Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Up in smoke


What better way to get out of the way

Then to set something on fire

Especially a place that keeps records

On crime. 

The New York City evidence warehouse

Three alarm fire and eight persons injured.

Should I not think about


Decades of proof of crimes

Committed up in smoke.

When the District Attorney 

Goes to court he needs 

Something more than his reputation.

It is not like Jimmy

Who simply introduces himself.

And everyone is supposed to believe

Every word he says.

Who else is affected by this tragedy?

We won't know for another decade

Will we?

Hopefully there will be no releases

Based on lack of evidence.

What is America coming to 

When even the very warehouse

That stores our hope in justice

Has multiple hotspots

And is not going to be put out today.

What are we all thinking of?

That if Al Capone had been alive

He would not have gone to prison.

He was not tried in NYC

But you know what I mean.

How many other criminals 

Are there out there 

Just laughing in their sleeves.

And offering a reward to the guy who did it.

Meanwhile there are swindlers

Who are being caught

While perhaps innocent ones

Being charged when there is 

A suggestion of too much 

Indicating an outside source

Worrying about Kim 

Showing his precious daughter

While he clearly has something on his mind.

And the many stories about Putin

Meant to make us believe his army

Is going to fail in the end.

Too much illusionist tricks

Keeping us all distracted

While something more sinister

Is going on in front of us.

When did we all become

So comfortable with "others"?

I got accused today of being a Diabetic!

I am not related to Jimmy.

Jimmy claims to be a diabetic.

He thinks it makes him "Indian"

There was a big discovery in the seventies

Of Native Americans being diagnosed 

In large numbers with diabetes.

This is because they were eating foods 

They were not accustomed.

This and discrimination and bias

Towards crazy ones.

Anyways Jimmy who is not Native American

Insists on giving himself injections

And going through his mental illness

With others about his delicate disease.

Actually, Thyroid patients die in more 

Numbers than Diabetics but they are 

The ones with sympathy not those 

Who don't want to diet.

I am already diagnosed with Thyroid 

But instead of discussing the subject

We were supposed to tackle today

I got hit head on by my sugar count.

I dont believe any of his blood results.

I had another doctor tell me I was not

Taking care of myself properly

I needed to act immediately about my thyroid.

What can a woman do when any signs

Of refusal means you are mental.

Instead of Senile such as Jimmy.

After all he is over 60

And claiming a disease he probably

Did not have originally if at all.

And now we have to go through 

The routine of his claiming I am his daughter

Even though he was only six years old

When I was born, and I am going to be

Forced to have needles stuck in me?

I am not even sure my flu shot 

Is in fact a flu shot.

It never keeps me from having the flu.

Instead, I feel strange afterwards.

He has always controlled people

With needles for some getting them

Hooked for life on drugs that can't afford

To get caught taking but never got clean

Because he was always going back in

And reinjecting them.

Anyways, my mother just wanted

Your chocolate bars!

She would go through the 

Routine of fainting and needing sugar.

She was never diabetic.

Her autopsy included a line.

It said indications of prediabetes.

She was 69 and died of cancer.

She always overate and never thought of exercising.

Prediabetes is not diabetes. 

Diabetes is not thyroid disease.

A thyroid patient is not going to lose weight

By getting insulin injections.

I have a pre-diagnosed thyroid condition.

Now I have a goiter and a dead thyroid 

According to another doctor. 

Paul is not an idiot.

He just listens to the wrong people

The ones who sign his paychecks.

It is just that kind of world.

And my evidence of not being

Related to Jimmy

Would be in New York city

Courts along with DNA samples

Somewhere in a warehouse.

An undisclosed location

Just in case someone wants 

To be burn it down or something.

Let's get real now.

If anyone dies from the fire

You know who to go to

The convicted fire bug.

Named ...

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