Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Russians are coming


Russians have always appeared

To Americans at foreign and exotic

In fact, most politicians have nightmares

Of them arriving in force

When in fact they were here already

The first arrivals of Europeans 

We're not the first but the third wave

Anyways Russians have always 

Been part of the American society

Every large city used to have 

Entire communities of them

The Orthodox Jews took over 

Brooklyn even driving the 

Jehovah Witnesses out of the neighborhood

While California was first Russian

And then Spanish and French

The largest modern group of speakers

Of the Russian language is in Sacramento

While San Francisco has long been

A mecca for them to arrive

They even have the second largest

Russian Cathedral in San Francisco

But in Washington DC

Except for a few Russian tea rooms

And bookstores they don't allow

Them to be seen unless it is the annual

Nutcracker Ballet 

Where upon everyone troops

To the Kennedy Center

Or other places in order not to miss

Thier special Christmas treat

Here comes a Russian Jew 

Who has taken over Kiev

The original city of the Rurik's

He is coming to town to the Capital

In order to plead his cause

About not freeing his slaves

In Donetsk, he still refuses them

The same freedoms as he received

When Ukraine wanted to be freed

They got the support and the freedom

But in return he will not do it for another

Typical of those who want so much

To be seen and heard 

But not actually do anything.

He has been on almost every

Televised Hollywood special event

Now he has finally decided to leave his cave

To receive the joint sessions of Congress

Of the American government

Why not the United Nations?

And after Trump got cited for

Inserection against his government.

I still am appalled that Cheney 

Is suggesting that Trump intended

For there to be shootings causing deaths.

Or that his own Vice President

Would be taken hostage.

What he thought of a town hall meeting

Or a public assemblage is different 

Then what he got as an outcome.

But now Zelensky is being invited 

Inside a chamber where the President of the US

Has to be given an invitation

To deliver his State of the Union address.

And that is only once a year

The rest of the time he is not expected 

To step inside the chamber at all

With Hannukah having already begun

And Christmas quickly following

They are not only still in town

But inviting a foreign leader

Inside their very private chamber.

Are they going to be charged with

Inserection if things go wrong?

Or treason?

Only two others have ever been invited

According to their own website.

French Ambassador Andre de Laboulaye 

 & Cuban Ambassador Guillermo Belt.

Both Ambassadors not Presidents.

He is here to convinces them to hand over 

Money to him in order to continue

To prevent the freedom of people

Who are actually Welsh descendants

I feel as if a bank robbery is in progress...

Meanwhile, we are told Putin is sick

Just as I have been given the wrong diagnosis

And one I already went to court with Jimmy,

About my mental illness, 

His plans have always been to have me

Committed for life just because he is the crazy one.

The American government must have amnesia or something.

It will be interesting to see what happens

Next in the quest to oust Putin

By instigating a war against him.

By asking a "wolf in sheep's clothing",

Inside to speak to them about his plight.

Zelensky is the one who threw the first stone.

To get attention from the world

Who have no idea who they want

To represent Russia instead of Putin.

All those visits by Putin to America

We're nothing but a way

Of making sure he got the message

When the pulled the rug out

He was never welcomed

Nor do Americans want to give up

Thier allegiance to White supremist 

It appears who are Hostile, 

One wonders what they are 

Going to do with this guy.

What is Willow going to do 

When he asks for her bowel cream as well....

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Three times loser

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