Monday, December 12, 2022

Never arriving at destination


Those years when I was still a human

Not like nowadays when I can't 

Even understand that my apartment

Really belongs to someone else

Who just waiting for me to get lost

One day and then all my precious

Things will be hers

It began that way with my luggage 

Being stolen at airports or train stations.

All those business trips I took

Sometime to meet grandpa 

Whom I was supposed to be living

Or flying home to be with my family.

Then the years of school and reporting

Always on the go and never enough time.

I survived a number of canceled trips

Not the ones at the airport

But the ones that landed 

Somewhere else than the airport.

Since I was little and my grandpa

Was a pilot as well as his flying ace father

In fact, that story about the huge power tower

Yep, my sister and i were on board

I was looking out the window

And then we were hanging halfway 

Off the ground, with my sister still strapped in

I crawled forward and found hm alive

But angry and uncertain

He could not move without

Causing the plane to go down

If it was just him, he would 

Have gone for it

So, I left him with my sister

And crawled all the way down

Something I never want to do again

Made it to a phone booth

And then sat waiting for help

It never did come

But a van full of hippie musicians

Decided to stop and see what was up

Actually, they were probably looking

For the facilities of the defunct gas station.

It was no longer a gas station.

Anyways they took me down the road

By then, he was attempting to get out

Of the dangling plane 

With her thrown over his shoulder

No wonders she had a fear of heights

We were all throwing her up and over

The view from the backside is not pleasant

They quickly maneuvered their van

Underneath the old man 

And climbed up to assist

And yes, the plane did come down

Poor guys had a huge dent in their van

But we were all alive

They dropped us off at the hospital

Then went on their merry way

I sometimes sat and laughed out loud

When I overheard a conversation

At a table over my morning coffee

One never knows whom one will run into again.

Storm chasers! Weatherman is what they were.

Then there was this morning when I got the call

I had to get to the airport 

And then to Edinburg as the senior correspondent

How often have I complained about unexpected

Husbands' fiancés or children?

There I was with a small overnight bag.

In the other while attempting to get in line

And out of nowhere was a nice African man

Who informed me I was his wife

And I was not going to travel this day!

I had no idea who he was nor was I not going to go.

Instead, a struggle ensured between me and another woman

She was pregnant and needed to get out

She also claimed we knew each other

And it was her turn to take the trip

What trip? It is not Disneyland!

Anyways I lost my overnight bag

And my ticket in the struggle

And he was waiting for me by the taxies

I managed to get to the bathroom

Where I waited for a staff person

Who then escorted me to a private lounge

I was willing to pay for a second ticket

They decided to let the woman go

And provided me a last minute 

First class ticket from a cancelation

They would find out later who owned

The original ticket and proceed from there

But till then I was not unknown 

Had all the right credentials

Including my press pass

So, on I got through another door

And sat way up front.

What a trip to take 

Over the beautiful sea

And onto Scotland such beauty

I who now have vertigo 

So bad I can't even look 

At the tv space images,

What a different world 

I once lived in when one could

Call oneself their own person.

Anyways, as usual I arrived

Only to be told I was not expected!

Someone was playing tricks on me.

Call home to find an angry boss.

Where am I? off on a fool's errand.

Back I go to the states 

And run into an old crowd

When my mother completely blew it

I was sent to Syracuse New York

I was going to college

Working and living

All on my own

And then she found out 

I was self sufficient

Back she pulled me to a high school

Setting she never graduated from

But wanted to relive it for herself.

Brain cancer is not a pretty world for anyone.

Once more into the blue wander

I set my sails to retrieve my career,

While listening to the cast and crew.

And then nothing at all.

I found myself confused

The wind knocked out of me.

Sitting in a field in the middle of nowhere,

Behind me the plane was on fire

We had come down!

An explosion of some sort.

There were a lot of people hurt 

And I was one of the few experienced travelers

I headed off down the road

For a public box.

They always have them on the roads

Not anymore but that day

I found one and attempted

To tell my story to the operator,

In the end I simply

Yelled send help!

Then I called my boss

Big story can't make it by tonight.

By then a group of men

We're passing by in uniform

I still don't know who they were

My head realling around in circles,

But they were willing to run ahead 

And then some came back to the box 

Send help!

The entire area was a huge mess.

And one small boy was running

round getting all the wallets

And piling them up like stones.

Attempting to get their identification cards

He was in shock, and he ran into a bloody body

Stopped cold and starred,

I walked over to him 

More of a crawl by then

And said I know you!

Where did you come from?

He had been put on board 

As a surprise but I was in the wrong seat.

He at least was the correct child

And not one of these terrorists

Children who sent over to explain

That you gave birth to them but can't remember.

Incredible lies, just to get to America.

This one however was the other way around, stolen from us.

He and I were still chatting

When the help arrived.

And then more help arrived,

And then everything went crazy.

The still of a crash shite

And confusion of too many people,

Then my bosses people arrived 

So, I gave my report after all.

Then dropped the mike 

And took off after a stray boy

Who was in the process of being kidnapped

And by a familiar face

The same Suzy who always showed

Up when there were car accidents 

And other catastrophes.

Like clockwork this one.

Even the night of my sisters death.

Sitting there on the highway with a car crash.

Was this woman in the crowd.

Always there since my childhood.

I am told she completely controlled my mother.

Using various means of control to get what she wanted.

Was in Scotland 

The screaming match we had was filmed and shown to the boss.

The next morning the boss had arrived

And I was put on an air ambulance

They had forgotten to check me over the night before,

A huge gash was found on the back of my head!

What a life of never knowing 

Where one is going to land.

And my story was swallowed

By the boss himself.

Usually, a colleague walks away with the good ones.

Do I remember?

Sometimes I do 

And sometimes I don't.

But I know that Viking boat

Is in the distant future 

Of an uncertain voyage once, one gives up all hope!

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