Monday, February 6, 2023

Just like that...


The strongest earthquake 

In a hundred years

Has hit Turkey.

Over 500 dead

But it is early yet.

And they are still digging.

To find people 

Trapped inside. 

Collapsed buildings.

Meanwhile, others

Are dying unnecessarily.

Because they feel

They are more important.

Then anyone else

Just standing around 

Crying instead of doing

Something about the wrong

Decisions of their government

Have chosen to endanger

Them, whether than use reason

Apparently, Justin deserves.

An apology 

He was not fully responsible.

For that balloon

It simply drifted. 

Across his country 

Once released. 

Somewhere around Alaska

But still, he could have shot.

It down over an empty space

Instead, it is now being.

Sought on the coast of Carolinas.

There is a limit to how much.

A ruler can and can't do.

Preventing earthquakes

Is impossible.

But caring enough to go 

Into a dangerous situation

And provide people. 

The impression that they 

Are interested in their welfare.

Is another thing.

The first lady 

Ended her tour of lower California.

With a trip to the Grammys

While she was speaking

The ground was shaking. 

Half a world away

No fault of her own

Nor anything she could do

While introducing 

A special category

Of songs made for a special reason

Iranian strife was the center. 

Of this one

Instead of a bunch bitches

Who just want to be? 

The real little princess

Behind someone's else back.

I remember my sister.

My mother keeps. 

Telling everyone that

I have amnesia.

But it is more migraines.

And constant difficulties

With selfish teenager girls

Who are willing? 

To destroy someone's else's.

Life just because they

Were not born. 


Just drug addicts.

Like her song 

Bonnie Raitt

Is a special person.

Best Song of the Year.

That would be an accomplishment.

Especially at her age

Which is not Adelle's

Young and full of desire

Whether than dying

When still a little girl

Whose only belief 

Is that her mother. 

Will rescue her. 

And provide for her. 

The life of a Princess

As she has promised her.

Instead, she lay on a slab.

In a cold ice morgue.

Bonnie's story was of a mother.

Who has lost her only son?

Only to find renewal

Of spirit 

With the arrival 

Of a man whose aim 

In life was to thank

The person who gave him

A chance at life

With the heart 

From her son's dead body.

Just as these people

In Turkey are now seeking

The emergency services.

For their real problem

Faced with collapsed buildings.

The end result of war 

Upon a populace 

Is much more real.

Then a bunch of people

Who want to run away?

When their government

Won't give into the human.

Realism of not keeping

Slaves of their neighbors.

Do you think any?

Of the Kevian's

Will feel shame.

When their constant 

Complaints have drained.

A world weary of them.

From a serious situation

In the neighboring area?

Not really.

That anyone seeks the killer

Of a man at all is a miracle.

A small child

So beautiful that she should

Be abducted and held hostage.

Just because a spoiled boy

Just wants his way.

Everything he went through.

In order to get his way

Including getting rid 

Of the real princess

While her sister has 

To continue to live

With the weight of the world

Over nothing more than

The misconception of most

Americans that their children

Can be given up. 

As if they don't want them.

In order to use that title

Of princess for themselves

Their children are filled with ideas.

Of glamour 

When in fact 

It is their mothers. 

Who are living the life?

Of being the mother 

Of a princess

Even though false

They are able to 

Glorify their lives.

By simply pretending

They are not the biological 

Mother of the rotten apple

In order to satisfy themselves

Over two hundred

Different girls 

And their mothers

Have made the claim.

And punished in order.

To satisfy themselves

That someone is not going 

To get way with preventing

Them from having a life.

Where they are not even wanted

Much less known

Who are they? 

To believe they can walk.

Over and introduce themselves.

To Queens and Presidents?

Don't tell me it is about.


The religion would be amazed.

At how many times

They have been misrepresented.

By their devout members

Devoted to destruction.

Area these crazy people.

Meanwhile, I protected.

My sister to her dying day.

Doing everything possible

For her to enjoy being

The Princess

While asking her not to take

Anything of mine

As her relative

She was little. 

Just understanding

That stealing my face

When she was born

Was not so easy to deal

Often pretending to be me

Because mom wanted to play

Games on others 

Just because she wantead 

Hot Chocolate 

And mom wanted to get home

Only to run off 

As she was pregnant


Could not tell us. 

We might tell. 


Who would want her,

In a hospital

And her husband 

Would break down. 

And cry

One more time

Why can't she take 

Her medicine

To prevent this thing

That causes her so much pain.

Mom could not take, 

Having another baby

Baby after baby

And boys!

All of them.

Except the first two

Which must have been a fluke.

Living and carrying 

On afterwards 

Is expected without. 

Anyone knowing

Why you always 

Have headaches

Or that your mother

Is crazy in her head.

Just leading others around

While your kidneys malfunctioned

Due to her need not to feed us

Nor give in to us

That we were anything more than dolls

Two identical girls

Separated by the grandparents.

Who took turns raising

Thier very ill daughters,


Just like that

She was gone

My little sister

In an auto accident

No fault of the driver

In fact, she also 

Suffered death along. 

With her one year old daughter

Her husband had to pick

Himself up and move on

Remarrying for the sake

Of his sons 

To have a mother and another sister

It was not an easy job.

But he has done the job.

While my parents

Lives fell apart.

My father lost  his will to live

And my mother her mind.

Meanwhile the boys 

Were given up to others. 

Just because a rotten boy

Had come to town.

Who does not want anyone? 

To know he is not the real son.

Of the family 

Nor is he going to do anything? 

But steal from those precious

Little girls

Who got their pictures taken?

Identical faces 

Different personalities

Just like that

I woke up after suffering.

Another coma induced. 

By the malnutrition

And cruelty of woman

Without a brain 

To find I now had my sisters,

Kidney in order to live. 

For the sake of the family

Who just wanted to make things right?

To see the family who had done. 

Nothing more than what was normal.

But now have too many

Creepy, crawly things

Just wanting to have 

Thier way with the world

Drug addicts and human trafficker's

Who took advantage? 

Of the situation

While their children

Still have no idea

That I will given a chance

Take their lives from them.

Because their lives 

We're not worth. 

The cost of a small girl

Whose mother did not love.

Her until she proved herself.

No one can live with that.

Unless they are without God

In their hearts

As so many of them are.

None of them care. 

About their own children

Either, but just getting even.

Just like that

It is over for those.

In the area of Syria and its neighbors.

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