Thursday, February 16, 2023

A shooting star


All young girls dream. 
Of growing up
And becoming President

In Dianes case
She got to be the head. 
Of many different groups

She was typical. 
California athletic
Who looked good in her swimsuit?

Earned her way to Stanford.
To graduate and marry
Only to become the first female

Mayor of San Francisco
From a pretty girl 
To a smart one

California's own Iron lady
Married and divorced.
After producing her only child

Then went onto be. 
Widowed twice. 
While building her career

In the community 
Into a Politician
Who held her own? 

In Washington DC
As a Senator from the Golden state
A Goldman herself

From Russia immigrants
At the turn of the century
Into the beautiful little

Community on the bay
Which got so many media?
During those days 

Of her youth
From Movie stars 
To Hippies

To Gurus 
And gunman
She had it all

Including the unusual
Homeless and poverty
There is never enough to go around.

Rosenbergs in Saint Petersburg
Where good Orthodox Christians
Who allowed their daughter?

To marry a Jew 
Who then took her to America
Where theirs met another 

Immigrant from Germany
A strong Jewish heritage
Which she is proud

This war in the Ukraine
Must cause her alarm.
With her own heritage

Freedom for religion
And the pursuit of happiness
The poor puppet king. 

Being used to get the goods.
Only to be disowned 
In the near future

Is Jewish as well.
Unusual to be allowed. 
To be elected President of a country

She lost her bid for Governor. 
Of California but was given
A senators seat instead

The President of her own club
Had made it to the Capital
Of the new country

Leading the cause 
For each new wave of immigrants
And heretics

A definer in the policies
Of both California
And America 

Her life of wonders
Included opening the famous
Pier 39 for tourists

To leading parades. 
Against gun violence
Where would we be without her?

Eighty-Nine is too old.
Some made it to 100
Without being made to surrender

Thier throne 
But even the Queen of England
Had to finally bow to the death

Her next journey 
Won't be knitting. clothes
For grandchildren

As her only daughter
Appears to have had none.
As of this moment

However, she could get remarried.
The handsome Lavrov
Would make a lovely addition.

To her spouse list
Her is an uprising. politician
In her own home country

Russia diplomat
With extreme powers 
Has missed an missile.

Against him by the guy in charge
Too bad he is too old himself
But I don't believe Putin.

Is ready to hand over his reins.
Any time soon
There are too few capable

Of leading such a vast country
Just as San Francisco 
Was such a diverse city.

With is strong Russian connections
And wealth from its occupants
Even the quake and fires

Of 1906 could not get rid of them
What is the Senate going to do? 
Without their mainstay

Did I vote for that?
After all, one thinks. 
They know what the bill is about

And then it gets past that stage
And one wonders.
Did I really support that?

She has had her years. 
And her troubles
She does deserve a break.

But this age thing
In DC is getting a little out of hand
First the former President

Then the President himself
Now one of our best Senators
Where is it going to end?

If we dont have old ones
To remind us of what went wrong
What are we going to do?

I had two great grandmothers
Who lived with us at times
They might have been looney.

But they were also saner.
Then my own mother.
Who one night encountered.

A man sneaking up on her.
Attacking her from behind
He got thrown right over her head.

How she managed it she did not know
But is what happens.
When even a frail person

Is caught unawares.
By a known assailant
They know their moves. 

So well, that one misstep
And the guy is toast.
Along the California coast

Is a skeleton waiting.
To be found
Just dangling from a branch

He landed hard on his head
In a vertical positon
High off the ground 

Could not get back up 
Nor drop to the ground.
And he was dazed. 

Had not expected her to move. 
So quick to the side
He was already halfway.

Off the cliff anyways
Her catching his arm
And throwing him 

Caused him to hit his head
As he watched the sunrise
He considered his possibilites

And then the sunset came
And he thought no more.
Having expired from exposure

She had been disaperate
For help to get him back
But she called the wrong person

She was always having 
These little problems
If she called her daughter

She might take her some place
Quiet which is why she was here
At this spot along the coast

She never did get help
The person who came
Black mailed her instead.

About her having thought
She had killed someone.
She might have imagined it

But then he sat down 
Next to her daughter
Who turned a strange color

Her daughter kept saying
There were two of them
Happy grandpa

Seems to be alone now.
Any idea what happened to the other one?
The serial killer mentality

This guy is not smart. 
But is still a killer
He is just too. happy

Maybe he did away with the other guy
If found, please identify the remains.
Because a massive fraud has occurred

Everyone has been taken in 
By a dead man's double
Oh, Jimmy what crevice did you fall?

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