. 

But those guys 
Who investigated a President?
And then decided on indictments.

Here are their qualifications,
Must be a US Citizen
Disqualifies Jimmy

Must be 18 years old.
And a resident of one year
As well as proficient in English

Sound mind, no disqualifying condition
Do I need to say it?
Not currently under threat

Of a conviction nor already
Have been convicted.
Jimmy does not qualify!

Nor do most of those who want.
To mess around with things
That they do not know.

Those who are exempted. 
From service
Meaning they cannot serve.

Are the very ones who would know something?
Such as a police officer, or a fireman
Or someone in the armed forces

Or otherwise engaged in some form
Of professional government job!
Madame Grand Juror foreman

Was none of those things?
She violated the code.
By bringing forward her opinions

Before the court has had a chance
To act upon the decisions her small band
Made while presented with evidence.

One does wonder who America was built.
Landowners with licenses or grants
Verses those who don't even qualify. 

For a government job.
Well, the best to Trump.
And America in getting this job done.

Too bad, for those who want justice.
And peace amongst us.
As for the others they just don't know.

Do they what ais coming down the road.
Towards them
A trained full of chemicals

A plane with a bomb
A missile aimed the wrong direction.
Chilly weather ahead of us

Thanks to Phil 
Who could not jump? 
Fast enough

To avoid his own shadow.
Does anyone remember
The year Jimmy went to Pennsylvania.

And tried to steal the show.
Poor Phil got chased everywhere.
And then had to be publicly spanked.

Because Jimmy wanted his way.
He believes in Santa Claus
And the Easter Bunny as well. 

Meanwhile, some other guy
Bleed out on the floor
Of a court room 

Trying not to confess to the murders
Of his wife and kid
But did confess to just about everything else.

Poor guy, if he doesn't go to prison.
He might not be far from 
The doors of a mental ward

The rest of his life.
A prominent attorney 
And a strong southern family.

As they always said 
In the past during bad times
Or best times are ahead of us.

Be strong enough to survive.
When the storm abates
To see your own reflection!

No more war!
That is a dream. 
Never to happen.

Tomorrow is another day.
But we must first live through this one.
Let's make the best of it for everyone.

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