Friday, December 23, 2022

Roses story

 The Ethiopian heiress came from a family said to descend from King Soloman of Israel.

Her family had been in the higher elite caste for generations. Now there was so much unrest with the slave trade that they were discussing on the West coast. Her family did not want to be a part of such a thing but owning and running coffee plantations were not an easy job without labor.  They usually employed the local tribe's man who were either willing or those who had to pay tribute. 

Instead of sending them out to war as warriors they served on the farms in a lesser capacity. They had warriors and guards trained for warfare and did not need to kill them instead of returning them to their families once their tribute time was over.

She had become engaged to a wealthy man with titles in Europe. She had money and titles but was African black instead of white. He wanted her to go to Europe with him on a Grand Tour of the continent. 

It included Rome and the old ruins he said as well as Paris with its newer lifestyle. They would end their tour in the North where she could decide where she wanted to live. London, everyone wanted to live where the Queen and King of England resided. He said it might be possible.

On their voyage to Europe two things were decided. On their last day they were quietly married by the Justices with the approval of her family. They were hoping to make contracts for their coffee in Europe. Her younger brothers were accompanying her to at least France. 

Meanwhile, they had to go through the Bahamas as the trade routes had altered which is why their marriage was performed so there would be no confusion about her being seen as a slave. There they would make contact with the manager of the trade who seemed to making Rum instead of Coffee. They wanted coffee to be sold in America as well as Europe, her family planners. 

Her brothers were being kept busy while she was having a honeymoon at sea. They were learning about boats and shipping as well as how to behave as gentleman around the Europeans. Her husband became sick while they were crossing the Atlantic. They had traveled by train as far as they could West so there not be any problems in the Mediterranean. 

By the time they arrived in the West Indies her brothers were also sick. She was the only one who had remained in doors the entire time. Her husband was too ill to go ashore where his brother was waiting for him to arrive. Since her brothers were also ill, she was sent accompanied by the Ship's Captain and his men. 

Things were bad in the town where they were supposed to be meeting. Some sort of revolt had occurred, and the white men had been imprisoned. This they learned as they arrived, she was not the only African on board and they were not a slave ship but a merchant ship. Quickly they asked for the commandant to inform them of their arrival but could not offer support except for their musket as they did not carry canon.

Instead of being received properly they were themselves arrested. She and the other black individuals were separated to the complaint of the captain. He was very vocal about the state of affairs if she was harmed. Her husband's brother was among those captured and imprisoned. She managed to get him word of his imminent demise if he did not get medical treatment. 

That was her last communication. The revolt was severe, and they were fought back by military who arrived from Florida, who did not ask questions. Many of her companions were shot, she was taken hostage and then raped and sold as a slave before the second wave of authority arrived to quell the disturbance.

Her husband's brother managed to get a doctor to the ship before they set in on fire. There was not word of her brothers who could marry royalty if they wanted or rich women in Europe if they desired. The ship's captain had been strung up and hung as a dissenter upon learning they he was transporting Africans without planning on selling them but accepting money payment from them instead.

She was lost in a slew of women put on board another ship. Her fine European clothes had been stripped from her before she could help herself. They sent them to the America she had hoped to visit as an heiress wanting to establish a coffee connection with them for their rum and other productions for her family. 

Her clothes were brought along with her and then sold or provided to a spoiled rich daddy's girl. While she was learning to work tobacco in the fields because she was too pretty, they said to be nearer the house. Or she would be made to service the men inside on a regular basis. Some of the more experienced had recognized she had no clue what to do nor was she one of the ones captured and sold. 

At a Southern ball her rich clothes were recognized by two men. Her husband had survived and with his brother had been traveling seeking news of her whereabouts. They had already taken their complaint to the President of the United States. He said he would do what he could and would offer support if they find the man's wife as he had produced a marriage certificate.

They had to be careful of their movements. They hired men to follow the young girl to find out who she was and then visited the plantation. Where upon they asked about things in the usual customary fashion. One of men from the islands, the bookkeeper saw them and knew what they were after. He attempted to get away and inform his comrades about the rich woman they had stolen off he merchant ship. But he was caught by the hired private guards and brought to the men in the dark.

He had to be interrogated before he would reveal what they had done. It was assumed that any woman on any ship was available. They often stole them off the merchants' ships as they were leaving port, so it was assumed they had fallen overboard or been left behind. No one else had been successful on finding one of these women. He knew which plantation she had gone to but not where she was upon the land.

Another private detective was hired to impersonate an accountant in order to go through their records. It was discovered she was not even listed on the books. But some house workers became suspicious of the new man. They allowed him to find her working in the far field to see if that was what he wanted. 

Apparently, it was not uncommon to find someone out of the ordinary who would be hidden. For a while they would be kept busy until the masters were able to find another place. This kind of human trade market was in addition to the slaves being sold. The masters were still trying to find out who she was before they held her for ransom to either her family or her own m aster. More money was made in this fashion then sending them to the farmhouses where they reproduced.

