Monday, December 26, 2022

The last Christmas or the Buffalo story


Pio Pico top was the last Governor of California under Mexico rule. His family were old Mexico with a line towards Montezuma the last Aztec ruler and the Conquistadors who came to destroy the society of this Nueva Espana. They never left but melded into the new California with connections through marriage to Plymouth colony.

The Last Queen of Hawaii born after the Kingdom was no more but who adopted who niece who was half East Coast society. Hawaii survived many invasions and incursions, but it was the offer of marriage into the Christian world which brought the demise. The last Princess just passed away with her wealth about 200 million, she had a female spouse as a survivor, it will be the courts to decide the fate of the last, last of the Hawaiian wealth dispersal.

The Buffalo story was that my little brothers were engulfed in history to the point of wanting to relive it and we went a few places to live for them to experience it. They of course did not like it much and eventually moved on to other things. 

When the family dispersed there was no going back to the happy family. They tried living in Hawaii, but a Volcano erupted, and we ended up standing in the water of the ocean of the beach watching the bright red river flow edging towards our cul-de-sac. That was enough to send my mother into hysterics. We also tried Alaska where a storm came and demolished the thought of a dream of a life away from those others. 

And there were the many attempts at a California life as we were the descendants of four different families who arrived in California before statehood or shortly afterwards. We watched each small homestead or old house be moved or torn down in an effort to become modern cities. Now all there are all tall glass buildings where the elevator is not allowed to be used in case of emergency.

We moved to Buffalo New York for a job for dad and a life for mom away from the crazies in her old neighborhood. They had both lived there briefly as children in that corner where the Great Lakes merge into the East Coast. It was probably one large or sea at one time but now are separate lakes.
The house was bought for us all to reside and the kids given the rules of conduct in order to stay together. Meanwhile we were enrolled in school, each of us and special after school things as well. Never arrive home before she is ready to receive company which is just about supper time.

All went well for a short time until the holidays came around. My mother's biggest thing was to act up for her family during this time because then she got what she wanted the rest of the time. Her parents were now divorced even though they had grown up together as sandbox kids.

It had to happen if not a hurricane or a tornado which we as a family had lived through but a historic storm. Buffalo is right there on the corner of the lakes just waiting for a windfall. A huge storm arrived with a yell from the bedroom we heard about it the snow on the ground was now steadily climbing up the outside walls. 

My mother liked to lay in bed and tell my father how much she hated what I was going to do in the future, and should they tell me how it made her feel. I could not understand as a child not to try to keep peace and make the world a better place. I knew Grandpa was overdue for his arrival and her sound was getting a little bit heavy in their room. 

I got up quietly saw the boys asleep on the Livingroom floor and went snatched the new sleigh from the garage that was meant for Christmas morning. It was an emergency it would be returned when finished, I also took my bag of things.

Out on top of the snow pulling the sleigh quietly along streets where the cars were already snowed into the ground. I stopped to listen to an emergency alarm on someone's radio, that was what was missing at home the sound or hum of the radio or emergency frequency meant to stay on just in case. I padded on with the knowledge that no one was allowed to be driving except emergency vehicles.

I was spotted by someone as I turned the corner towards the large interchange that grandpa was likely to take. I could go no further than the end of the street. He was inside the car all night with the engine running. He had just arrived when the snow hit him or the rest of the line of cars. They were all sitting in their cars waiting for morning. 

She saw the smoke coming out of the tail of the car. She approached with caution and saw that it was grandpa. She no sooner started to communicate with him than snow fell on top of his tail pipe. With a scream she threw herself towards the back of the car with the shovel she had brought. She was trying to clear the tail pipe when someone lifted her up and took over. 

They had seen her searching the cars thinking she was looking to steal but instead she found someone inside who was still alive. Many of the others were too blue to be saved, at least this one was moving around. She went for the back window with her boots until it bent inwards. With more air the guy was going to survived. 

Now they had to get him out of the car, and she wanted his bags which he had brought. One of them had Christmas gifts but it was his files and other things he never left behind that she knew would be gone if not brought along. Now he was on the sleigh, and she was hovering over the backboard as they were pushed back towards their house. As they got away from the line of cars of dead people the guys left them with the news they knew where they were going. 

As she slid into the last section of the block her brothers were outside running around and then he was there standing in the street. He looked tired and angry, her father was worried sick with everything he had to handle and now she had disappeared. It had been a quick trip, but she had been caught. 
Grandpa was sitting in the living room with blankets around him and his bags on the floor. She had been properly reprimanded, and the boys were playing with the sleigh inside while mom made breakfast. 

This lasted a little while as they storm had abated and then the lines were reconnected. That when the phone begun to ring over and over again. As mom kept hanging up on the person until one of the boys was told to bring the phone to grandpa. It was grandma and she was furious, why was there no one at the train station. She had been stuck there for days now, when was she going to be picked up?
Grandpas spoke slowly to her as her former mate and knew the steam would boil over. Her daughter had not realized they would both be invited but there was not able to deal with reality was simply wishing one of them would disappear.

Mom had enough. Before grandpa was done speaking to her mother walked out the door with her purse and without a warm coat. We did not know where she was going, nor could we follow. We were warned not to leave again from the house as dad had gone to get more gas for the backup generator so the house would not freeze us if it happened again. Grandpa called the local sheriff and told him to be on the lookout for his daughter. 

