Saturday, December 17, 2022

And then again


And then again 

Everything is the same

Everywhere else.

Even little Juan 

Grew up believing

He owned me as a hostage

Just because he has a stupid mother

And a stupider grandmother

These kids nowadays

Have no respect for others

But are in fact 

Just waiting the day

They can stick a knife

In their own mother

Watching her bleed out

He will feel no sorrow

Nor nostalgia

Just satisfaction.

Jimmy used to put 

Strange things in the freezer

For my mother to find.

She was afraid of him

Obviously so to the point

That it is not funny

To have her friends 

Allow him to continue

Using my family name.

But then no one knows

How to stop a madman

Before he kills one more time.

A simple bullet would suffice

But that would not be justice

Nor acceptable and his kind knows it.

When did the world change?

It never did alter its course

No matter who has attempted

To rescue its head on course

Towards destruction.

Even little old ladies

Who sit down next to you

And lie about being friendly

Steal your friends who have

Come to speak to you 

For herself and the apartment

They were offering

Will follow you around

Showing off their contempt

By not only no longer

Dreaming you good enough

To be spoken to 

But also have a dog as a replacement

That they sit with their eyes closed.

The world has always been a cruel

Place where a few honest men

Make a small dent in its destruction

But too many women are willing

To sell their own daughters 

Into slavery or rape them 

Themselves in order to feel

Apart of a situation they

Are in fact not allowed

To belong as Jimmy

Always denied my mother

Anything and everything

Each and every time she attempted

Out of fear to do his bidding.

Breaking a woman down

To the point that her family

Are no longer hers is not an easy task

But for her friends to accept 

The situation is enormous

Amount of innocence and naivety

Only a few are able to watch

A scene unfolds in front

Of them or the world

And wonder when it is going to end.

Just like this aquarium in Berlin.

We used to have an aquarium

In old California 

First there was the Golden era

When everyone built things

And then the Great depression

When things were abandoned

Along came people who either

Paid for the unused buildings

Or inherited them with real wills.

Piers were built to unload ships

And then those highways were built

For all those automobiles.

A few piers were handed over

Out of fashion or vogue

To other usages.

For instance, the Crystal Pier

Was turned into a Ballroom

There was a large room 

At the end where they probably

Processed not fish but humans

In the early days of the Republic

My family owned during the war

Where they made it into a store 

Of rationed goods as the only means

Of acquiring food legally during the war.

Then it was turned into an Aquarium

My little brothers and myself

Had to clean and keep it up.

For a small price I would provide 

A tour of the magical kingdom

While the others provided 

Sound effects and popcorn.

We were not bought out

But taken over one night

By Janet and Suzie

Who as usual just did not want

Us to have something they could 

Not have and destroyed 

The family nucleus

Janet and Katrina 

Have been raised to take

Over the family business 

Of destruction towards 

My family which is not theirs

One day they will die

Just as those fish did

Spilled out on to the streets

Lying dead in the gutter.

Expensive ones meant

To bring a fortune to the hotel

They were housed bringing in

Tourist from around the world.

To see the famous Nemo.

My mother took me to see them

As an adult while she played

At how to disown me one more time.

Just for the sake of Jimmy.

What caused an explosion

That sent an 82-foot-tall glass

Structure down to the ground

In a split second?

No one seems to know

But it did cause a few to die.

They say just one more hour

And the streets would have been filled

With normal human traffic.

A million liters of water came crashing down

Upon the hotel which was evacuated

And the street outside.

Killing all 1500 fish inside.

The expensive ones and the common ones

All at once just as a nuclear bomb

Would wipe out a single community.

In ancient days there would be no one

Left to tell the story of what occurred

Is Zelensky ever going to take the hint

That men like Jimmy never take no

For an answer, not to have gotten in bed 

With him in the first place?

Our family sea horses and sea dragons

Managed to survive in the smaller glass homes

But the rest of those fish which had been

Collected from around the world 

Were gone whiel a teenage boy

Sat there laughing his head off.

Just as he caught and killed

A squirrel for each female of my family

He made it clear what his intentions

As has little John who shows

Up with his girls thinking

He is Andy Garcia on the screen

Or does he believe he is his son?

He acts as if he is a gangster

Al Capone is laughing from his grave.

But the boy is dangerous

In his idiocy and ability to kill

His own mother when the time comes.

Sadly, there is now a Christmas tree

Sitting at the end of the Crystal Pier.

Someone believes it will bring hope

Instead of despair to harm

Those who once saved the community

From complete demise and then were discarded.

What happened to Nemos home?

Did the walls suddenly 

Collapse or were they undermined?

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