Saturday, December 10, 2022

Incoming space object



Eleven Billion dollars

Artemis space Rocket costs

We watched the rocket

Finally take off from Florida

After a few Hurricanes 

Kept it from taking flight

This is the first step towards

A return to the Moon.

All we are going to get 

Out of this one project

Is the Orion pod 

Which is returning 

On Sunday to California

Off of San Diego

A major Navy ports

And also, an emergency operation

They have been training to retrieve

The metal object from the water

But there is a huge storm 

Heading this way

Just as a Hurricane hit Baja 

The same time as the Florida one

There might be an issue tomorrow

Instead of Sunny San Diego

It might be a little further south

Baja California has a nice place

Called Ensenada which is a cruise ship port

With lots of water to fall into

This is now the expected location

For what remains of a very expensive rocket

Perhaps it could go off course a few hundred yards

And land on top of Jimmy

Who has stolen a 300-year-old homestead

From before there was a Mexico American border.

He is sitting down enjoying his birthday

Christmas baby is little Roberto

Robert James Keshan jr.

Captain Kangaroos bastard

Always showed up for the Christmas specials

Where he got to steal the presents from under the tree

All mine! And then his papa would calmly have him

Give them to the right persons

Only to have him follow them home

And steal them back.

What is a famous tv father supposed to do?

He had so many Hilton bills

They could have owned at least one of them.

He said in court.

He used to take us to court

About not allowing Jimmy to play

With us but that was not the problems

He kidnapped my mother and tortured her

Until her will and her mind broke

After that she was easy for him to manipulate

The end of a family's life 

Over a spoiled white man's son

Who could have done anything at ll

But choose to go around threatening people

And causing problems on a worldwide scale

Some twenty billion has now been allocated

For Jimmys little war with Putin

As usual Jimmy stuck his face into something

Before it started, he was downtown playing

With his ex-wife Ludmilla

They got married when they were twelve years old.

It was adorable for everyone 

But a set of twins who were threatened

By their unborn baby

Somehow, she got it into her head

We were relatives and insisted on

Having everything meant for small children.

Of course, neither of them were 12

Nor first timers, he had gotten married at 8

To some girl called Mary 

Whose father was a schoolteacher

She sits up there in Sacramento

Demanding to have information

From places such as Amtrak to keep

In touch with where Jimmy is going

But does not understand to send her sister 

To me who has nothing to do with the sticky mess

Anyways her sone is a big brut 

Who got caught selling drugs 

Out of the Kentucky Fried Chicken 

For an extra twenty dollars

One could get an extra order

I know because i was offered

This special and declined

Only to have family picnic

Get the deal and the surprise.

Sonja as she used to be called

Still shows up just to see

What I am doing because 

She believes she owns me.

But her baby came out black

Something Jimmy sent her to 

A mental ward to take care of.

His favorite thing is getting 

Someone else inside to enjoy

Their hospitality and locked doors.

Poor thing, she already had a husband

And immediately ran off with another man

Gary who produced evidence of a white child

In order to get out of her marriage to Jimmy

And off the mental list of suspects.

Richelle is what she calls herself.

The rich girl is how it translates.

She was taken everywhere at first

To show off her husband's family origins

Until she meet up with a bunch

Of Indians who were not amused

Then she was sent to South America

But survived Jonestown

Came back to torture me instead

An escape who thought her world lost

Found out it was in fact 

No longer hers without a fight.

Does not like the little girl

Nor the way she believes my wallet

Belongs to her to own.

Showed up as well 

And they had a big party downtown

The results were a lot of threats

And then an escalation of events

And i am going to blame it on Jimmy.

He deserves the blame

I wasn't my life back

My personal properties

And not to find him hiding in my closet

Only to wake up really drugged

And missing a few too many things.

Including those little cards

That people bring so you can phone them

Jimmy has a whole collection of them.

He thinks it funny you keep

Providing him access to your personal life.

But there it is we all know he is a terrorist.

So a little to your left

If you please and instead

Of a splash a thud

And a whole lot of people

In D.C. will be most grateful

The extortionist blackmailer terrorist

Can't be kept inside a prison

Nor a mental ward.

Remember this one does not have humans

Just robots whose feeling won't be hurt

If they are uses appropriately.

Sigh just wishing on a star.....

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