Saturday, February 11, 2023

The cadaver dogs have arrived


Faithful companions to some

These dogs are trained. 

Not to take down escaping

Convicts but to sniff 

Out the dead

They get really excited. 

When there is a live

Body under their paws

Special treats and hugs

The life and times

Of the dog

One of the oldest domesticated

Animals for companionship

And for work in some country's

In others also a source of meat

When things go bad

In modern world

They have been trained. 

To do special things

Such as leading the blind.

Across streets

Or the deaf to the door

When the bell rings

Or to rescue in emergency

There was a time these guys.

We're not used at all.

But that hand digging. 

Is tiresome and it is better to know.

Whether or not anyone is salvageable.

I remember my grandfather.

Had survived WWII

With the help of his friends

On the other side

He knew Cairo and a few other places.

I used to travel with him.

One day we awoke to an earthquake.

He was so frantic.

Going around with his Muslim friends

Any signs of a small girl?

Just a tiny baby really

She could have fallen through a crack.

Days went by as she could not breathe

Then the dog came sniffing

She held out her hand. 

And he began to pull.

He was admonished for touching.

But a grateful grandfather

Was handed his granddaughter.

Over the crowd of people

Bruised and battered.

But alive to breathe another day.

A miracle had occurred.

Just as the day she was born.

Her mother went into labor.

On the flight from France

Her screams brought it down. 

Somewhere north they said.

But it was down on the beach.

That they found her with her newborn

Just as the story of Cecelia

The first European woman

Had gone into labor all alone.

They found her on the beach.

Having given birth to a girl

But died in the effort.

Living an heir to the property

It is said I was born in the air.

Or down on the beach 

Where the sunsets over the Pacific

In neither case was Betty A present

Nor Jimmy 

Just her and God

God decided to intervene.

My father found us. 

Out scouting around for his wife

Grandpa took custody of the situation.

He knew his daughter better than most.

The young man had seemed a good idea at the time.

But it had turned into a headache.

A nice kid who grew up smart

But could not understand what to do

With his own wife

Cecelia, CeCe

That was the name I was first known.

Later they began to call me Camille

My mother only spoke French to me

For I was born in French territory

The old homestead was a French land grant.

And the Mexico governor Maximillan

Who lived in Chapultepec Forrest?

The only royal residence in America

Was shot and executed by mongrels.

He was French royalty.

They were the discard of the unwanted

Jews of Spain 

And refuge of other countries

Unlike America 

Who accepted the Irish?

But not the Chinese.

Again, it had happened.

The Earth had quaked. 

Below our feet

I awoke to a room full of scared children.

But it was dark and underground.

Confused until realized.

We were buried under rumble.

She had my trusty camera.

She pointed it outwards.

Walls and a hole

Inwards, scared kids

She inched towards the hole.

There it was again.

She had thought she had seen it.

A flashlight in the darkness

She reached out with her hand.

Grabbing the sleeve

OF the man with the flashlight

He froze with shock.

She took the flashlight.

Turned it inwards.

Still a bunch of frightened children

She brought it back out to the man.

Indicating he needed to hold it still.

He did as he was instructed.

One by one the smaller children

Were lifted up to arms.

From nowhere they came

Until only the last body 

Lay half buried but was dead.

She herself was too small.

To crawl out without help

Suddenly she was airlifted up.

There they were a group of small survivors.

None of them related.

They were in a school room. 

The dead body was the schoolteacher.

Who was still giving instructions?

On ducking under the desks

She found herself amongst 

Strangers who were complaining

About the lack of aid, they were receiving.

Her grandfather was there? 

Standing amongst them

She ran to him only to find him too sad.

To pick her up 

His wife and daughter were under a section.

Of the adjacent building

She cried and wailed as the other women.

Then she heard it the sound of a whistle

While the men were busy discussing things.

She flew over the rubble.

To where a small crack was visible.

And through it was the sound of a high pitch whistle

She began to dig by herself.

The adults were too busy by now.

Counting their dead to notice her.

She found a way through the crevice.

Too touch the extended fingers.

Of her own brother down below

Suddenly there were men on top of her.

They began to pull things away.

Until a small opening was made

He brought out the other children.

But could not pick up his mother.

Nor her mother he said as they 

Carried him away from her.

While the men were scouring the area

She slip into the crevice.

Crawling forward with a rope in her hand

She found them tightly wedged.

But alive 

She tugged on the rope.

And got a response. 

She carefully brought. 

Her grandmother around 

To hold onto the rope

They began too slowly reel her in

She was still small enough. 

But mother on the other hand

Was pregnant again.

She was also unhappy.

Which meant death to anyone? 

Who interfered with her misery?

Before she could decide how to deal 

With this new situation 

She had help in the form of two feet.

Somehow one of the men

Had followed the sound. 

Of the conversation

He was walking across.

The rubble when he fell through.

His upper half was still above.

They worked around him. 

While he helped pull up

The child who had gone inside

Only to find another adult female

Was lodged under the rubble.

Now sky high and floating above

The sea of hands she found herself.

Back in the arms of her grandfather

Who had received his wives' body?

Only to find her still alive

And quite cruel in her tongue usage

All through the war

She was a radio announcer.

And war correspondent

Everywhere he went he saw pictures of his wife.

Shaking hands with other men

It made him crazy.

Thinking that one day 

She was going to be hit with a bomb.

And he would have to find her body.

Then go home and tell his only child.

Of her mother death

Instead, she had survived.

And been shipped stateside

Here she was crumpled. 

And not too happy to see him.

Standing over him laughing

Crying with joy

Old man who leads her down the garden path

When she was a young girl

Only to come home broken

She would have loved him still.

Except he took to himself 

In his man caves

He had seen too much to deal with

But loved her still.

Here they were on a trip to turkey.

To explain to her what his life

Had been like while she was. 

Fine dined and danced.

Through British royalty

And Hollywood celebrity

The final leg was that child. 

Of theirs which had been found alive

There was the breathing beauty. 

Unwanted by its own mother

But adored by the granparents

Flying thorough the air towards him.

At last his family was complete

But Hazel they had an earthquake.

We had to stay and dig out the men.

The local people were crazy about it.

They believe God intends for these things to occur!

All those years had gone by

Here he stood watching them

Dig out his own daughter

He was a lucky man.

Not so lucky when they got out

And went to recover on the nile

AS she insisted she had to have a river crise

His wife of all those years

Only to find a new sound

Crying out in the night

Another one!

How many times would it happen

His wife could have no more than one child

And her daughter kept. 

Popping them out!

She had stood the times

Of troubles with her cousin

Now on her own as an adult

She was faced with an earthquake.

She was accustomed to them.

Being from California

Watching the men scrabble 

She felt something deep inside

She found a dog in the streets.

A military man had taught her a trick.

She used bait and a long leash.

She walked him back and forth.

Til he sounded the alarm

Dead or alive

There was a body down below.

Her world kept colliding ...

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