Friday, February 24, 2023

First anniversary of Jimmy's war


Jimmy has always wanted. 
To cause carnage
And mayhem

On a large scale
To anything not German
Especially if it was Russian.

Somewhere there is a picture.
Of my family being granted
Thier inheritance

Of an original homestead
On the California coast
In the backyard

We kids discovered a playhouse.
It was a tiny Russian Orthodox church.
With an onion dome outside

And inside were those funny icons
Small and hand painted.
We had worked hard at cleaning. 

It up, removing the vines
Which had grown around it
And washing down the wood

Then the towns newspaper
Came by to take out picture
Two identical girls 

Sitting on the small porch
And two boys crowded behind
It made the front page

Imagine a family of first settlers. 
In California and they were not Spanish
Most of them were not 

But we had evidence in our yard
Quickly all hell broke lose
Jimmy arrived and wanted it removed

His father was famous
He sued us at first 
Then joined us to keep peace

Jimmy got his way
Our house was removed
Our playhouse also disappeared.

Our yard is now a park
The barn is now a restaurant.
And the yard a parking lot

A schoolhouse also provides. 
Refreshment at cost of the original
Homestead by the water

All the way across the America
To the very limit of the Pacific
Actually, they had already gotten here

They just had to repeat. 
The discovery by coming across. 
By wagon train after arriving by boat

America and its rules
Still dont have the right
To walk or sit on this particular spot.

Without having the cops called on me.
Lost my little sister
And the boys were removed as well

Someday they said we would all be together.
Instead, the parents have now died.
As well as the grandparents.

Jimmy always gets his way.
His own father finally began. 
To run scared after his mother 

Died of a massive heart attack.
Jimmies real mother was named Camille.
Not Carol nor Linda.

His demise will greatly appreciate.
By a number of women 
Who have lost the right

To spend money on themselves 
Or buy groceries
Much look prettier than himself.

A widower benefits. 
Might be small on paper
But his parents were both rich.

There has got to be a bank account
He is not telling the rest of us about.
Meanwhile he burnt down almost.

Every Baptist church he needed.
To erase his past in the south
But he does have a southern

White grandpa buried there.
He generally does get his way
Even thought he is a convict.

One day just recently
He began to play a strange game with me.
He would not let me live in my own home town

Then everything was okay
As long as we did not run into each other.
But I kept seeing him 

And then I would get attacked again and again.
Then his ex's began to arrive
Wanting me to go out to lunch

Which I declined
So, he had to stage nighttime..
Entertainment for himself

In the end, 
He got his ex-wife Ludmilla.
To show up with her ex-Vladimir

His ex-wife Lavaughn to show up
With her squeeze Barack
And a few more 

Such as the Clintons
And the Rather's and Brokaw's
Even the Macrons came by

Along with the Zelensky's
A number of other foreign dignitaries
Also came to town

Not just Trump 
And the Governor of California
What was Jimmy up to anyways?

Then just as he put up his big 
Circus tent for himself to enjoy
He pulled it down and went home.

Actually, he went to New Mexico..
To watch Alec Baldwin 
Make a movie.

Just like clock work
I was asked to go live in a Motel 6
Last year because the toilets

Keep overflowing. 
Causing water damage
Everyone else got their bathrooms.

Remodeled and some got new flooring. 
I watched my toilet for a month
It was removed from its foundations.

And then nothing at all
While I came and went 
Over twenty miles 

To visit my belongings 
Get different clothes.
And what not

My birthday is. tomorrow
I woke up to find we were at war
Or at least Kiev 

Had been. attacked.
Still no progress on my toilet
But a week later I was told I come back.

Here I sit with smelly carpets.
Moldy walls
No other repairs in sight

And knowing this was caused by Jimmy
He is not smart
But was trained by a smart mamma.

Who did not know he would turn on her?
He is at the root of this 
I guarantee you 

He brought all the key players to town.
Did I mention that Biden was here as well?
As Kamala before they were elected.

I bet with all the children which are not mine
Jimmy keeps telling them that I am their mother.
And where I am and how to steal from me

That he is also my non born son.
Mr. Zelensky 
Typical of Jimmy

To get everyone involved 
Then pretend he is not concerned
Then sit there while he enjoys the show.

His father often staged things
For him on his Captain Kangaroos show.
All those deaths 

Just because he wanted to prove something.
Jim wants to be a dictator 
Like Benito Mussolini

Without an election nor appointment
Self created 
And he has had enough people

Give in to him
Just because he is mean enough
He used to take the goldfish 

Out of the bowl 
Cut it in half
And tell me he got 

Half of everything of mine
Then he would eat both halves
I never did understand 

Where and why 
We got him in our midst
Someday he is going to be missing a head

I have already gone to trail
For my own fathers murder
One which he arranged.

Watched my mother lose her mind
Buried my loveable
War Hero grandfathers

Who had given their lives
For others before coming home
There is not much he has not done

But I have no daughters
Except the one I tried to adopt
From Kiev all those years ago.

I am a direct descendant of Kiev
I mean the original guys
The three brothers named Rus

A Rurikids' not a Moscow Romanov
I was asked to leave Kiev
By force and told not to return

Interesting then and now
Jimmy has his ways
As well as his reasons

I don't trust him nor anybody
But there are a few good leaders out there 
I am not going to throw out Putin

Just because Jimmy fears him 
Nor give in to the romance
Of this guy that he intends to do right

I do cry for Kiev
But they don't cry for their neighbors
Nor does the world remember 

The fallen heroes
Who protected the world 
Against Fascism and Naziism

Nor of Genghis Khan 
Or any of the others
Just because there are bad reporters

Such as Kimberly Hunt
Who get in teh way of what is going on
Not Allowed, Not allowed

It is not her business
To do anything more
Than report accurately

And without bias 
Instead of personally putting her nose 
Into things that dont belong to her.

As for the rest
They seem to have forgotten
What the world really is outside

Thier glass windows.
I do hope they enjoy the Coronation
Of King Chrales III.

Jimmy swore that would not happen
If he cant stop it 
He will do something else.

I am not trying to rule the world
But rid it of imposters
There are many of them out there

Meanwhile, one year of sorrow 
Has passed
While the state has decided that I am a cripple after all. 

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