A raid was made upon the farm. First men from the government asked for an audience in Washington for the owners to establish ownerships of the land and property. Then while they were traveling and away from the plantation the others arrived. Quickly they took over the management of the slaves and acquired access to the far fields. 

She was with child when he found her standing under the trees. She had seen them coming and was waiting to see her they were. She had not imagined he could find her at all after she had seen the way in which the slaves were gathered and disbursed. Her county was nothing compared where here they were not seen as groups or peoples but as cattle.

He dropped to his knees and begged her forgiveness for bringing her to America. Instead of traveling overland through Europe. He had been afraid until they reached England of her welfare and his brother was waiting for him. He had not known an insurrection would occur or that she would be taken hostage. Her plight was worse than he could imagine as she had been discovered. 

She wept and kept to herself how many times she was abused. The child she was carrying was his as she was pregnant when they had arrived in the West Indies. She was also far along in her pregnancy. She could do nothing but allow him to take her back to the Captial where they would hold a trail for the men who had stolen and sold her as a slave instead of a married woman. 

Her time for delivery arrived as they drew near the beautiful city of Washinton named after the great general. Harpers Ferry is where they meet their fate. The owners of the plantation were aware of their crimes and had been made aware of the raid on their property. They had stopped their trip to DC while they found out what was occurring. As she was delivering her child to her husband they were discovered.

A standoff occurred between the two groups. Knowing that there was no good on continuing on the plantation owner drew a revolver and fired at her in order to prevent her from speaking. She had hidden her English from them on the word of a slave who recognized her family. He had taken a liking to her in particular because she was new to everything. 

Her husband fell on top of her and her baby. He died in her arms, while she took his gun lying nearby and shot at the owner. He also died on the spot as did she from her ill treatment. She had never recovered from the illness that had followed her to the plantation. The wife of the plantation thought of returning to her home once it was told to her what her husband had done. Taken another man's wife for himself to amuse himself while she was having another baby. 

But there was a bad cow in the barns and a fire broke out which burnt down the entire estate. There were no men left to fight the fire and the animals had gotten hungry and angry. There was a mass exodus of the inhabitants of the local church. Most went west or left for England where they thought they would be safe.

Instead, a group of men set up a task force of discovering waylaid property of others. Forced to become slaves although they were free and often rich. Thier league brought an end to the number of boats and person who went missing from the Bermuda triangle. A free trade between the three continents relied upon the honest managers and non-piracy of ships and persons.

Rose was her name, the woman who died protecting her husband and child. Her brother's fate was worse, they had died before their arrival in America. She would have had a hard time explaining this to her father who did have another son, but he was little and would take training. Meanwhile, her brother-in-law took custody of the child. 

Rosette is what he called her, a little rose who had survived. He made sure it was his brother's child but would have taken care of her anyways. An allowance was provided, and she was sent north and then to England in order to become proper lady. He also established a coffee plantation in America in her honor with those slaves who had been left with no place to go. They would be provided for and then given pay for their work towards their freedom as this is all the south allowed them.

Her inheritance came to the uncle of the child who had done well enough. Since the death of the plantation owner, his wife was charged with piracy as the only possible charge against them. She fled through Florida to the islands where she remained. Her family made attempts to have her brought back but they could not get past the international incident that had happened with the death of princes. The knowledge that they were royal was known and yet the men had done nothing but further the harm.

Rosette finally got the Grand Tour her mother had not completed. Her entire life she was guarded and made to stay away from ships and Florida. Her uncles had nephews from his sister, and they were attentive. She fell in love with Maurice who was kind and intelligent. Thier life would be in the north were she would be allowed to be his wife. 

Thier engagement was proceeded by her uncle's wife. Who had kept secret her true identity to outsiders who might want to kill her in retaliation of the plantation and the piracy that had occurred. There were still men who went missing who had been involved. The royal family were not satisfied until every one of the culprits had been taken care of. The death of the boys and the enslavement of the married daughter was not pleasing nor allowed.

A large amount of money was kept in the safe in case there was an emergency. When the uncle had died, he had made it clear to his wife that it must go to the girl upon her marriage. There would be those who would seek the lives of those who took it instead. There was also a diamond broach which had been given to her by her brother-in-law as a gift for caring for his plight.

She gave instructions to remove the money from the safe and placed on a tray in a carpet bag. Her husband's niece had come to speak to her, and she did not allow others to now she was fond of her just terribly frightened of her own neighbors. Who own daughters had been raised to respect and admire those from Africa without getting involved with the abolitionist movement. They did it anyways in the quiet without being caught on the outside.

Someone removed the carpet bag while the lady was dying and not knowing it never got to the young woman. The diamond brooch was placed on the tray by mistake by someone dealing with her death. Having received instructions to pick up her inheritance off the tray, Rosette picked up the brooch and quietly walked away from the house. She had expected money to be provided for her and her husband the type of income to be free and independent.

