Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Imagine a time in the not too far yesteryear


Yesteryear we were concerned about ourselves

The words Imperialism and Capitalism

Were created along with Manifest destiny

America was born from freedoms desired

Not freedomns accomplished

The amazing win of the American Reolutioin

Was due to the constant battles of Europe

And the unreadines of the British to defeat

On foreign soil those who had no place to go

Christopher columbus sail the ocean blue

In 1492 to the West Indies

He was attempting the Chinese seas

He got it wrong his theories 

And yet navigation of those waters

Was not unknown

For centuries they had been transversing

The two oceans without issue

It simply was not reported to the modern historian

For iinstance King Ferdinand and Queen Issabella

Combonied thier lands into one Spain

Iberia had spent more than six hundred years

Under Islamic rule and the real dynasty

Not the false on after Muhammed died

Without a male sone but a grandson

Who wsa rejected by those who wantead power

Now the end of the Islamic rule had been accomplished

But along with thier withdrawal was the lost

Knowledge of what ws occuring on the other side

And while they were  under siege

Egypt and others had gone ahead with thier

Own explorations without mentioning them 

To those who had not idea of how to deal

With the one true evil, Sceince

Even today most mainstream conservatives

Frown on mathematics and science

Not understand that the knowledge they are missing

Is also what will save them in the end.

Faith alone cant work miracles

europe was embroiled in teh hundred years war

Europe had marched on while Iberia suffered

They had all kinds of problems 

Such as religious heretics

And those who thought they should 

Actually read the bible!

Burned at the stake!

Just as athe Muslims seemed to be consumed

With burning all the libraries and monasteries

Before they lost thier right to rule.

Curous as to what was in those places?

Knowledge of foreign lands

And perhaps royals who had been exiled.

The Puritans attepted to take over Parliament

And were forced out of England 

Under orders of shoot to kill

The Tower must have been a castle

Comparead to what they eneded up residing

In America after they fought ot leave

All those bloody battles and then one more

The Huguenots werer under threat

A great massacre occured

Leaving nothing hidden as to 

What was gong to occur next

Absolte rule of those who adhered

To the Catholic church

Which had taken over in the absence

Of any appearnace of European

Rulersip as Europe had been attachked

By several unexpected ones

Being Christian had its cross to bear

Unlike the Romans who were so popular

Really terrifed the inhabitants

They even summoned a volcano

To elimante the spa resort town

So were does this bring in Imperialsim

After America was establihes

By the founding fathers who were

Related to royalety in somoe fashion

But bore the brunt of seperation

Could afford after all those religiious 

Heretics arrived and altered what the lands

Were meant to be used, quick income

For those whose coffers wre now empty

Running a well oiled kingdom takes

Oil in the form of coins and currency

The newer Americans thought they would expand

Abit towards the West

The first thirteen colonies were making them


To say the least, 

The first ting they did was to go after

The land around the Great Lakes

Called the Old West 

We know it as Ohio and Michigan

Those homelss vetersans

Were sent packing for a chance 

To inhabit the wilderness

Left behind by the French 

Who are supposed to have fled

While the Indians were considereing

Revoking thier lease upon it

Indead, another crew of people

Who were just going to starve 

To deatah if they were not taught

How to fish and hunt

Better to burn them out

And get rif of them

Before it was too late

King Philips wars

Had not been a  happy

Time for theise people

And without t heir frineds

The French they had no one left

The irish monks had stoped coming

As the Nordic vikings to t hier land

Then a windfall fell insto the hands

Of poor Jefferson!

Napoleon had overtaken 

France after it decided to rebel

Replacing the head of the royals

With riffraff from the locals

A newere generation of 

State hood emerged

And Napoleon had taken that as well

A firece fighter and miilitary 

Strategists from Italy

He made an offer no one could refuse

The entrie lands west of the Miissiippii

They had alread climbed up over the Applachians

And killed those indians 

So what!

Lets take the West as well.

Although no one knew how vast it was 

Merriwether and Lewis 

Were hired to explore the

New purchase with the personal money

Of the Presidenat himself.

They were realtives of his wife

They were trustworthy and dependeable

He would go broke 

Selling his vast library to congress

But they needed a Westward expansion

Now that their wre more immigranst

Arriving everyday

From Ireland and Germany

And Italy and Persia

They all wanted to be free

Manifest destiny was the cause

That the Civil war veterans

Began afer god had given up

On them through the killing

Of each others brothers and cousins

A releigous reveival occured

Thoughtou the America East

They wagon trained all the war to the 

Far ocean in order to reestablish

Themselves without having fought 

For the right to the land at all.

