Monday, December 19, 2022

It happened one winters night


My parents meet when they were young

On the beach in California

They were both born to families

Who had old connections

But after the 20th century

Nobody knew what WWII

Would do to society at large

When those who have are not allowed

Because those who don't have complain

And then steal it anyways

Anything at all just for the sake

Of not allowing others to own themselves

As the story goes 

My father was stolen from his mother

When he was born, and she then died

He had a hard time of it 

Until his uncle came home from his tour

As a Navy man he was at sea for months

His wife got excited about his younger sister

Who had come home from Oxford

With a new husband and was having a baby

His other sisters had gone to Arabia

Foolish girls when he was in training

They wanted to marry sheiks

Therefore, he was concerned about 

Laura the pretty one who had gone

To University instead for her family's sake

Only to marry a man the other side of the

Mountain, who came back with a degree in science

From Cambridge at the age of 18

They knew he was older than that 

But a family accident had left his mother

Stranded in Geneva during the Great War

He saw the young man sleeping

And asked his wife where she had gotten 

The boy as she smiled sweetly at him

At first, she said it was hers 

But after a trip to the doctors

And the information that his favorite

Sister had died suddenly 

It was revealed that it was his nephew

The authorities allowed them to adopt him

Indians always gotten adopted out

His wife was seen as pure American

While his brother-in-law was suspect

Therefore, my father grew up 

Not knowing his real father

But had him visit him 

While he was doing secret war work

Which hedcould not discuss

He welcomed a new woman in his life

Since his mother had died on him.

She was a beautiful piece of work

My mother with her lingering eyes

And sharp tongue 

Always convincing people, she was not lying

When all she wanted was to get people

To Believe her when she had no intention

Of being honest

Hence, they had a long romance

While he was shulted back and forth

Between the two families

Frustrated he went to college

To learn anything but science

Engineering was going to be his ticket

While she fretted away her time

Never satisfied with anything

But always introducing herself to people

Whom she would then allow

To believe that one day they would

Be introduced to the Queen herself

Because she had meet her and therefore....

After graduation which my mother failed

She ran around the world

Attempting to escape her obligations

Then one day she was no longer 16

Nor 18 or even 21

25 years old and no husband!

In a panic she went looking for it

Only to find he was working 

For uncle Sam now

After falling love with her as a child

On the beach and following her around

He had ended up with a broken heart

He was in Korea so far away

She ran off to Las Vegas with a cousin

Who did not know the rules

She only wanted a plus one

For the wedding of Grace

In Monaco but he got her pregnant

Not allowed at all.

How was she supposed to explain this?

She divorced him thinking the baby 

Would also disappear but it did not

Know she was in trouble

She knew her grandmother was 

Friends with another lady 

From their garden club

Which spanned from coast to coast

She decided to make herself useful

At the Whtie House

Where the poor son resided

Eisenhower had already encountered

Her mother during the war as a journalist

Only to discover his mother knew her mother

In an odd fashion.

The little girl was full grown

And making a nuesaunce of herself

He began to make phone calls

He was the boss after all.

Teh father could not be found

For he had discovered 

What her problem was and wanted

It taken care of immedieately

A husband had to be found

And the baby's father was athe one

He wanted standing on the carpet

In front of his desk 

In the Oval office

Poor little girl only said goodbye

To him as he was being conscripted

Get me Germany!

No! Nobody knows....

Get me Guam!

No! Nobody knows....

Get me Korea!

Hey, hey he is there

The phone began to ring

All he was the office jock

He had graduated first in his class

Had gone to the Brown westpoint

And was a qualified Engeiner

All he did was sit there stuck 

Away from his friends

Who stopped by and sympathized 

With him about his problem

His father was a Manhattan project man

There was no way the Navy was allowing

Him to be captured at anytime

Who had gotten him into uniform?

For God sake they were all going 

To get hung if he got caught

He was good at his job 

And his skills at reading maps

Was immeasurable for sure

But he was never going to see action.

His phone kept ringing

Then it would be disconnected.

She had found out that his location

Was now known and had slipped 

The Operator at the White House 

Something to disconnect each time

The call went through to him.

She was not going to explain

To him about the baby!

She was going to marry him 

Someday then that invitation came.

