Thursday, December 22, 2022

What a difference time makes


When I was little 

I lived with Grandpa Jack

He used to go to his friends

We would walk down the streets

To street cafes 

Where his cronies from the war

Would elaborate about life

About the French Resistance

About the Communists takeover

How Russia was a friend

Who could be trusted

Then the war was over

And Germany was all anyone

Talked about those fascists

Who took them hostage

And shorted teh life of everyone

They had to have thier country rebuilt

Because they would not stop

Bombing London

They were bombed 

Til there was nothing left

It is almost as if they allowed it

Just to be rebuilt by America

Imagine poor Winston Churchills

Escape from London during the Bliztes

To be smuggled into America

To secretly speak to an informal congress

I bet he had to go the long way

Maybe a submarine trip

And ice-cold twin-engine plane

In the artic to get a Potomac

Boat trip, no Ritz nor Blair House

No Air Force fighter jet escort

All because they believed 

The free world worth saving

Against the evil-minded Nazis

Where would we be today

If he had not come?

England and France would have fallen

Even Russia and its satellites 

Were threatened by the three axis powers

Italy acts as if they never did any harm

And Japan is our best friend now

While China became our enemy

And Russia was throw over

For the Marshall plan

All those poor Germans 

Who just wanted to come to America

To be free!

You notice they did not go home.

When the Berlin wall fell!

My grandfather's friends 

Were great lecturers 

Traveled the world 

And pledge allegiance 

To the freedom of all people

I wonder what happened to them.

After he died suddenly 

In my kitchen while I was at work

They all seemed to have vanished.

Survival skills

Disappear when threatened

Surface when it is safe.

The fireside chat 

Was made immemorable

By Roosevelt chained to a wheelchair

He brought the country back to its feet

Kept us from hunger and war

Then sent the men off to fight

For the freedom of the world

Only his voice kept us all from harm

And his fire light for those such as 

Churchill who would not give up.

Now we have a special situation

They smuggled Zelensky 

Out through the front lines

To a train to Poland

And then an escorted flight

They even attempted to make sure

There were no nasty submarines

Waiting to shoot him out of the air.

Only to be received by the President 

And given the keys to Blair House

A fireside chat with the leading man

And then off to Capital hill

Where he got a heroes welcome

All because his country now needs

To be rebuilt after the fighting is over

And he wants his to understand

That he is not accepting hand outs

But investments!

No pay back is coming to America.

We are investing in a freedom loving 

Country who would not hold hostage

Another group at all.

He sent millions of people

Out of his country 

With no place to live

Nor any home to return.

He threatened the Port of Sebastopol

Cutting off Russia's access to the Black Sea

And their oil export business 

By denying them the right to use

Thier own naval base 

Or the sea they need

As a land locked country

On the West at least

He was once just a nobody

Who did get to the Oval office

To sit in a suit and discuss

Life with an unexpected win

He got welcomed

And escorted nowhere

He did not need to go

He was the wonder boy

Who had gotten elected

President with not credentials

To a country who had been 

Allowed its freedom by 

Mother Russia 

And then what?

He looked good in a suit.

His wife and him had children

He was just one of many leaders

At the G summits 

And nothing 

He had no value

Until he picked a fight

And got a response

They wanted to get rid

Of Putin who had assumed

Too much power

Even letting Hillary down

Not allowing her to occupy 

The oval office.

Or so they say in the news

I was once a news reporter

It is odd watching them all chat

And pick apart one thing

Day after day

The same thing

While we are getting ready

To hang a President

For not believing in anything

But Democracy in action.

He did not hold a gun 

To someone's head or anything.

But there it is

America is fickle

They have passed a new 

Spending bill in the trillions

Just to get back what?

A country that is not worth much

Donetsk has not real value

Now that it is no longer 

An industry country

Are there any farmers left?

Almost everyone are computer hackers

Or something sophisticated

Not oil men nor pig farmers

Wheat is expensive isnt it?

Where are we going with this

At Christmas time again.

They left the pine swag on the mantel

But removed the Christmas decorations

Out of respect for his Religioun

Never intolerant of anyones religion.

I do hope he knows what he is doing.

Because America is not nice

When it is betrayed

And traitors are never tolerated.

No longer in a suit 

But his military greens

And boots.

One thinks they are seeing a MASH

Actor relieving his glory days.

An investment in what future?

Germany never repaid their loans

Nor did they go home when it was safe

Instead, they are stealing our Social Security

For their retirement in Mexico

While the rest of us wait

For our Stipend to come through

Having lost our homes 

To over taxation when we had them

Accountants only remember bills

Owed not paid.

Property Managers come in

And steal property 

That is not theirs 

In order to make 

Work for those who have no means

OF an income excpet

To build what no one will live in

Nor be employed for very long.

Life flows through time

But it returns to the same

Over and over again.

We America are fighting

For the free world.

Everyone knows there 

Is no way of winning

A nuclear war

And yet ....

We all hope 

That someone else 

Will take command of 

All those war heads

And point them somewhere else

Where else do you want them?

Who do you trust 

To replace Putin?

And why now after

All the peaceful talks?

The price of gas is going to go up

Or the amount of taxes

All those Germans sponging 

Will be outraged when they have

To pay the interest on their loans.

Who is this guy 

No one wanted?

Now given a better welcome

Then Churchill?

Trust in our President

To know whom to invite in

And when to call it quits.

Best wishes to no assinations

On either side or we might not 

Wake up one morning

Because there will be no more mornings.

Rest in peace Winston.

Vive la France!

Where is Jimmy?

One can almost see him 

Brokering this deal

With his dream of being

A superhero 

By causing chaos

Allowing himself to be privy

To all the important discussions.

Let's not burn our bridges

Too soon Joe

After all you have a 

Few kids named after you.

Not "toppling a foreign nation"

Is all Democracy and America 

Have left to be proud.

Besides we might actually need

The other guy someday.

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Three times loser

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