Saturday, February 4, 2023

While we were sleeping


We went to war,

With China!


Where are you?

Once I remember

Thinking a Lighthouse

Big and strong

And always present

In my life.

But now it is just distant.


That our relationship

Has become.

The United States

Shot down a Chinese spy balloon!

What happened to us?

There is nothing for me to do.

But miss my cats. 

Who keep being stolen? 

By a neighbor 

Nothing to hold.

Not even a purring cat.

A declaration of war

Is usually provided.

But no, it is simply.

We shot theirs down.

Now deal with it.

Meanwhile they say.

They might retaliate!

What more can happen

I live on the West coast.

Where their missiles 

Will be closer than

The East coast

Where the damn thing went down.

Are we to expect them to land? 

Thier planes on our beaches?

Or are we going to use?


Dropping hundreds of guys

Over their great China wall!

My grandfather was a paratrooper.

They missed France completely.

Landed on the rocks of Gibraltar.

Rescued by the Allies

Who were not Nazis

Took him home with them.

Or at least behind their lines.

Russians used to be straight guys.

One might not trust them.

But you could count on them.

Being straight or at least not

Dishonest to point of being.


No, no we don't know.

What happened to your 

Submarine, oh by the way

We hear fishing is very good.

Off the coast of....

Now these Chinese

They have always had. 

Difficulties understanding

That the Western world

Grew up differently. 

Then them.

Even those that climatize

In America

Still get it wrong sometimes

I had an uncle. 

Who was sent as a missionary?

To the Far East.

During the Viet Nam war.

Politics and religion.

Never trust either one of them.

He survived by got a lot. 

Of post traumatic syndrome

To get over after his years

Traveling through China

As well as other countries

As an innocent by stander

To the raging antiwar sentiments

Where did he disappear?

Probably some old man 

In a wheelchair

Left to die. 

In a nursing home

As the other uncle 

Who worked hard? 

At his publishing company

Until it was time to retire

Only to find his family farm

Had been raided by youths.

Who had no intention of doing? 

Anything but robbing the old

They had wiped out the trees.

And the vines as well as the roses

Even took the antique sink.

Along with the flooring

Left nothing unharmed.

Meanwhile, we may have.

Had a meteorite fall from the sky.

Anyone in Merced County

Find a very large rock. 

Imbedded into their roof.

Or their automobile?

Things are falling out of the sky.

Fighter jets flying overhead.

When I finally get all the way

To oceanside to walk under 

The famous pier 

Of my past youth.

Families used to come.

All the way just to stay.

Here at this beautiful spot

It brought up bitter memories.

And it was just not the same.

Somehow to walk through 

The old town section.

Of my life when my parents

Were still alive.

It is not that they are dead.

It is that the life they had.

Was so much more special.

People don't care anymore.

I am still being taught lessons.

By complete strangers

I child choking on nothing.

While her mother won't leave her alone

Let her breathe for God sake.

And then it is just an insult

To me as another person asks 

Me for change for a dollar.

All this for a day in teh sun

I got a free ride to this place.

Via Rosa Parks birthday

Free rides in north county.

I could go as far as oceanside.

Did not stop in Solano Beach

Which a few people

Did suggest I do for the sake. 

Of the walk on the beach

Was wondering how they 

Knew I am a beach walker.

Or how I was to navigate.

Up those horrible stairs 

At the train station platform

Or then down the rickety

Ones out at the cliffs.

This is not a flat beach.

I have memories of this place.

As well as the other places

My last ones were of Candy.

Showing up as usual 

To tear me away from my

Weekend with someone

Just as my early ones

Are of her showing up

To tear me away from my family.

Where did this one come from?

One can never go back.

All the songs say one can.

But it is just not the same.

Wonder who thought up.

The weather balloon idea?

It is going to be a very special spring.

Falling debris 

From satellites, meteorites and balloons

What next?

Nighttime maneuvers

Being performed on my city

By the military?

They have been doing that.

As well as bringing. 

The First Lady for a visit

I hope she enjoyed herself.

Her schedule was similar to my own.

But I did not bump into her.

She is off now to visit. 

Fairy tale town

Los Angeles

Where the girls

Really believe they are princess.

So many dumb girls

Like that Gail Gadot

She will believe anything

Even that she is talking. 

To a dead woman

On the phone.

I caught her doing it!

Thought she would call my mom

Can't take my word for anything.

Made a point of going over my head.

And did not even know she was dead.

What next dear?

A walk down the aisle with a real prince?

Meghan already beat you to that.

And Kate has the real princess title.

So why don't you give up. 

While you still have time

And go back to where you came from.

With your military training 

So stunning in your performances.

Hate to tell you. 

But your son is not a prince!

Where or where 

Did the time go?

It is as if we have gone past

Something very important

And there is nothing we can do.

But wait for everything to catch up.

Long walks on the beach

Now alone but not lonely

Wondering if I will ever get.

To slay a dragon lady

Named Candace

Or find a wandering male. 

Who once promised me....

Shinging light in the sky

Do not fail us now!....

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