Thursday, February 2, 2023

Guess whose coming to town this time...


The right hand 

Of the President

Whose job is even harder.

Then his as she has to support him

She even got Coronavirus from him.

His side kick or better half

His wife is also known.

As the First Lady

Of America

Not the Queen consort

But the one sent out. 

On those most dangerous 

Of missions....

Into the public good

She meets and greets.

All those not allowed to enter.

The White House

Today she is not at the Prayer breakfast.

But on a flight over the nation

Flying through all those horrible

Troubles that have caused cancelations.

She is landing in California.

Almost a second stop 

For this Administration

So many problems 

This little state

Spread out lengthwise.

My town is going to get.

A firsthand view

Of her in action

She is going to go to the 

Family Health Centers

The very place that altered.

The old clinics and poor houses

Into an organized group 

Of medical specialists.

She wants to talk about Cancer.

Cancer is a good subject.

But there is other life-threatening.

Issues that have been forgotten

I have spent the last three years.

Being told that I have nothing.

But a little upper respitory virus

Even my last cold was referred.

As a virus instead pneumonia

Perhaps I would have gotten. 

Better sooner if they had

Accurately diagnosed me.

Maybe I would still have. 

Those teeth that abscessed

But could not be handled.

Because someone thought

I was imagining they were in pain.

Now there are holes.

And a very bitter taste

In my mouth as it can't 

Taste things the same way as before

They even refused to address.

My thyroid condition.

My pre-diagnosed condition

That requires treatment.

Not seal hand clapping 

By a nurse who does not know

How to spell her last name.

Now they are attempting to tell me.

That I have diabetes just like Jimmy

I have not been able to eat almost.

Anything with these bad teeth.

And sugar does not cause diabetes.

Not that Suzanne understands. 

This nor anything else

In her delusions of grandeur

I hate to tell you. 

Jill but I am sueing

This particular place

For Malpractice

Refusing to treat me for my real

Ailments while misdiagnosing me.

For someone elses lunacy

When Carla and Mitch

Finally get on the testimony stand.

They will know what it means.

To sneak around at night

And stand in front of one's door.

When all they want is to rob

And rob they did.

By being at my doctor's office

The same time he needed. 

To concentrate upon 

My ailments and not someone else's.

Do please introduce yourself.

To the nurses who think 

A vital sign means getting on a scale.

As all women who have dieted 

Too much it is impossible.

When sick and unable to properly

Exercise to keep off the extra pounds.

But having the nurses decide 

Whether or not I get treated

Over their misperception

Of how my weight affects

My asthma and swollen glands

Is another story.

They even claim to have studied medicine.

I have a Bachelor of Science

Having studied psychology

And forensics

I was going for archaeology.

But that is a man's job.

I was not man enough. 

For the other girls

We won't discuss. 

What it is I could not do

In the study of ancient humans

But choose your office.

Wisely, the old downtown one

Is the last FDR building?

Left standing in this town.

That throws away its treasures.

Just to make room for the impossible

Associate of Geologist

If you look at the embalms

They are a pickaxe and shovel.

This government office

Once studied the earth.

But now handles the homeless

Not very well I might add.

These nurses don't want them.

But have been paid overtime.

In order to smile and lie.

There are other places.

That deal with the neighborhood.

Better and handle other types of health issues.

I wish you luck in getting through.

To the staff to listen to the professionals

And actually, treat their patients.

As for the Navy

I miss the days when I was not seen. 

As a terrorist or worse

Due to my skin color

As a native American

My great uncle 

Who raised my father? 

And was also a grandfather.

Served both world wars.

Once knew every man out there.

But now I walk around.

As a stranger in a once

All military town 

Where we owned homes

Before the likes of Jimmy

Came along and destroyed.

Everything he could

If he should approach 

You today

Watch out for needles.

He has learned to use. 

Needles in order to have his way.

He only wants to have his way.

And all the time.

Enjoy your day

Here in what was once

The prettiest city on the water

But no more with all those glass death traps.

But it might warm your heart.

Perhaps your husband and yourself

Will be encouraged to find a house.

To retire here in our area

My family are original. 


Having inherited homesteads

Which were destroyed and stolen?

There is almost nothing left.

Of the original buildings

Which delighted the first? 

Arrivals to our West coast

Dont forget to take the train

Towards your next destination

See the beauty that is still

Available at a price

My own plight

I spotted a skunk.

Yesterday outside 

A strange dog I thought

Then it raiseds its tale

Sure, enough a furry

Black animal with a white stripe

Down its back

Where has that been hiding?

The storm has brought out. 

Things we don't know existed.

In our own bushes

And Phil has seen his shadow.

Another six weeks of winter.

I don't mind being in a non-snow.

Area instead of my families 

Previous brick home 

In Washington DC

Older than the city itself

But now part of someone's else 

Building, it is crazy. 

How many relatives 

Pop out of nowhere 

In order to make a buck

Then disappear once the dirt.

Begins to be slung.

Hopefully you will 

Be snug. in your own home

If the FBI have left it standing

After all those searches

I am not antigovernment.

As long as it is lawful.

And not attempting to undermine

The fabric of the nation.

Life moves on 

Count our losses.

And move on is the human way.

Of dealing with disasters

Have a blessed trip, Jill.

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...