Thursday, December 15, 2022

Descent into hell


How many more times will i be mocked?

My books are fluffy!

I have a bachelor's and he does not...

If I choose a book with pictures

With a visual education 

Versus tiny sentences of nothing 

But gibberish.

Too many academia 

Now are allowed to print

Without providing anything 

New nor noteworthy

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I went from having made 

It to the top with real hard work

And not fluffy nonsense

Only to have Jimmy do it again

In the middle of a storm 

I was pulled out of a basement

Where I had gotten locked

And was drowning into

A much worse environment

One of madness 

Where Jimmy got to have 

His way with me

Just because the justice

System says no but

The social system says maybe

So, he says yes and 

Just does what he wants

Watching him destroy

My grandmother's life

On purpose because 

He does not approve of women

Having any power at all

A radio announcer 

With those important ones

Such as who the next 

President or King

He could and would not 

Tolerate it at all.

Then it was my mothers 

Time to meet his madness

She did not do well.

She immediately went down.

While i spent a lifetime

In my descent into hell.

Unable to keep my parents

From doing what they ought not

Just because there were so 

Many liars and others 

Who just want to make fun

Such as Suzie who always 

Came across in a sinister

Fashion, her and her daughter

As well as brother and nephews.

None of them are nice.

Then there are the girls 

Who went to juvenile detention

And still came out believing

They were going to get even.

Get even with what?

There was nothing to get even with

Nor a reason to feel hurt.

Get over it and grow up.

Everyone else does eventually.

Not Mehgan

She is pulling stunts 

On Harry and will not stop

Until she has had enough.

Does she really believe

She can stage a hostile takeover.

Will and Kate are not going 

To go away no matter what.

Not that William would 

Be a better man as a widow!

And so would Harry.

Sadly, the two boys

Have the entered 

Into marriages with girls

Who have no love for them

But for what they offer.

Kate does not even attempt

To hide her conceit towards

The ones born to the job

While Meghan just wants 

To ruin Harry's life

It is the other thing they do

Nowadays if you can't beat

Them then join them

And wait till they are dead

Inside to everyone and

Everything else around them.

I felt as if I was going mad

With all the issues 

I was facing 

And when someone did speak

To me there they were again

With their needles driving me

Off from anything at all.

I thought I must be imagining

That I had enemies

Not afraid of the shadows

I walked on into them 

Without anyone stopping me

Because they had no idea

That it would not ever stop.

Watching and stealing information

Is all these young ones know

They don't understand 

What are off limits

Because they never want 

To be stopped. 

It is all fun for them.

Even the days when 

They get to complain about

How bad they are treated

Just to get even with everybody.

Descending into hell

Gives one a pause

As to where heaven

Might be in the past

Not the future

The future never does 

Hold that dream 

Once your family have

Lost their ways

Some day they might

Come together for a moment

And then it will be gone again.

Just like the World cup

In the middle of a world crisis

They are holding the world cup

And in a Muslim country

Where they don't allow alcohol

What madness

But there they are 

In the semi finals

Making fun of each other

They could almost be 

Brothers those two young men

All in good humor

Who is going to win

This time England was eliminated

Once more the Brits did not have

What it takes to do it right.

No meanness towards them

But who would really have

Let the Queen die

Or allow the grandsons

To have prostitutes for wives?

Neither of them were virgins

And quite possibly already

Experienced motherhood.

Unlike myself who can 

Only watch from afar

What once was my world.

A sports announcer is 

How I began my career

Then a foreign correspondent

No one remembers me

Nor really cares either.

I am not needed anymore.

Except for some girl

To announce that she is 

My bastard child

Born out of wedlock

And be so proud

At ruining my life

And for what reason?

She is rich and famous

I am not nor am i going to 

Be allowed to ever recover.

So, they think.

But the descent also 

Comes with rejuvenation

Just as the French came through

I will recover what is mine.

But a few might have to go to prison.

Because it can't last forever

No matter what they want

Forever is never the way 

It works this making other

Miserable for no reason at all.

Accept you were not born

To the job at hand.

May the Press be kind

To those ousted 

When they thought 

They knew what was ....

Maybe the games

Are meant to distract

For the moment of 

Madness in the world

Of causing a war

With no end to occur

Just because 

What madness

Healing takes time 

And much sorrow 

Of the past 

It is the future

We all want to know

Except those such as Jimmy

Who has time stand still

For him it does not matter

How often he is told no

He is just going to do it again 

And again.

He is threatening me now

With diabetes.

The most racist thing 

Is to accuse someone 

Of having a disease 

That is their fault

And based on poor habits.

Diabetes is meant to tell me

That I am no good

Just a dirty little Indian girl

With no past nor future.

Is the world going to let him

Get away with it?

Cruelty has no limits nor does racist profiling.

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