Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Now mother, you know that is not true!


My mother and only my mother

Insists that Pearl harbor 

Did not occur

From the time we first learned

In Kindergarten to Highschool

She recommended I be put 

In the nuts house 

Because I believed in the story

That was on the cover of the newspaper

When she was a little girl.

All because she misunderstood

The Conversation that her grandpa

Had on the phone while reading

The news and feeding her 

While the women flocked to the other side

Of the property til late in the evening

Her name was Norma.

She was just fourteen years old

She was the forth girl 

Of a large Scndinavian family

Who were mainly boys

Her older sisters had gotten married

First Ella to someone from Montana

Then Helen had gotten very ill

And Hazel who had run off 

Had to be brought back 

Forced to wait ti she was eighteen.

The last and yougest of the girls

Was a bit spoiled and silly

Her older brothers had already

Run off and joined the war effort

Some made it to Hawaii 

Were they training on the American ships

But were not yet at war

She wanted to teach but was too young

Nursing was the only thing she was allowed

She was also too young

But she had stolen Helens birth certifacte

No one would know except her brother

While she learned what it meant to be a nurse

Her brother was training to be a warrior

And then they would meet up for the meetings

There were differeent religons in their family

But they were strict LDS

Mormons were allowed to get married young

Her brother arranged for her to meet

A widow whose wife had died

Leaving a little boy

Her choices were few 

Her parents wantead  her to think

Before jumping into marriage

Her sisters had both fallen in love

And forced them to allow a marriage

Now she had a few years they said

She was too shy to find that an option

Instead she wanted a religious one

The man was incredibly good looking

And his small boy charming

She wondered why she was selected

It was told that she had a good family

And her brother vouched for her

After a few weeks she agreed 

The courtship was shorter than her sisters

But he was already an experienced man

And a pilot who needed a caretaker

She could finish her nursing on the weekends

Living in the dorms was not easy

Nor was the confrontations 

On the weekends when she went 

To her religion with her brother

Where did you find that one?

Does he have a brother?

On and on the went.

They had performed the marriage

Last month but were waiting for her

To be released from the active duty

To finish the vows as she had to return

To the dorms every night

She had finally slipped out 

Of her dorm in the middle of the night

If they caught her there was nothing they could do

She was a married wman now

And had a place to go if kicked out

It was only to the Christmas

They said when her family would be coming

To visit her and see her that she was waiting

After she had run away they had searched

By accident her letter got lost

And her brother did not mention her arrival

Private investigators had shown up

Asking about her and she had wanted 

To speak to him before she went to work

He had been angry at her walking

In the night but then they got to talking

Everything was now okay

But it was going to be a long month.

In her dream like stance

She walked along without notiing

Anything at all not the sounds

Nor the airaid when it came

It was all so new to her

And then the explosions began

Down by the bay

Her feet began to tremble 

Her heart jumped into her mouth

No, no!

It cant be an attack!

She must get to the wire service

And tell her parents not to come

Not if they were going to be under

Attack by enemy forces

She had begun to run

She could see the buildings were on fire

All around her was confusion

And chaos as the military shells 

Rained down on them.

She saw her friend waving at her

With a heavy heart

And light feet 

She ran straight forward

Into the blinding light

Of another rain of bullets

Struck down midstride

Never understanding the sign

Of stay back danger

She fell face forward on the ground.

Her body was never recovered

Her parents were initially told

It was not true

She was not dead.

But she was dead.

Her brother would be looking for her

Her husband would not be returning 

From his flight that morning

His sudden departure had left the lad

Alone expecting the new woman

To return once she got the message

A message she never received.

It was well into the night

Before he was discovered.

She went into the morgue with the others

She had the wrong name on her badge

And had recently been married

Her identity got lost in the ensuing chaos.

Another woman had seen her fall

She had picked up the wallet 

And then got hit on the head

Before she could flee the situation

She woke up in a hospital in Florida

Where they had evacuated the fallen

Who had survived with no idea

Of how she had gotten there

Except there were beaches

And palm trees and sound of sirens

They had air raid drills

Just in case someone came calling

After what happened in Hawaii

Florida was taking no chances

She smiled as she laid back

Her head pounding and no attack

Had occurred on her island.

When she awoke there was confusion

Many had come to see her 

But said she was the wrong one

But then word came that her husband 

Was still missing and the family wanted

The baby in Wisconsin

She asked if she could go as well

The agreed and made arrangements 

For her departure 

Only to find herself 

Seven years later confronted

She had no husband 

He had never been found

Now declared dead she had arrived

To find a life of waiting

Was over for a couple 

Who had lost a young teenager

To find a full-grown woman with child

They helped her take care of the arrangements

And then took her home to California

Where they wanted her to live with them.

Instead, she remarried as soon as she could

Mormon life was not bad

And Utah was beautiful

She did not have to hook

Anymore nor steal for a living

Now she was a married woman

With family and had a few babies

Later she would regret nothing

Only the one young girl

Did not believe her at all.

The niece Carol had been a favorite

They had hid it from her that Aunt Norma

Was in the air raid

Taking turns to make sure she did not hear

The radio nor read about it.

She was convinced it had not occurred

Because her favorite aunt Norma

Told her it had not over chocolate cake

Convinced for life she kept

Her word that day

To continue denying the event

Even when her husband had

To participate in Pearl Harbor Day.

As his father/uncle had lived through it

Spending two wars in the Pacific

A Navy family from the first.

Then her daughter wrote that paper.

After what she did to her earlier,

She now had to arrange for her

To go to a mental ward or something.

Imagine believing in that propaganda!

Her aunt would not lie to her!

Nor would the old guys who experienced it.

Meanwhile, the daughter was signing papers for her Dementia.

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