Thursday, February 9, 2023

The first time I saw him


He was dragging my sister. 

By her little arm

Screaming with rage

I ran up behind them.

As he got to the beach

Where he began to spank her

With horrible lashes

He was planning to dip. 

Her under the water

When he was done.

I tackled him.

And told her to run.

I was not sure if 

She had learned to swim yet.

But I knew how. 

As I expected 

He turned his rage upon 

Myself with my kicks 

At him going unnoticed

But he was stopped.

She had run into the right.

Group of people

He had to be stopped.

And dragged off of me.

Then the police arrived

He was not allowed to be on

This property nor any of the others

His reason for being angry?

He had caught her having tea.

With our great grandmother.

He had his own family.

He was a rich kid.

Who had been to Europe?

And the Bahamas and Africa

He always stayed at the Hilton.

He had no reason not to be. 

Where his parents put him

He was Captain Kangaroos

Son from a different mother

Then his wife but it was 


As long as he was provided.

It was okay.

He was never going to be.

A movie star but could do other things.

He only wanted what he could.

Not have and he is talentless.

But it was this little piece.

Of land that he had decided

Was his for the taking.

It all was about him getting.

Into ideas about his self-worth

Someone important had stayed. 

On this land and he wanted 

The land for himself

So, he could feel important about himself.

Charles Mansion had brought. 

A whole school bus. 

Of women to Baja

Found an unoccupied 

Piece of property

To do a guru thing on them.

Most of them don't even remember.

The weekend they spent.

But some of them never forgot.

His drugs and hypnosis

Were great indeed.

One of the women brought. 

Little Shawn now known as Jimmy.

Was so impressed. 

As to how he got women.

To do what he wanted

That he could not live without

Owning the land himself.

He hated his mother.

For not only giving birth to him

Which by the way he won't acknowledge

He has a god complex.

Of not having been born of a woman

He gets many women to believe.

That he is their son

But he does not believe it himself.

His hatred or fear of women

Was very severe. 

According to psychologist

Who felt he had a homosexual?

Personality towards the subject

He won't agree to be in a same sex.

Relationship but keeps getting. 

Dumb blonds to be his wife.

The problem is he has over. 

A hundred of them 

Who have grown old and angry.

His hero would be a mentally ill killer.

My family was subjugated to his tantrums.

My mother finally lost her mind 

To his insanity and constant threats.

He would stand behind he and inject.

Needles into her head 

She died of brain cancer.

Once he showed up knocking

On the door of the private family complex

While he was talking to her

The toilet flushed.

She had been laying down. 

And thought she had heard. 

Someone let themselves into the room.

Out popped another one-of him.

There were two of them!

It appears the original guy.

Was simple minded but no innocent.

His imbecile was known to his parents.

Which is why he was supposed to be? 

In certain types of places when they were not around

Instead, another kid found him.

To his liking had his face altered

This guy was deadly and wanted everyone to know it

The little guy disappeared after a while.

My sister died in an auto accident.

While I was knocked out 

When I came too

I found the driver dead. 

My sister missing.

She was dead. 

I held her in my arms.

Sweet and spoiled.

She was not a bad person.

She had my face naturally.

Her body went into the morgue.

I tried to save her even then.

I fought to be with her. 

To protect her from the bad guy

There are stories about morgues.

Forensic science gets its information.

From those who work with dead bodies

I now have a forensic science degree.

Due to his always playing around.

I understand he would remove.

Things from bodies 

Slip them under the pillows.

Of women in high places

Threatening their sons virality

He was impotent and chemically sterilized

He had been executed and incarcerated.

Somewhere there is a man sitting.

In his place with no way out.

He found my mother. 

When she was living in a different city

She often left us and ran away

Sometimes she would arrange.

For us to be somewhere special

Then she would check into a place

To live alone with her mind 

Already too far gone with pain.

He stood there on the doorway.

Waiting for her to be happy

To see him

She had disappeared.

He had found her!

He sighed deeply.

Putting his arms around her

With his head close to her ear

He told her that he had 

Her dead daughters heart.

Inside his body

Now she could no longer 

Attempt to kill him.

He had been trying to kill her.

But he always survived.

The accidents he kept having.

He was very accident prone!

I remember him coming in.

To my room at night

And choking me to death

His thumbs were not strong.

Enough to complete his tasks.

He also would swim under me.

Pulling me down into the water

But I had been trained. 

To breathe under water.

Snakes and spiders 

Were left as presents.

I am now immune to many types of venom.

Running over me with his car

Was not unknown to happen.

His foot slip on the pedal!

Spankings are also physical assault.

Dropping me off of high rises 

Such as parking garages or bridges

Or locking me in elevators.

This was my life as a child.

The worst part is when. 

He shows up in a dressing room.

Removing an item of clothing

Fleeing a scene with just your bra 

Or worse is not pleasant.

Nor is feeling a dog crawling.

Under the table

Only to find out it is him.

Removing my panties 

Before I can stop him

Just in outright surprise

At some point he got 

Everyone to thinks he was sweet. 

My parents went from 

Having the authorities pick him up

To allowing him to stay with us

The boys were given up 

Once my sister died.

