Sunday, February 19, 2023

Rats beware!


There is a new predator.

On the block

And it does sneak up.

And swoop in 

Then gulps.

Down those pesky rodents

Of Central Park

Formerly of the Zoo

A sophisticated environment

For sure,

But an escape

Has learned to live.

In the wilds.

Now those joggers

Might keep an eye.

Out for it if they

Are accustomed. 

To wearing those funny 

Things on their heads

That might resemble. 

A fleeing varmint

Sharp eyes

Quick claws

Nasty beak

Watch out.

New Yorkers

This guy is not taking. 

Any hostages.

As for the others 

Out there

How many more 

Guns can be found

By school age children?

Or little old ladies

Run over by moving vehicles?

Even the doctors

Can't go out for a bike ride.

Without being purposefully

Run over and then stabbed!

Come on folks.

This is the Twentyfirst century

Not the Eighteenth!

When are we going to learn?

Not to trust our neighbors


They are so charming.

Are they not?

Or those sweet talking 


Who just can't stop? 

Asking for personal information

So, the whole world

Can now your personal business.

Can't even go into a business.

On the other side of town

Without hearing about

What you did the day before.

Just want to be left alone.

Want to do. my grocery shopping.

And laundry without having.

To explain what is in my cart.

Or to go somewhere 

And change my mind.

Or realize it is not going.

To happen today.

Just once I would like.

To go somewhere new

And not hear about

Something old.

Come on 

I survived. 

Did I not?

Got over that.

Did not do this.

Want to go forward.

Not backwards.

A nervous breakdown

Is what I was thinking

I might be having.

Could not figure out.

What was wrong with me.

Not depression 

Nor suicidal thoughts

Just a lot of hell

And bad nightmares

Surfacing after all these years

Time has come. 

To go somewhere else

With my self 

And others need. 

To consider 

Reminding people

All the time 

Of things 

One is not. sure

The meaning 

Just the memory

Of a past

One might not want

To know about.

Then again, I don't like 

To be kept in the dark.

I just don't like

Guessing games

Nor everyone

Appearing to know

Everything about me.

Went through it again

Walked right into a place

I was sure I had been before

They acted polite

But was getting nervous

I know I was there? 

Not too long ago

And got the same answers.

Very chilling that issue

Can see myself.

Sitting there doing 

Nothing abnormal

And then bam

It happens again.

And again.

Worse thing

When others start to play

A game of forget me not.

Daylights savings time

Is just around the corner.

Thank God.

Time will go back to normal.

Maybe society will also

Become normal....

Never going to happen,


Even sent Kamala. 

Out into the wilds

Of European politics

Hope she survives.

Because they seem

 To have gone crazy

Over there, were 

They change the map.

Every other day

Or so




From it all together!

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