Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter solstice at the beach

While everyone else were running

Back to Washinton DC

I went to the beach.

California raised I love a white Christmas

That is snow on the ground

The Coronado hotel creates

A Winter wonderland

Here is the ice rink 

Next to the swimming pool

They now have cabanas with fire pits

And plastic ice igloos to rent

A day at the beach 

Includes all the fixings

Including the sand man

Who had two sand ice man

For his Winter solstice display

He has been around for decades

And uses his sandcastles

For photo ops for tourists.

The water was ice cold

The air was pure delight

But the look south towards 

The San Ysidro - Tijuana border

Was hazy as if it was foggy

Im not sure if it was not smog

As Tijuana has no pollution laws

Whereas the ride down the strand

Was breath taking to view

However, I could not spot

The space pod resting out of water

Maybe they have already sent it home.

There were no Christmas displays

At the joint session of the congress

But the Jewish boy said merry Christmas 

Several times in front of the Russian Orthodox priests.

He wanted everyone to be comfortable with him.

He provided an interesting speech

One in which Jimmy would have been proud.

Jimmy did not pass the sixth grade

And was never a journalist 

No matter what he tells you

He steals everything he writes

Intellectual property means nothing.

But his favorite thing is to elaborate

About words that he finds impressive.

The battle of the bulge was a wwii

Reference but is actually about 

Jimmy making his women fat.

Including his real mother whom he hated

As well as any woman who says no to him.

Saratoga was a civil war battle 

And I am not sure he was not referencing

Coronado a spa hotel in a military town.

He gets things confused sometimes

It is Calistoga which got mixed up

With Saratoga of the East.

But both were out of fashion

When he was little and this town

Was the one everyone came 

He is not actually allowed to step

Foot inside the town which is on a island

But instead, he holds court at the fanciest

Restaurants he can find where he just walks

Up and sits down introducing himself

Explaining he is related to so and so

And if they don't do what they want

Tiher son might became a eunic or something

I assume jimmy has not been to the Ukraine

But his favorite references were there 

He is a blackmailer extraordinaire

A shiver ran down my spine 

But I came home from a morning

Enjoying nature and god's creation

To find my room had still not been

Bug sprayed yet which meant 

Another three hours to wait

Out of doors, brr

Not that I am not accustomed

To being put outside

Jimmy has made people believe

He is going to get even if not 


Unlike Winston Churchill

Chruchill wanted America

To enter WWII 

But could not get them

Until the Pearl Harbor event

When he was secretly flown

Over and before an informal congress

Made his speech not for money

But for men to joining the battle.

How did this show stopper

Best Churchill?

Hitler was never seen as a threat

Or he is just better at what he does?

He gave Nancy a kiss on her mouth

Instead of Camilla 

The younger one 

Wonder what Willow got?

His speech was preceded 

With a stop at the White House

It was almost like seeing Jimmy

In one of his dreams of being invited

To DC like Jimmy Stewart

And getting to sit by the fireplace

Of the Oval office

Having supper or tea

And then getting a heros 

Welcome to the Senate floor

Where he will give a stupendous

Speech, blowing everyone away

With his mockrey and spit.

I felt sorry for Zelensky 

In stepping into one of Jimmys

Favorate themes, his day in DC.

He seems to be heartfelt

But is still refusing to give in

When is this going to end?

Those people in Donetsk 

Have the right to live without fear

They asked for their freedom.

Is there something else this war

Is about and no one is telling me?

Meanwhile this is one of my favorites 

Celestial celebrations

Winters solstice 

When special things happen.

Belly rub coming to a cat 

If I get invited inside

I might also bring kitty grass.

Oh well, I can always dream as well...

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