Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Like a fine vintage figurine

There he was pottering around.
Where was Jill?
He needs to lean on something.

His doctor might say he is fine.
But he looks a little like a fine vintage figurine.
Tottering around on those skinny legs.

Who the hell allowed.
Him to travel ten hours by train?
After sneaking out of the big house?

Are they crazy over there?
He is our oldest President.
With Carter being our dearest.

The little show off
Would not come out of his whole.
Until he could prove something

His story of traveling by train
And then by a private plane
In order to pop up in DC

Was under suspicion.
But to do it in order to have
The old man follows him home!

Well, there are those who do wonder.
How much it costs to buy 
A CIA operation 

Complete with an entire country
At their disposal
He did not even travel with an army.

The first time any President
Had no back up supporting him.
While his secret service

We're not visible.
Just him and his guide
Showing off pretty 

Easter Egg delights
One does wonder who is kidding whom.
Is the public buying this show?

Or is the media selling it too well.
A President with no escort
Being given a walk around

During an air raid 
While standing on top of the X.
Where all the bombs are to be spent.

My grandmother survived.
The Blitzes of London
Ending up in hospital

And losing her entire apartment building
While her husband as a paratrooper
Was dropped in th wrong country.

Spent the rest of his time.
Behind lines keeping out of a Nazi POW camp.
Really, buying this fairy tale

Of the Easter rabbit 
Having a bunch of special eggs
To show off his country

Most of it has been blown to bits.
And is already being funded. 
To be rebuilt in a modern fashion

While half a billion dollars
Was dropped into his top hat.
What a performer.

Maybe I am mistaken.
But I do believe that this was his
Coming out and telling us he expects

To be reelected next term
As he has captured without a fight
A country willing to protect him.

At their own costs.
Not even considering retaliation.
Meanwhile the other guy

Bravely walked onto a stage
In his own country
One he has defended since he was a young man.

Having been one of the three children
Who survived the Nazi attempt to take over? 
Russia and starving the children and raping the women.

He went on to do what some would not do.
But went beyond the normal in his protection.
Oh his mother and her own country.

While getting himself in trouble
Over and over again
He had several resignations.

And assassination attempts
Even his own wife Ludmilla
Was known in the west for asking.

where she could get a handgun
Suspected under any guise.
A woman who had shown up too many

Times with others as her husband
Including Jimmy
Wanted him dead.

So, she could stop pretending.
She went out one day.
Not to return

Finding herself a new younger man.
While she did not have his children
But raised others as hers.

What should we think of a man?
Abandoned by his country
Forced to be a taxi driver.

Instead of a proud war veteran
Just a defuncted KGB officer.
No longer needed nor valued.

Abandoned by his wife and adopted daughters.
They don't even live in the same country.
Nor was he not abandoned by his own people?

The same ones who encouraged him to take over.
Now want him to go home.
They just wanted to get rid of the other old guy.

Will his religion also abandoned him?
Mine did me after forcing me into conflict
After conflict without being able to explain

that it was about my mother's mental illness
I did know one day I would be pushed out.
But it is the ones who keep coming back?

to get even while those upstairs
Have already done what they could.
Except call the cops to arrest

The sweet young girls 
Who keep on having issues.
With others demanding they have to have

Such as Debbie F 
Who was always? jealous of other?
Women who had husbands

But she had at least two babies
which she gave up without a thought
Although one girl could not be touched

At all when she surfaced because it was hers
and who elses husband?
this is what I had to deal with 

Instead of the politics
My grandfathers trained me as war veterans.
My mother was an issue.

She had been broken and was to be left aone
But they had no idea how bad her life was going to be.
Meanwhile, our own president

Got to Poland 
A little bit late
With his side trip to Kiev

Only to stand thre and condemn
A man who is keeping the other evils
From the west

Who else is keeping both. 
China and Middle East at bay?
Even Africa prefers his country.

To ours who is never able to speak
Plainly without covering over someone's
Elese demand towards discrimination.

It will not be bad to have.
Biden around for another four years
It will be bad if Putin.

Disappears with no one to fill his shoes.
So far no one else has been able to prove.
The same type of loyalty

while this new guy is just in it for the 
Or the power?

I just want to know if things. 
Do go wrong.
And Ukraine is allowed to keep.

Donetsk will they be able.
To keep them forever?
Is the UN really not going?

To ever tell them that they can't
Be slave owners
And that those who want freedom

Must be given it?
Will Donbass never come to pass?
What type of UN is it going to be. 

With Zelensky holding a type of grip
On another recognized group of people?
It will be something new and difrrent

For the UN
To look the other way
And not understand that a people want

Politics aside
Who did not want to see? 
This gentle man walking with his stilted gait

In an place without protection?
Just to satisfy someone new and young
Who has no way of repaying? 

The money
The arms
The training of the men

Nor the amount of harm done.
Towards the reporters
The Politicians who have gone

Nor the ones who have left his country.
Which brings us to who does he have left
Enough votes to win?

After all, millions of his faithful
Have already gone away.
China once built a great wall.

To keep out enemies
And the Hadrian wall
In Scotland was built

By the Romans to prevent 
The Celts from entering,

While Germany was split
Between the two past politics
Our modern world can only 

Provide a glass wall
In which to watch each other
The other one will never go away.

while we keep after them 
About what?
I cry for Ukraine.

I was once asked to leave Kiev.
I am a direct descendant. 
Of the original ones

But I was too peaceful.
At the time 
They wanted war. 

Not rhetoric.
Betsy Ross
We need another star

Sewn into the flag.
The last state was Hawaii.
The next one will be Ukraine...

We now need fifty-one stars.
But George I don't have enough
Room for them all unless we lose a stripe or two...


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