Wednesday, December 28, 2022

El Dorado City of Gold


The Centurion had seen it all in the Roman empire.

He had gone the great distance north to the barbarians of the British Isles.

He had made it through the Silk Route to the place of India. 

Foraged into Africa as far south as Ethiopia. 

He had studied with the monks and became acquitted with the scrolls.

His training had included language skills as well as geography

He had a special mission. A suicide one of no return.

His comrades had no idea the lengths the Caeser had gone.

A concern had come about with the wealth of the former empires disappeared

There must have been a set of rules in the past.

But now there was nothing but pillaging.

When they arrived in a new location there was always the knowledge.

That almost everything would already be destroyed.

His men had been special picked with not families.

All orphans with no ties to their homes.

It had been decided that the treasures of the Jews must be removed.

Those people had strange ways and claimed a vengeful god.

King Soloman had been one of the wealthiest in the world.

His knowledge extended beyond what was normal.

Even the Queen of Sheba had come to him with her own wisemen.

No one was wealthier and the palace was pure gold.

The religious items could not be melted down without fear it might cause chaos.

They had already had a volcano explode, what might happen next.

They had carefully removed the items and then killed everyone off.

No survivors to tell stories of the gold items.

His gold throne alone would have been worth a fortune.

They had loaded boats with their cargo and put on board supplies.

There was one navigator who had been schooled in the enormous globe.

They knew of another continent on the other side of their ocean.

They had been visited by special envoys who were concerned.

Disease had swept through their lands, and they wanted not more contact.

Explorers had been kept from returning and were being held hostage.

Until they were certain there would be no incursions, they would not release them.

Sadly, there would be no exchange and that was one of his assignments.

Once his task was done, he was to go into the forests.

If he found the captives, he would kill them.

Or if possible, allow them to find their own way home.

He would not be returning at all as his final assignment

Was to become one of the inhabitants of the new world.

He was to associate and perhaps marry into the higher ranks.

Then when the time came the new explorers would find friends.

Not enemies who could follow home the men but not be willing to negotiate.

There were three of them who were now the nephew of Caeser.

The first one was to be left behind on first contact.

South continent had a huge bulge in its design.

There they made contact and left the least of the gold for the new ruler.

He made contact already and was told of a river called the Amazon.

There was another side of this continent with a new ocean.

That is where he was headed.

But to the north were islands and many different peoples.

They had sent a small force up north to discover it while they waited.

It was marvelous they said but the people were fierce.

These were to be avoided but a few had volunteered to stay behind.

They would make their way to the main hub of activity.

In the future they or their descendants would greet the new explorers.

The route around the tail of this massive beast had been difficult.

High in the Andes they found the infamous people of the clouds.

Their empire was huge and spanned half of the northern half of the continent.

They blazed large animal symbols on the cliffs for the future.

Inside the new headquarters were many men who had also volunteered.

It seems the plan was being revealed to them without explanation.

Many understood they were going too far to return.

And in an effort to save themselves were asking to stay.

That was fine as the second nephew was placed into the group.

The elite status was unique here where they might be from Asia. 

They already had a path along the coast that ran upwards.

Thier communication system was well developed.

And their pyramids were equal to those of Egypt.

His journey was to head as far north as possible.

Before meeting another strong people.

He had heard the Inuit to the north.

They lived in ice conditions. Not what they wanted.

The problem was this community was far inland.

They had to provide a special burial of the most expensive items.

They wanted the golden angels in particular not to be found.

His men had been patient with him in his designs.

But every night the lower ranks were disappearing.

They had not wanted their trip to be exposed.

Others were sent after them to kill them.

Some of the trusted could remain but the rest were not to talk.

There was going to be one boat empty of cargo that would make its way.

Through the newer ocean towards the west.

And hopefully refined their own land.

His assignment was to meet and greet these people.

He found they had astronomical buildings.

Great understanding of the heavens.

