Friday, February 17, 2023

Even Erin is envious


Dementia is non-specific.
Disease of the mind
That has been damaged.

In some fashion
To the point of no return
Unlike other traumas

It is not reversible
For the most part
The diagnosis is a heavy one

For family and friends
Of those who have to been handed
This type of thing

The person looks fine
But does not act the same
Times of pure sanity

Followed by lunacy
Or memory loss
Causing them to regress

To thier own inner hell
Depending upon thier personality
Hopefully the girls of the Willis

Family are not drug addicts
And will be able to take care of thier own
Unlike the more famous 

Mickey Rooney
Who was locked in his room
By stepfamily 

To prevent him from spending 
Their inheritance
Nor like my own mother

Set out on the streets
With no where to go 
Nor any mercy

From those who had taken 
Advantage of her during her good years
And maybe had caused the mental state.

Of which she was found
When I was yet still a teenager
Already an independent of the state

Due to her not acknowledging. 
Giving birth to me as a young 

My own real brother
Still thinks he is an only child
Because she never got out of the habit

Of simply lying to cover herself.
Her web of lies so vast
That she got caught inside

Her own web of deceit
Not able to save herself.
Having told every child, she encountered

That they were the real little princess
Behind my back
Even Erin Burnett

And Linsay Davis
And Gail Gadot
And Kate Middleton

The list goes on to include.
Every current celebrity
Actress, model, singer

And a few royals 
Or first daughters
Who just cant get over

Being raised
At the White House
Or some Palace

Instead of my own place
All of my places have been taken away
I have been left with nothing at all

Except to sue those inhabiting 
The old places
No one is going to live. 

Where my real relatives 
Were murdered or lead to their deaths.
Just because some lesbian wants to deny.

Someone else the right to her own life
Given the conditions of Bruce's life.
He might be lucky to have his family.

Some never remember where they come from 
Such as my mother who thought she was a lost
Royal having lived in London. during the blitzes

And in New York in foster care
Where she kept lying to her own parents
Believing she was being denied. 

The right to be a queen or something
She ended up dying of brain cancer
Because her adopted granddaughters

Refused to give her proper. 
Medical treatment
Her mind so bad

That she won't stop 
Attempting to prove
Her daughter gave birth. 

To each and every one of them
Girls my cervix is too small.
I can prove I have never lactide

If this is not good enough for you
The judge will award me. all of your possessions
Since you took my mother's life

In order to sit there imagining
Under heroine 
That you were a royal bastard

Born out of wedlock.
To an unwed adolescent.
I hate to tell you.

I was already married.
At that age
And did not have a baby.

I have benign tumors.
Instead of fetuses
If you want to be cruel

Enough to bring it up
I will not be kind. 
Towards you.

Anyone who has to sit
With a family member
Who no longer knows. 

Themselves nor who they are.
To others 
Does not deserve.

The kind of nonsense 
That your kind of personalities
Bring into a family of sorrows.

I was often called.
The sorrowful lady
Having been forced 

To attend the non-Catholic school
In San Francisco
Of the Russian Orthodox

Lady of her Sorrows.
I am not going to accept
That you have had a life

And still want more of me
While you did not even 
Come to my mother's side.

When's she lay dying in the hospital.
Nor her funeral
Nor did you come to my aid?

Except to show off 
That I would not take care of you
When I was not obligated

Your families and friends
And collogues are going. 
To regret your callousness

Of refusing to stop 
Taking advantage of sick old lady
Who has now been dead fifteen years?

Just because you are bastard children.
And drug addicts.
As for the Willis's

I would pursue. 
The DuPont's
Where? he worked as a young man.

Those drug places area not good places
To drink the water
Or anything else

While there is some relief 
If the right program is found
Depending upon who severe the damage 

In my case I spent more than twenty years
Waiting for my mother to die
For she was never going to be well again.

No matter what we did for her.
The judges finally started locking.
Her up because her behavior became. 

So bad in public
And behind my back.
I have not given up anything.

But instead, been bitten by a variety.
Of spiders the sweet little
Girls bring with them. 

When they visited in the dark of night
And without permission from the courts
To punish me for not wanting them

To go over to Buckingham palace
And through Elizabeth out on the streets
Because they were the real little princesses

Demi and I are. known for our arguements
About who was the real daughter

I am afraid it was me who lost everything
Therefor it must have been me.
But she who now has to have her ex. 

Suffer the collateral damage.
Of being in the way
Just as mine no longer knows me either....

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