Otherwise, they could not reside even in New York. She went to the funeral where the will was read giving her name as an heiress, but it was assumed she had already been taken care of. After that she and her husband returned to France where they could take care of the merchants managership and live without fear of capture or death. She died in childbirth after having experienced what her mother had not in her short life.

The daughter was brought back to the states to be raised by the uncle's family. Maurice was distraught, he was sure his wife had been afflicted on the boat over and never recovered. He was afraid to raise the girl himself without the continued rivalry fall upon her as well. He traveled to Africa himself to make sure the royals understood and were allowed news of their great granddaughter. 

Three generations of one family attempt to live and reside in America. The first ended in slavery and death. The second got her European trip but was denied her inheritance by chance to stay in America. The third girl was raised entirely in New York by family who knew who she was but never got to meet her relatives in Africa. She was educated and worked at the museum of Metropolitan art.

She was meet one day by a visitor from Africa. He wanted to meet her and was amused by her innocence. It was decided to tell her of her grandmother and how she could return to Africa where she would become one of the elites. She was not sure that is what she wanted as she was about to become engaged to an archaeologist.

Her wedding was attended by her African relative who made himself available to her white relatives. She was to go off on to help excavate in the middle east and would be stopping in Ethiopia. However, miserable weather and other things prevented them from leaving for six months. By then she was too pregnant to safely go by ship to Rome. Her husband put off his trip for her and the arrival of their child.

It was also a daughter, a little beauty born to a free woman from her long line of African royalty. They had been discovered from the carelessness of the African who had no idea not to speak of it even on his return. He did not make it all the way back home but died in Rome from an unknown infection. He had sent word of her marriage ahead of him.

They were surprised on their return from the hospital where their baby was born by ruffians. They thought they were being robbed instead of murdered. Some things never go away, and some families never forget. The plantation owner's wife's family had not given up keeping the baby and her children from having a life. It was assumed the baby was her husbands as she had not known the woman was already pregnant.

The baby laid in the snow where she had fallen. The members of the household were horrified to be engulfed in a fire. While the couple sat in their buggy dead from not knowing that their lives were to be taken from them. They should have left immediately but had not been able or they would at least have made it to Rome. Thier child was due a huge inheritance and could become a queen herself.

Along came a cousin of hers who was making plans for them to leave on a ship as soon as the young child was able to travel. He had been busy making arrangements at the docks for their quiet removal from New York. Instead, he saw the fire before he got to their house. The carriage had been toppled and dragged out of the way after the horses fled in terror. 

A soft quiet cry was heard by him, who went down on his knees. He said he had found a kitten as he walked away. He sent his law intern down to find out what had happened to the couple. Meanwhile, he had to speak to his wife about adopting the baby who had survived the attack. HIs wife was from the same family and had a issue with the brooch the bride had worn. It was supposed to have come to her, instead this unknown girl had worn it on her wedding day.

Now his wife took herself to the morgue where she attempted to speak to the bride. Instead, she found her journal, which included her mother's story and how money had been promised but instead a single brooch was left on the tray. Then she knew what had happened, the valise with money had been found without knowing it belonged to anyone and removed to a bank for safe keeping. The brooch must have dropped onto the carpet where it was then place on the tray.

She regretted not having gotten a chance to question her husband's cousin. Her family had benefitted from the mistake and now she had the brooch back in her hand. She would provide it to the young infant as well as the bank balance from the accidental theft of funds. She was honest about the kind of people their family had found were involved in trade and merchants.

She waited until the infant had been established inside her house without anyone else knowing before she told her husband. It would mean they would have to replace the money taken from their own moneys. He was more shocked that the money had been found. There had been a careful search for it at the time, but not imagined deposited into the family's accounts.

This child was going to be well cared for by them. They ended up being childless due to something or else. After a while they decided to follow the path that should have been taken by the first couple. After their Grand Tour needed in Rome, they did it again, decided to take the hidden child to Africa. Her arrival in Ethiopia was not seen at first but upon discovery of who they were related there was a massive feast arranged.

Sadly, the couple saw the girl in her proper home. They were a rich family with means and connection to Europe having decided not to have any more dealings with America. The decision had been to come fand found out who they had been protecting but instead the instantly gave her up to her family.

They were welcomed to stay and watch over her as relatives, but they were heart broken. A young queen was going to need her own people and safety was with her at home where she would be protected by warriors instead of hired servants. They were richly awarded by the royals who gave them a life in Europe they had not imagined. 

Thier Paris apartment was the entire building as they could now afford more than before. Thier relatives visited and made enquiries while the Abolitionist were encouraged to continue freeing people from enslavement. Thier adopted daughter did come to visit them but had changed her name from Rose after her grandmother. Her life was incredible was her family had risen through the ranks and she was going to have what was left of her life in luxury.

The story was compiled by the couple and printed as evidence against the slave trade. Four generations of women who should never had to hide from pirates nor criminally insane. Those who were after them waited to see what would happen next. The Civil war ended their line and there was nothing left for them to fight. While this story was celebrated and then lost to the stacks of old literature not seen as fit for the newer school system of America which sought to hide her mistakes.

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