They traded with the groups from the south.

They spoke of another group to the north.

Those were the ones they were avoiding.

He had to make a decision as to where he was going to stay.

Cassa Grande is where he decided.

There were cliff houses and round kivas for them.

His crew had made it clear they also were going to stay.

While the last boat made its way across the great expanse.

Perhaps towards Japan as they had heard was the far kingdom.

He and his men could guard their wealth while becoming part of the environment.

They could communicate now with the northern tribes. 

They had their own city upon a massive river.

They controlled the whole expanse of the north.

While the middle group were the fiercest

And wealthiest as they traded between the south and the north.

Information was passed quickly between the groups.

The river as big as the Nile was navigated by a group.

Who made it through the forests to a place where they could inform.

Most of the wanderers were not going to make it back at all.

And after collecting information of the vast continent.

He sent it back through the northern route of ice.

They said there was a way though to those isles.

Thier monks had been found growing wine.

When he heard there was wine, he knew there were Europeans.

Now he was encased into this new life.

Made over into a god of sorts.

His wives were the best of the three groups.

His children were being trained to keep the secrets.

Meanwhile their loads had been places strategically.

In case the future found them and needed them.

The city of gold had been disbursed into three sites.

No longer the loot of the Israel nation.

But the future of a new existence in case those back in Rome.

Meet a fate wors than death.

Death in the form of volcanoes and tsunamis.

It had been a difficult trip, but his men were now happy.

His small band of faithful who had no other place to be.

A city of gold hidden underground where it would only be found.

With the right set of papers and devices collected together.

Until then he had fulfilled his oath to Caeser and to Rome.

They had to be stopped from crossing the great ocean.

They were interfering with Romes empire.

Thier exclusion was intentional.

It had been thought they might have been the first to explore.

Arriving in waves from their own side of the ocean.

A new arrangement of negotiation.

They had as string of forts with something to guard.

It would last a short time. 

Disease and invasions were often quite common.

The great cities were lost after a shorter time.

His men had been allowed to feel loyal.

But their own flesh wanted more than the beauty.

They wanted a Rome which was already present.

Never trust anyone at all with the mission.

Those burials were still there when the next wave of explorers arrived.

After Rome fell but the Catholic church had risen.

As a single controller of the larger world

Where the leaders of Europe came to bend their knees

In Rome to a new kind of ruler, a religious one.

His control included the lost knowledge of the other side.

But it was the single centurion who had saved the world.

From the demise of the area through more infighting.

The later Crusades would do that for them.

They would also be the ones to find the various devices

That would explain the lost ships of Rome 

Who had a place to go and no way home.

A single commander had made it back.

But too late to save Rome but not civilization.

It had been deemed necessary to remove some of the items.

Even the plague of China had not destroyed Europe.

As time went by only those who knew of his trip.

Were allowed to know of it.

Meanwhile the world changed over.

The modern world where the planes are canceled.

And lost travelers complain of being stuck at the airport.

Have no idea of those men who wanted to go home.

But could not or those who plunge ahead.

As in China where a highway has not stop.

Piling on top of each other in their effort.

To continue on without helping their fellows.

This is what was going to happen if they had not made their trips.

Cars piled on top of each other.

Due to no self-control nor ability to foresee the end.

And a people who built a wall to keep out others.

Another story of invasions that would over run them.

And bring about the end of civilization. 

This is what they stopped the overrun of Europe.

And those golden stories where only a ruler 

Could live in a city with an entire group of faithful 

Who would not find a way of slitting his thought.

El Dorado did exist but was immediately taken over.

Each time they brought out the relics.

Something terrible happened to the group.

Long live Caeser who foresaw the demise of his own empire.

And sent away the cause of Middle east troubles.

Somewhere in America they are waiting.

The religious relics which might have been stolen

From another culture but used by the Israelites.

To be rediscovered and to wreak the new owners of them....

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