Thursday, December 8, 2022

Too tedious


It was just too tedious to fill those

 Amazon orders at the warehouse.

She Brittany filed a workman's comp

Form listing herself as gay 

In a country that is unfriendly

Her nails are broken 

And her tendrils in danger

Having to sit there with 

All those tedious details 

Amazon warehouse!

What could be worse!

No one goes to work 

At one of these places 

And here she is working in one.

Whereas the arms dealer

Was probably on one of 

The phone call centers 

In America they are 

A little more plush

Phone centers are the thing

Computer work is also tedious

But at least they get to speak 

To someone during the day.

One never does know 

Whom one is speaking to

When one calls customer service

Who willingly gets hired

To be yelled at all day!

Anyways, she is released

Good grief, did they know

When they arrested her

That she ws in a gay lesbian

Relationship? Good riddance.

Meanwhile, the guy 

Who has a striking resemblance

To Jimmy is also being moved

Maybe unwillingly across 

The globe towards real Moscow

No one knows what he is going to face.

Whereas will she go back to work

Or will she go on tours

Or even retirement?

She is at the limit of 40

There is no world after that

They tell you lies at work.

It is for real, after 40

You no longer have a job.

It is over and done with

No matter what you do

Or whom you know.

Meanwhile, there is a void

In the American system.

A drug cartel from Mexico

Has disappeared from the system.

He seems to have done something

He is no longer in his federal prison

Where o where did he go?

Mexico is not happy.

I recall Jimmy doing that 

Getting incarcerated

And then switching places 

I would get a phone call

And the wrong guy is sitting

There only to go to the authorities

And be met by Jimmy who is not

Going to allow me to tell on him.

Drugs and needles are how he has been

Keeping me from speaking to others

When in fact it is well known

He is not allowed near me.

Especially after he had a fit

Just because I was selected

To represent the Native Americans

At the Olympics when I was a child.

He has tormented me and caused me pain

All over a little bow and arrow

Performance, that could have been done anywhere.

In Peru the President thought

He could dissolve congress

Instead, they impeached him

And arrested him leading him off

To somewhere else

While a former schoolteacher

Is now the female President of Peru

Overnight news.

While in Argentina 

The Vice president got caught

And given six years in prison 

For fraud and embezzlement

Wonder if they will make her

Milk cows? They don't have 

Processing centers in Rio

Do they?

Once upon a time 

Jimmy was committed to a mental

Institution, instead another young kid

Was found sitting there confused

He had answered a call 

And found himself all tied up.

He survived his entire internment

And was last seen walking around

California a free man but with white hair.

Jimmy still has blond hair 

Even though he is now over 60.

Welcome home Brittany, enjoy the freedom!

Is it me or does this guy Viktor Bout

Resemble Jimmy?

Hmm, hope I don't bump into that other guy!

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