They had fought the Indians

In order to stay 

And the British in order

Not to leave the land.

But the rest was either

Taken by force or

Bought from a false ruler

As Napoleon was later called

They shout his nephew in Mexico city

And the american did win the war

AFter the Alamo was vurt down

A tiny settlement of Americans

On foreign land who had not rights

But had all not out lasted

The war wth the Imperial Mexcico

Which hd also seprated fro Spain

It turned out that eh lands across

The Atlantic were harder to govern

Than thought by imbeciles

Who were not royals

After winning In Mexico city

America gave them land they had not previously

Owned in order to annex California

Which was not owned by either

Spain nor France but Russia!

Which leads us to the SEwaards Folly

Seward was the Secretary of State

Who decided it would be a good idea

To own a bunch of ice and polar bears

He fought in congress to buy this chnk

Of land far off in the distance

It parctically touches Russia

Russia had been operating 

Several busniess on the West coast

None of them illgeal 

Although the pirates found 

It fun to run ashore and capture 

A community for themselvse

Fishing and furring 

Were thier trade 

A few real royals came as well

Thier descendants were left behind

All because the spanish had sent

Too many in the inquisitons

To Mexico to elimanate them from spain

They ahd not only rebelled but become crimnal

Russia decided to retreat 

As they had farmers in the fields

Raising their tools in defiance

A number of assisinations would occure

Before they themselves were overtaken

Perhaps they should have kept California 

But as it is Alaska was bought

By Seward for America

It turns out a bunch of dinasouras

Were whisked up to the tope

Of te world at some point 

In the past and there are great oil reserves

Under the tundra

Along with gold which was found 

In Alaska and Calfiornia

Califronia was never purcheased

Nor fought for but abandoned

The Russians chose to leave

And the Spanish would not support

Thier General Vallejo

When his family were taken hostage

The Bear Flag revolt it was called

The took advantage of the situation

Stoled the right to rule from spain

And handed it over to America

With out an honest declaration

At any time of ownership

Califronia runs itself 

Independenat of the others

On the basis that  hey have no choice

Unlike Texas which brags

But thrw itselaf at America 

Once they had crossed the line

Ad could not hold down the fot

Is America an Imperialist?

Do they go out and assume control

Of foreign lands?

They gave Mexico back once winning it.

But they kept Hawaii, the Philipines and Puerto Rico

All good port places for their navy

Where once England navy made 

Evrery one quiver at the sight

Of its mast coming into view

This once they destroyed 

The Spanish armada

It is now the US navy 

Which ones the world

And brings relief to foreign land

Which they then hand back

When they are done with them

Such as Afghanistan

But what about the Crimea

It is a nice port place

It holds the other world leader

The Russian navy

Said to be better then the Americas

Resides in a place called Sebastopol

But is it worth angering Europe

To allow themselves to acquiree

Another foreign port?

They don't acquire foreign lands

But do accept port towns 

Such as the one on Cuba

A long-standing enemy

What are we really doing 

Sitting back in our chairs

And imagining that we are?

If not Imperialist

Of foreign acquisitions

Then what?

We have the power to send rockets to space

And walk on the moon

Or the beach on either side

Of the continent

We can go to almost any port

Except China the long sought one

What is America after?

Peace of mind for Europe

Religious freedoms?

The right to womanhood?

To be mixed race 

None of these exist in Ukraine

They are still a divided people

The Jews they could not get rid of

So, they wait quietly until the right time

And it will come no matter who is in power

Look what happened to both Germany and Russia

They both were taken over by Jewish puppets

Men who had to do what they were told

Once in power.

There are no rights for Africans and Asians

One sees few of them and most are leaving

As they should because this is not a place

To shelter, as for women do we see anyone

Except the first lady?

Imagine a world without deception.

I ask again, 

What are we doing in Ukraine?

They are sad to be refusing freedom to others

And are not going to hand over their country to us.

So why are we arming them?

Zelensky is no more than a puppet

We are going to go broke supporting them.

Please be careful with your choices

As we have few left in our own homes

That globe is mesmerizing isn't it!

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