Tuesday, February 7, 2023

All of them


All of them together
Have made the United States
Not just the Founding fathers

But also, the ones who came behind.
Along with their own brand
Of Politics

In order to create
A world people believe.
Is a better world.

What are we to say? 
To those who crawl
On their hands and knees

To get to the border
Only to find there is no place.
For them and then when 

They get to where. 
They want such as New York City
It is not what they want.

Just stay at home.
And wait for your government.
To stop spending your money

It is so hard to be poor.
Or from an area were 
No one cares about their neighbors.

Except for the pretty ones
The curvy ones
The ones who appear to be smart

Instead of stupidly 
Believing there is in fact.
A business that does in fact

Offer an equal chance. 
At service despite
Your skin color, eye color

Or waist size.
Just get over it.
Where would we be? 

Without little babies born
In the rubble of an earthquake
All bruised and battered.

Already and there she is 
With no mama at all.
All alone in the world.

A survivor already
Born under a collapsed building.
Fortunate to be heard at all.

Over 8000
Eight thousand 
People are known to be dead.

And still more to come
They are no longer looking
For survivors but are just cleaning

Up the mess of two strong
Earthquakes and multiple aftershocks.
What are they to do?

They must have made the gods angry
Or something.
Thier area has always been under pressure

For having blown it in the first place.
They were the cradle of civilization.
And then they took down the forests

And destroyed the habitat.
Leaving deserts instead
Of farmland for themselves

They also hunted their brothers.
Making god angry
Every god in fact.

Each culture talks of their gods
Getting angry at their own 
Stupid people who just can't get along.

With their own relatives.
Now the descendants don't even
Have a way of pleading with them.

The gods took themselves away.
A long time ago.
No one knows where they are.

Probably hiding in the closets
Or caves 
Waiting for the climax 

To come forth
When not only will they be needed
But only they will survive.

The President has arrived.
Inside the Chambers of Congress

He has to be invited.
It is his state of the union address.
His time to instill trust. 

And hope in his own group
Of people both politicians
And journalists 

Or diplomats and judges.
When? and where 
Will we be next year?

No one knows.
Not even the son
Of God 

Only the foolish
Set their hearts. 
On knowing the future

In order to alter it
To thier own liking
Forgetting the fine balance

That all we die
If they alter even a little
From the path set before them

The core of the earth
Has stopped spinning.
According to the experts

Does this mean we are just?
Sliding through the air?
With no real direction?

Or does it mean that it? 
Will reverse itself.
And begin to spin.

The opposite direction?
How hard is it to keep the earth.
On its axis?

Just so.
So, the entire earth 
Will have a chance.

Of survival
Not forgetting 
The whales nor the butterflies.

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