He was telling everyone. 

That he was the son of the family.

He killed both great-grandmothers

That we were four generations

Was a miracle but the old ladies?

Were in their nineties and accustomed.

To traveling and were the title holders.

They lived with us in the early days.

Then they both died under suspicious circumstances

There three grandfathers, one the uncle caretaker

He went first driving his car backwards.

Down a hill in Sausalito

The other two made it into the Eighties.

Then they were no longer needed

He got my parents to separate.

Then he began to track down the boys

He just wanted to kill them.

Recently I had a bad auto accident.

He was not responsible.

But the ones who play with him

Were there and kept me from getting.

Recovery or restitution

In fact, the girls began. 

To track me down in order to rob me.

Not allowed to go shopping nor have money.

Becaus I would not take care of them.

I still have not given birth to anything.

While he was well taken care of by his real parents.

He caught me on the trolly

Having gone out to lunch with someone 

He did not like nor want me to know.

He had the girl inject me first.

Then he drug me off the elevated train stip

He assaulted me in the elevator.

Every time he was taken down.

I had gone up.

Now he was going to make me go down.

While he got to go up

UP and Down 

On the same elevator

Screaming and spanking

Hitting me head against the glass walls

Until the elevator broke down

Again, stuck in an elevator.

The paramedics asked me stupid questions.

When someone finally called it in

It took two years to repair the elevator.

This after he had me on another elevated stop

Where the paramedics had me strapped down

But could not figure out how to use the elevator.

They forgot to get in and the thing went up and down.

Until finally someone pulled me out and shoved

Me down the highway

While my suitcases were thrown over the side

Don't know what happened to the paramedics.

They were not the ones to find me.

Again, I got caught having a lunch date..

On the walkover the train tracks

He took my purse.

After seriously damaging my head

On the cement walkway.

I was found clinging with one arm.

Around the metal protective part

He got me as I was going up the escalator.

I had gotten a call from the cops.

I was to show up at court.

I could only get to the second floor.

I had begun to pass out. 

After the third flood

In fact, I could not even stand.

But I was going to be brave.

This time it was important.

They had something for me to do.

His arm came around me. 

And a needle was put into my body.

Then as my body went limp.

He began to twist me over the side.

He did inside the courthouse.

He was caught and stopped.

While the emergency crew took care of me

He went into family court. 

Where he was denied a court order

To control me but still has a woman.

Show up with false papers.

He just wants to have his way.

What he has done to property

Is unbelievable.

There is nothing elegant or rich.

Left on it with all the personal

Belongings removed. 

He is probably going to destroy.

The only place I remember.

As the Family home

The only place that there was any peace for us.

All of gone

Just because he wanted what?

A life of ease, he doesn't have to do anything.

But he won't leave me alone.

He used to say he was my daddy.

Only five when I was born.

Now he says he is my spouse.

Wants me not to know. 

What he is doing but sits down

And speaks to everyone. 

Who comes near me?

Has prevented me from medical treatment.

And won't leave the dentist alone.

He was one who would not go to the dentist.

He was practically made insane. 

If he had to go to the dentists.

He got over it by making others. 

Deal with pain and teeth removal

He took all of my father's teeth out.

He is working on mine 

Making holes in my smile

Keeping me from having a life 

At anything just to do what?

His Janet is going to wish.

Her smile is not under orders.

To be destroyed

Candies niece thinks she is big stuff.

Her and her needles

It was her aunt Candy. 

Who got caught giving me too many? 

Injections but she thinks it will. 

Make her into a Princess.

To do what?

This bastard is now running. 

Around Europe to get his way

With a war he started

Everyone is blind to his guilt.

They just want the other guy. 

To go away

They used to tell us that about. 

Jimmy as well but he got them.

To forget they hated him.

My sister says he took. 

Her little hand 

Walked her over to Santa Claus

Inside Macys 

Where he told the man

He wanted the doll

He meant he wanted her.

The guy laughed and told him. 

To come back in a decade

When she would be old enough

To get married to him

She died and I am the one.

He says got married.

Santa Clause did not perform a marriage.

But that does not matter to him.

He only just wants his way.

He makes things up in his head.

He lives in a fantasy world.

Wher he gets to go anything he wants.

He takes the paperwork away from me

And then has other lie to me

Most of these cse workers

Believe they are the one and only.

Princess behind me back

Even Ashley won't give me a clue.

Except for calling me mom

She throws away the good food.

Gives me injections herself.

It is illegal even inside a hospital.

But she does not know that.

She was never trained. 

Nor went to school.

All they do is watch commercials.

They believe everything they see. 

That is how Jimmy grew up.

Watching tv where his father 

Was one of the main kids shows.

Not a bad guy

But got a bad kid. 

The first time I saw him....

He was already mentall ill

About my family and his self worth

He wants to control the world

I am not going to forgive.

The World leaders if they don't get it right.

It is wrong to hold.

People in slavery

If they want their freedom

Then give it to them.

Where is this guy going 

To be in two years

That they are entrusting 

Thier expensive toys?

Here today and gone tomorrow....

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