Friday, December 9, 2022

Where are you going?

This young woman thought she was going somewhere

Did she ever arrive?

It does not appear she did!

Young foolish girl

Or snobbish something else?

She had no idea what the world

Was like according to her mama

She just thought she could walk in

And take over as if she was a diva?

Snort, your majesty!

Whee have you been?

Everyone knows the queen

Is addressed in that fashion.

And you lived in Toronto!

Would you have curtseyed

To Michelle?

Without even thinking about it?

You give people the impression

You have never been anywhere

And then your mama had to remark

That she sadly had not taught you 

About racism and you were unaware....


No one is that naive.

It was not racism but naivitism

Having Jimmy sending you over

Just to show off his stupidity

Did not qualify you 

For being allowed to represent

Your race nor be seen as acceptable

When in fact 

You did not want to show

Respect for the fat old lady

For what reason?

Did she offend

I think not

You are just the generation 

Of disrespect.

You want to be provided 

Everything and without elegance.

You act as if you have arrived.

But from where?

Just being black colored

Does not mean you have the right

To be rude and unjust.

Leading that young man on

As if you are really intersted

In his welfare

Just the opposite

No divorce expects to marry

A Prince at all.

You were given an assignment

He found you not alluring

But reminensence of his own mother

Frail and fragile

And yet you give yourself away

Do you curtesy?

Oh my god!

If you were in Africa

You would be expected to show

Thier Presidents, Chiefs and Princes

This curtesy, bow and curtsy!

How did you approach the Obamas?

Did you walk over and slap him!

Or did you gush girly?

Did you allow yourself to bow down

To the Queen Michelle?

Or did you even care

Who they were?

Just walked right past them

And over to England.

What were you expecting?

For the old lady to give up

Her seat for you?

So, you could become Queen

As well, as Michelle

And sit there with your feet up

And your staff leaning against 

Your throne?

Where are you going 

With your hate>

Giving the poor young man

The impression you are in love

But really you have no one

But yourself that you care about

Not even your own mother

Did you want at your wedding

It embarrassed you

Your father decided to stay

Away, once he realized

What you were up to.

You claim to have lost your own father.

But it was you who thought 

You could replace him.

Do you really think

That Charles is going to drop

Everything and come rescue you?

Your little tantrum's 

And your deceptive documentary

Are designed for you to have 

Your way one more time.

You want to be treated like

The Queen herself

Do you know how to curtsy?

You went once or twice

When you were a little girl

And were given the great opportunity

Of meeting her with all the thrills

You do know how to curtsy

Because you were given lessons

On how to behave in public.

You did not forget them

You just did not know you 

Had to follow through.

An actress is not what 

You are but a Charleton!

Stop lying to yourself

You have already arrived.

Moviestar's used to come from

All sorts of backgrounds 

Including royalty and east coast

Upper-class such as Bogart

As well as cowboys.

It is has been noticed 

That you arranged 

For the young naive

Obama girls a chance

At their Hollywood dreams

Instead of being satisfied 

With the White house

Or a life with others 

They choose to go to LA

Where they are giving up 

Thier parents as well

Pretending a white woman

Is their real mother

Instead of Michelle

Who is not seen as good enough

After they get a taste

Of the same life

As you yourself 

Experienced, while other

Are still being shot

For no reason 

Your generation have 

Made yourself over into queens

Not wanting to acknowledge

Having come from poverty

But willing to threaten

With extortion the idea 

That you have been made

To submit to the rights of others.

That is life dear.

Others have rights 

They have the right to be respected.

As Humans.

Not to be disrobed 

And paraded around

Not to be robbed

And thrown out of the family home

Or kept from recieving

Medical treatment in order 

To cause them to just die.

In order for you not to feel 

Any guilt at all over their demise.

You and your generation

Want too much.

It is not a matter of different

Upbringing nor racism

But your hate crimes 

Against humanity.

When will you see what 

You have done to everyone

Of your people

Such as Brittany 

Who had no chance

To get through airport

Security because of your behavior.

I speak from experience

Of having a white mother

Who showed no one respect.

Expected her Native American 

Daughter to accept her lifelong

Hate towards her by lying to each 

And every stupid little girl

Who thinks they can be the real princess

Behind my back.

All she understands for marrying

The son of a scientist who was university

Trained that we have no understanding

Of life nor science or religion

Her mind was washed and made over

By some group 

Who feared the Indians

Rising up and retaking their lands.

Meanwhile, your kind

Don't care what happens

As long as it is understood

That you are descendants 

Of African Queens

And expect to be treated in fashion.


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