Who was going to miss the wedding 

Of Kelly and Grimaldi?

Hell, she was in pure hell.

Her story telling had gotten her in deep.

Some old lady went into decline

And her daughter was bundled off

One night to catch a train

To be at the hospital before she died.

A new girl was now at the switch board.

The phone rang again and again.

He was trying to decide if he should answer

They kept hanging up on him

He had been informed of his girls 

Situation back at home 

Her family was furious 

They did not know how it had happened

His neck was in the noose

And he had not even touched her 

All the way across the Pacific

She was seeking him to go home

And marry her, he knew she was...

He was sitting donw with his coffee

And going over the dispatchs

For the crews out of doors

When the hand that knew not its master

Reached over and picked up the phone

Who the hell are you!

Where the hell have you been?

You will never be coming home 

Again, until you explain

What you plan to do!

He hung up.

Had no idea who it was.

Had no idea who would phone him

And he was worried again about her.

Then the guys in the office began

To act odd around him.

He was the best they had 

At map reading but could not send him out

Now he was in trouble with someone

Had no idea but it was big.

Poor little guy was sittig

Chatting with his friend 

From back at home

When they arrived

The big one had come 

And the bosses were jumping 

Around and not speaking

Then a shadow came over his desk

It was the boss himeslf

Dwight had flown all the way

To Korea just to see this kid.

Miracle worker is what he was called.

He could pull rabbits out of hats.

But there was this girl sitting 

On his lawn and crying everyday.

He had to take care of it

Even if it meant he got to go

To Asia where he was not allowed

The boys got together to figure out 

What was up with this situation

And then the call came through

All the way from up north

They needed help now and not tomorrow

The big guy was being given a tour.

No one was available 

He got the okay by accident to take

Care of the problem without knowing

What it was about.

Then they all had to retreat 

To Hawaii with them hostage

Before things got out of hand.

Meanwhile there was a group of men

Who had got cut off from the world.

He was dropped in with his map 

Knowledge but it was his old world

Hunting trips that got through 

As his men were mixed with the others

They could not communicate normally

Through their own will they got 

A new language overnight

And found their way back 

To Paradise, not only out of harm's way

But the war came to an end.

He said it was the only way

To get the kid to the girl with the baby

In the end, a completely confuses

Young man was standing on teh sands

Of Hawaii and then he was not

She smacked him so hard

He ended up on the ground

They all laughed behind her

But she was not about to have him

Tell on her at all.

He lay there looking at her shadow

And knew what he had to do.

For god's sake Carol!

Why did you not tell me?

As he got up slowly 

And put his arms around her waist

She stood stock still

He had done it

Outsmarted her again.

Ooh, she hated him for that.

Now they were allowed to leave

They went to Reno to get married

It was supposed to be San Francisco

But she had no reason to show 

Her parents what she had done

They were caught spending

More than one night in the hotel room

They had gotten married before

But she would into spend a single night 

With him but could not get away.

She did not know that her friends

Had given her something to drink

Which would cause the fetus to die.

It came out dead six months later.

During the abortion years.

She was convicted of infanticide

But not sent to prison

She was under a doctor's care 

No more babies for her!

He now had his girl and had 

Found out what the other guy 

Had done to his girl

Dragging her by the hair

Before a registers office

And not even waited to get into a hotel room.

He would never forgive the guy.

Her story was good, and she made

Sure, they never spoke to each other.

Except the day the baby came out dead.

The guy showed up and stoled someone else baby

To show his parents 

That he was able to be a man.

Meanwhile Jimmy was introduced as a toddler,

By a couple who did not know better.

One winters night when my parents

Finally got caught with a license

Spending a night together.

Every year on their anniversary

They could not be found.

She would abduct him

And squirrel him away 

In a hotel room.

While her parents would sit

With an anniversary dinner 

In front of them

As well as a growing number

Of grandchildren in front of them.

She had six of us that I know of

She was frightened each time

She gave birth and hid it as long as possible

That is why the week before Christmas

The kids know not to ask 

But to expect the grandparents to arrive

Otherwise, they will be sitting somewhere

Alone until the holidays are over.

Just except it she is a little bit crazy

And he was long suffering...

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