Saturday, December 24, 2022

Just that kind of year


Imagine a year without any nutcrackers?

I have searched all the boutiques 

Seeking one more nutcracker

Last year there were two Latino women

Who blocked me and then went off laughing

Having grabbed all of them!

Another year I went to a Church sale

And my box with the tender things

Was left on the sidewalk 

As i was once more captured 

By Janet and her aunt Candy

They have stopped showing up

Not that I trust them at all

I saw some of my little ones

On display at some women's 

Exhibition at her Chamber of commerce

I have lots of things to put on display

But those nutcrackers which i collected

Instead of clowns have all flown

Into someone else mantle

I actually found just one this year

While I was working through the store

I saw him standing there

And cautiously approached

Sure, enough it was a nutcracker

Disguised as a snowman!

Well, no one else noticed

In a year of frugality

Those new store-bought ones

Are not the same as the used

And old antique ones we seek

The true collector.

He reminded me of the year

My Forestry father who had

Worked on his Engineering degree

Only to have a wife who always 

Had another idea about things.

Where to live or what to do.

He ended up working for the Forestry dept

Fighting fires and water management

Was not the same as building bridges

And then we ended up living 

On a Christmas tree farm.

Those trees were tricky 

And they were easily damaged

I started cutting down one of them

And then my brothers joined

Recreating the ones that would

Not be sold at all

Into snowman 

Each one was trimmed 

Resemble a family member

Tall skinny dad started off

And then round mama

Each child was getting worked

Into the story line as we went

Through the lost and found

Looking for clothes to dress 

Our family of flocked trees

It was Christmas eve

And no one wanted any of these

My mother was going back and forth

And watched the family grow

She was confused at first 

How often her brain did not keep

Up with what was happening

Her parents dismay turned into reality

She had brain cancer which caused 

So much of the families' problems

Finally, she could not stand it any longer

The police arrived to find out what was going on

And then the grandparents were found standing

In front of them as we finished off 

The entire line of them

They were appalled she had run away

Christmas eve she was in a hotel room.

Again, we had not understood to stress 

Her out with our child play

Father of course was helping

Quietly from behind the scenes

By morning there were three additional 

Snowmen in the formation

Of the two grandparents in law

And his own father as one family

Ha, ha it was so funny.

She could not stand it 

But the sandcastles got more elaborate

As the talented artists wanted to practice

They never did get another chance

As disaster hit our family.

But the memory brought tears.

There is no Christmas being celebrated

In most of Russia as it is not yet

Christmas as their calendar is different

Only in Ukraine did the Orthodox world

Get dragged unnecessarily into the West

For the sake of the media

They put on a display 

When in fact it will be two more weeks

Before they will have their religious

Celebration along with the rest of the East

Who still have conflicting calendars

But Hannukah will end on the 26th.

My Y has been closed for the holidays

I have to wait to swim 

Everyone else must be mad

Those who are exercise nuts.

Anyways I spent X eve

Washing my clothes 

Since my residence shut down

The laundry room.

And then I went to the grocery store

I was out of half and half 

For my coffee

A disaster on its own.

I ended up finding things I needed.

Of course, but could not bring home

The 75 percent off flowers

They had orchids on sale

And rose pots which would

Well put me back a few more bucks

Instead, I had to walk around the full grown

Girls in their pajamas

The kind you wear in front of the fire

On Christmas morning

But it is X eve and they had to go to the store

So, they put them on and wandered around

Causing the men putting up items 

Some amount of distress

Worse than the bikinis that show up

Anyways I got back by noon.

Feeling terrible 

They gave me the flu shot

And I am not feeling well.

I was just thinking it would be a quiet

Weekend but then the fire alarm

Went off again and again.

The fire department did show up

All of them 

They must not have had anything to do

There was a fire on the third floor

Which they put out quickly.

While we sat out in the cold

Getting sicker by the minute

Buckingham was set on fire

Just a tiny one and put out

Not a good year for Charles either

Moscow keeps getting hit as well

A fire here and a fire there

At least the White house

Has not been burnt down again.

What is next?

No nutcrackers nor laundry room.

Really it is more than a girl 

Can handle

Just make sure Jimmy does not show up.

I have a few surprised for him

He wont like them 

I got a airfryer

For my end of the year

Reward from this crazy place

I bought some tatter tots

To try out this new device.

I am not sure what is worse

The microwave or this air thing

I want traditional cooking.

Please no more fires 

Unless it is Jimmys house

Or Candys house.

Firebugs both of them.

I have watched a few houses

Burn down due to one of them.

Expresso is what I am drinking

Something neither of them will touch.

Dear Santa

Please don't trip but perhaps

That one house that deserves

Lumps of coal 

Could have a whole bucket full of them

And well on their way to igniting

Last year I just wanted Jimmys head on a platter

This year I don't want to spend next year

Thinking about him nor waiting for him

I used to ask for kittens

Only to watch them die

Or worse things occur

Betty A even took

My prize blue egg laying chicken

And made chicken soup out of it.

A blue ribbon it earned 

But don't worry about cruel people

God has plans for them 

When he gets his hand on them.

Which he will do one day 

When they die.

Too many people have died 

This year from too many things

100 million cases of CVD 19 

In America alone

Not to mention all those shootings

Even at Mall America on X eve.

Well tomorrow is just one day

Which I plan to spend alone!

With no interruptions!

If I don't die from pneumonia

Which the doctor refuses to diagnose 

I will be working towards disappearing

From Jimmys life 

And all those daughters

I did not give birth 

Who don't show up

Unless they can rob my wallet

And take my pretty clothes

Just one cat please

Who can survive 

And eat a few of the big rat humans!

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