Thursday, December 1, 2022

Still waters run deep


Look who else is coming to town?

One would think Washington DC was a huge place.

The way everyone wants to move in.

Those other people had just had a residency pass

They might not have been able to march.

Anyways, the Royals are coming to stay.

Prince Joachim has decided to move his family

To America, might be because mama

Queen Margarethe decided to un-prince his kids.

No longer prince and princess

His crew are no longer on the same level

As Frederick the Crown Prince

And expected heir to the thrown

Maybe this is why Henry ran off to Egypt

On his own without his Queen consort

Well, lock the doors with these little ones

They might not be the trouble themselves

But there are only others who always cause 

Enormous amounts of trouble.

He is not going to be working for the President

Nor for NASA but the Pentagon

It appears his military career 

Which he sits from a desk 

Due to his aneurism 

Has bloomed, no longer

Frances star boy but 

Has decided to join

The rebels in America 

Happy house hunting

Jimmy's has been busy tearing things down

And moving things around

And moving the wrong people

Into other peoples houses

By the way 

By Proxy 

Does not mean

A spoiled rotten rich womans

Baby gets to demand to own

His own doll whom he chooses.

My sister complained 

That he walked her up to Santa Claus

And asked him to marry them

He refused of course

Actually, he told him to come back

In a decade or so when the child 

Was old enough

He kept after me about when

I was going to turn twelve.

Somehow everyone in the family

Forgot there was two of us

And that she died before she was six

I have been carrying the burden

For both of us in all things

It is exhausting going through it one more time.

I am not married to Jimmy

Nor is he my daddy

Not even my brother nor brother-in-law

He seems to think by proxy

Means he gets married to someone else

And then claims me as his wife

He is not allowed to use my last name

But he does it anyways

When asked, he says it is his spouses

The truth is that the won't  use his own name

Keshan is not a bad name, but it reminds

Every one of his real father 

Captain Kangaroo a kids show 

Instead of my father whose family

Were also involved in military

The Manhattan projects 

And NASA were Ralphs 

Amos was the Pacific fleet

Jimmy thought he had gone to heaven

When introduced to us as a small child.

For the last time, he is not a Wheat

Nor is he my husband 

No matter how he describes it

He simply made it up in his head

He lives in an imaginary world

Where he gets to make the decision

For everyone else 

Where he thinks, he is going to take

Humanity I don't know but it frightens me

that I am the only one who thinks 

He is completely delusional

Except every one of his psychologists

Which is why he runs around getting

Drugs under an assumed name

In order to keep me from telling

I don't know how he keeps so many

Different people from guessing

That he is lying to them

When it is obvious that he is over his head

And only still waters is going to save

The world from the demise of Jimmys

Mental illness and his control

He is not going to give up until he is dead

First, he played Shawn now Jim

He is really Bobby jr.

All those pretty houses need

To be approached with caution

He has got them bugged

Or wired in some fashion

He used to show up as the repair man

Or the cable guy 

Anything to get into a house

Now he seems to just use the cell phones

But I watched a guy get arrested today

For no reason at all

He drove up and parked 

Way out front of the place

And before he could move

The police were right on him

I turned my head, and he was spread eagle

On the ground, the single cop 

Had drawn his gun and was considering

His options, he allowed the guy to get up

And straddle his vehicle

Only to have the guy run on him

Straight up hill is the route

Tiresome from the bus stop

To get off and pull oneself up 

But he thought he as a tubby guy

Was going to out distance the cop

The second guy showed up

As he was once more spread eagle on the ground

And handcuffed to the displeasure of the bus crowd

The bus was not sure how to proced

But finally crept around the two cars.

What a scene to experience 

After all the gory ones on tv

And for what?

A stolen and fake ID probably

He was already known before he arrived

And has been here before

These women have no idea 

Whom they are dealing with

Until they end up in human trafficking

He was a nasty customer

Amd Suzanne looked loely

When I  ran into her at the store

She who tells people she has paperwork on me

Because Jimmy has given her permission

To own my wallet and prevent me from having medical treatment

Had nothing to say and I could not catch her eye

Watch yourselves in DC

Now that you are no longer really royals

But second sons' family

It makes a difference who you are 

In those kinds of town

We were the cream of the crop

Until Jimmy made his way known

His kind were not welcomed

And we lost our respectability

For no other reason than being 

Assumed related to the German

White supremist hater of all womankind

Enjoy your lives

And maybe your boys will meet

A few real princesses

From the crop of former owners

Of the land, namely Powhatens 

And other but dont count on 

Being given a free homm

Without complaint from its former owners

No matter what JImmy says

Or his false realter 

Nothing is free, nothing 

Not even your birth right.

Perhaps your brother will make your life

A better place once old mum is put out of the way.

Long live your queen

The first in a long line of male kings

Maybe you are right to come across those rough waters...

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