Monday, February 27, 2023

Watch out below!

 When? the ground gives out

From below 

And without warning

This RV park. 

Sits next to a river. 

In California 

No one thought of moving.

Forward next a few feet 

Instead, the whole thing began. 

To tip and then over it went

Straight down and over

Hopefully no one was inside

But the Insurance claim

Is going to be interesting.

You were parked where?

Reminds me of the Huot

Story. It was a hoot

To know these people

One day I was living in a compound

With my  mother in her own home

And myself next door

With friends nearby

Nothing could go wrong

Except she caught me talking

To my own husband

Ran off down the highway

I had to follow

Should have allowed her

To be run over 

But had just had my father

Die and been tried

Off I went after her

Only to have her surprise me

Not really

She had a needle in her hand

Around a corner 

From the rest 

She turned around 

And jabbed me with it

Wasn't supposed to have it

But there it was in her hand

I sat at the nearest restaurant.

With my brain slowly 

Going into a deep sleep

They could not revive me

What she dd in order not 

To come through with her promises

She never did keep her word.

At any time 

No matter who died.

Nor who got married?

I ended up having to live

With her in a tiny apartment

With others knowing 

About my husband 

Taking on another woman

Into his life and Jimmy

Running around laughing 

Hysterically and tooting his horn

One of his old friends

From Kelseyville

Came forward to help her out

Only to find myself a slave

To her and her husband

Then they brought the ugliest bastard

Standing there completely naked

Thier son had a brain tumor

What was it to me?

My mother began the virgin

Routine meanwhile I was divorced

Without my knowledge

And all he had in his wallet

Was a buck

A single dollar bill.

The Huot's

Were supposed to be 

An American military family

From the Germany days

For some reason 

I was blamed for the fall 

Of the wall in Berlin

All I was the first reporter

On the scene

Nobody remembers me

Because the big guys 

Came flying in to take over

But the locals recalled.

I was the one standing there 

Saying look

They are climbing over

And removing sections

All those families lost 

Thier lives in Germany.

Had to come home to America.

Had no place to go

No riches nor glory

How was that my fault

Nor was it something that everyone gets

Not like the fall of Afghanistan

Only to turn around

And find it bite them in the back

Anyways they kept playing. 

With me no matter where I went

I woke up standing in front of a man.

Who said he was a man of peace

He had a gun pressed against 

My throat but not for long

He walks with a limp

But the bastard still says

We got married.

I am still a married woman

Or at least I was at that point

In time, then he attempted.

To make me sleep with him

Inside the home 

With his parents

Took my purse away from me

Called the cops 

But did not get back my life

Amelia said she was a nurse

Worked at the Prison 

I needed help 

Because her son would not lie to them.

Instead, there was a little 

Black girl running around. 

Behind them 

Now standing in front of me

Is the Amy no one knows about

Small as her grandmother

But as black as her mother 

The one the bastard 

Did not want to tell his parents.

About but they wanted. 

What? To get even with a reporter?

Or a real military family

All I know is my mother.

Suddenly got to have her way

She did things unimaginable.

Made good people not get it

Allowed Jimmy to appear.

To become a government worker

While his professional psychologist

Had a nervous breakdown according to his family.

And now she is thirty years old

Thirty years have gone by

I am not a young model

Good enough to be put on the cover 

Of a magazine according to the locals

But crippled and dealing with possible.

Cancerous tumors

A lot of people have died 

Or gone to places they did not know

Existed while I have lost my entire life.

She showed up with an infant

He died not in her arms.

But was thrown down

At someone else door

One year old 

Baby Huot dead 

Then she aborted her six month

Fetus because she wanted to be 

Young again and not smart

Short and stupid

Just like her grandmother.

When the ground falls

Out from below

Just as these guys

Who spent twenty years

Reporting Afghanistan

Had nothing to do 

And no jobs if they did not find 

Something, after fifty years

Of reporting about the Iron curtain

Now we have a glass. one

Just because they need work.

Have to have something.

To do something to report

God hopes. 

They know what they are doing

All the way from heaven

Got the phone call

What are you doing down there?

I am no longer part of the crew

Got taken out. by a family

Miserable for their plihght

They actually had to come home

To America and not as heroes.

Sorry, let me find you someone else. 

To speak to....

Don't bother. 

I will find him myself!

Look out!

Someone out there is going. 

To get a one on one

With the higher power

And in the middle of the night.

Poor old Peter

Died of cancer of the throat

I just checked on my thyroid tumor.

Again, make sure it is not bad.

Although my voice is gone.

Watch out!

One never does know. 

When the story one is working on

Is going to turn around.

And bite one in the back!

Or those in front area going

To take it out on you

For causing their world 

To be destroyed.

Good for Michelle 

She deserves acclaim. 

Not all Asians are bad people.

Nor African girls not know.

Where they come from

Angela has worked hard.

Even taking on a series 

During the down time 

Now has a movie under her belt.

Where are we going to go next?

The end is coming.

The Pandemic is about to be. 

Over according to the President

Not that people are still dying every day.

But we have other things to do.

Other places to go. 

We must all move forward.

Lest the ground underneath us...

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