Dad was going to be angry when he got back. He had the only vehicle that would operate. After another night with snow and storm and all of us in the living room with grandpa, we got up to find nothing working. He decided to send two of us out as scouts with the sleigh. The boys refused to stay behind.
So, all of us were walking down towards the city center looking and looking and there he was inside the car freezing to death. He had taken blankets with him instead of keeping the engine running. We got to him just in time and he was yanked out by his father-in-law who was angry with himself. 

Should have thought about this before and had it prepared. It was missing, from the garage someone must have swiped it. Where was she anyways? On her way to meet her mother at the trains station!
They were yelling not at each other but in frustration. The boys got quiet and moved the gas to the new sleigh with care, Grandpa was going back as soon as he could get out of here. He was not going to spend one night with her in the house because of what they had gone through and never got over his heart attack for her not wanting him after the war. It was all his daughters plan to keep them from talking.

As dad and I walked slowly behind them talking about what had happened the day before, we heard the honking. It was distinct and a signal to us that they were nearby. We turned around while the boys continued on with grandpa who was not paying attention.

Sliding most of the time and then a emergency vehicle pulled up. They had seen us pull him out from a distance. They were speaking to us about returning when the honking began again and in earnest. They swiveled looking for its source with us right behind them. There they were in a borrowed car the three of them. The two ladies were about passed out from the cold. It was my sister who was hitting the horn with her feet. 

The workers surged on the car and then turned around to ask a question only to see me jumping up and down. She was frightened and frustrated. Dad hugged her and spoke to her about being with grandma instead of with hm. I grabbed her and was pushing her through the snow towards the vehicle. 
She was stiff as a board and angry as hell. The boys were really going to enjoy tonight. The women were being pulled out of the stranded car along with the bags.

An ambulance arrived and the women were put inside and then we were lifted up as well. All three of us, they wanted us to be seen at the hospital. With no way of communicating with the others who had kept walking. At the hospital grandma was being treated for a heart attack and mom for high blood pressure while dad for exposure to the cold. We were being treated for possible pneumonia.

None of us were happy about not getting through to the house. The sheriff was called again, and, in the morning, we were found by three boys, two little ones and a very old one looking a little bit too tired.
The storm had kept them in and without being rescued they might not have made it. The gasoline could not be put into the generator because it was too cold, and it froze instead of being liquid. We were all put into the same room, and they were allowed to stay with us for the time being.

The storm passed through, and things were being put back together but our house had to be revived. The boys went home first to put everything together for us girls. Unwilling the older women were escorted to the house before they were ready. The girls were instructed to stay inside and under blankets in case we had contracted pneumonia. 

A general peace had been declared amongst the grandparents. The boys did what they could to entertain us as we were sleeping in the living room as our room was now grandmas. We had our last Christmas together as a family. 

But it was not anormal one but with laugher a Russian one as we had missed the Western one due to the storm. A thirteen-day difference between the two of them and we got to experience the missed one as well as the other one with the grandparents explaining to us about growing up between two different calendars.

It would have been nice that all was well with the world, but her brain was not well. Her parents had been informed of her tumors growing and the possibility of cancer. Arrangements were being made to separate us children in order to keep her from finding out. The trip to the hospital caused us all to find out what it meant to be survivors of nature but not of the cruel world with the way in which a life can be stolen from one woman. 

And the whole world come to an end. Sometimes I was asked if I remembered that last time. What had gone wrong. Why were we no longer together. Would she ever be well enough? I did not tell them that she had gone crazy inside but only that one day we would be together again.
Even I did not know everything that would happen.

Nor that it was the Cardinale's this time who had found us. The couple from San Francisco who had caused to much trouble for my father. She was an Irish Catholic bomber working still even fifty years later as her comrades still greet her with their secret hug. He was from Iraq not Italy and spent time at Rikers and San Quentin. 

Their children would finish off my mother's mental health. Throwing funeral for her when I had been denied but they wanted to hold hands and dance around. Instead, they were told to sit down and listen to the self-appointed overseer who was really a hells angel in disguise.

I wished I had not come to my mother's own memorial of her death. The hells angel spoke of her writing in a derogatory way. Making fun of her who had been difficult to stay with after all the harm she had done. But she had made it for one moment into the Washington DC environment and was printed in the Post.

The Buffalo story is the end of all things normal. A family who went to hell and back due to those who were allowed to grow weary of America at a time when that was okay. Now it is not okay to spy on their neighbors nor read their emails, blogs nor letters. But they do it anyways because they are a family of terrorists. 

They were even on the road on 9/11 driving towards New York but safely behind the normal range of anything going bad. How did they know that week they needed to be on the road with no particular place to be present? They are still in touch with their friends and invited more to San Diego our real hometown that we kept being forced out of but with our home addresses still in the phone books. 

All good things come to an end. Sometimes it is Kingdoms such as the free Hawaiians who thought they would prefer the Western World.
Or an Imperial nation such as Mexico who had gotten too big to soon. The California governments had m any different rulers from Europe who ignored the natives. 
Just as others who get their freedom but don't want the freedom of some amongst them but prefer to show off that they are more willing not to be peaceable.

Another historic storm has hit Buffalo named after the animals who were once plentiful. 
Despite the warnings some are foolish to go outside when it is not safe, and others have no other place to be as their homes are raided and kept from them by civilian terrorists who believe they have the right to make decisions for others without the authority of the government which promises freedom to all. 

May all stay safe and heed the warnings. Never take for granted the freedom of your own government nor that your neighbors are peaceable. 

Someday has not come yet to my family because we are not allowed to even think about each other without causing alarm amongst those who took siege a single family and their friends who don't even visit anymore either. 

The sadness of the world is ever present in the celebrations of the world hope and faith are present to a few.

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