Friday, December 2, 2022

Smooth sailing


A near miss!

It was worse than the nearby Lindberg runway.

I am moving to your port!

Repeatd over and over agin on the loudspeaker

The one at fault no one knows

They suddenly were in front of each other

Something that is not supposed to happen.

This bay is one of the larger ones

Especially on the West coast 

Made special for the navy

As it comes and goes around the small fry

And cruise ships and fishing vessels

And yet it is one of its own

Texting on his phone

Or planning the next Tik Tok

For his nurse wife

But he blew it with the small space 

It takes for a collision on the water

Unlike airplanes that can avert

Or crash on the ground

The waters are deep is some areas

And not in other areas

Please do not pilot and text!

Even Putin is said to have had a near miss

No privacy at all 

According to an onlooker 

Inside his own mansion

He trapped on the stairs

It hard to confirm what the said occuredd

It is not that it might but the unprofessional

Way in which it was expressed 

So obvious that he is never going 

To be as respected as a standup comedian.

Who is still not giving in to the many

Women and children who have gone

Homeless and hungry

Over his dictatorship demand 

Of expanding his domain

He attempted to reach out 

Towards Sevastopol Crimea

The Russian navy homebase

Like San Diego it is one of the best

In fact, in those days when 

Russia spanned from the European border 

To the far side of the pacific rim

Sebastopol was one of the names 

Of San Diego as a fishing village

And haven from storms for masses

Of boats that had successfully 

Transverses the Pacific Ocean

Long forgotten except in an occasional

Piece of architecture


Zelensky just wants

Donetsk and Crimea to be his

And why not his wife is prettier

Then both Putin and Biden

Bringing us to that supper

Outside on the south lawn

They brought in tents

And chandeliers as well as heaters

For the guests to amuse themselves

The guest list included at least

One terrorist and a few liars

I remember the days when Jimmy

Would show up over and over again

With a different girl in tow each time

Until one day my grandfather was honored

For his Manhattan project days

I wasn't even invited but their Jimmy

Was sitting down explaining that 

He was their lost sone and his blue eyers

Not matching a single member of the party

Well, Biden at least did not trip on his stairs

Or the party would have had to wait 

Until he cleaned up and redressed

The engaging moment was Bridgett 

Not wanting to be friendly with Jill

There was a time when both girls

Were young and unmarried

They got married about the same year

What if Joe had met the other schoolteacher?

Joe and Bridgett as a couple instead of Jill?

That would be a showstopper

Smooth sailing for all those attending

This first of friendship suppers

They are right about France being Americas 

First friend Benjamin Franklin was their first ambassador

And then there was Thomas Jefferson 

They even lent a beautiful ship to them

Named the Bonhem after 

The poor man Richards almanac

That Franklin published

The Americans burnt that ship

And could not return it

Nor could they give them either of the other two

The third one was set on fire

In San Diego at the navy port pier 2

Everyone went home happy

After their owl watching party

Who is the wise one left in DC?

Kim Jung brought out his daughter

To join the match 

She is adorable and I bet 

She speaks nuclear missiles

More than American counterparts 

Would want to know 

Oh and Kate came to town

But Biden had to fly up 

To see her in person

I would watch my man

Jill if I was you,

That young Kate has her eyes on the prize

She rarely makes eye contact with William

And then there is that dishy Bridgette

You and her are about the same age

She certainly was not in the spirit

Of things but maybe she was missing 

Her first husband for a moment

Not every woman knows what she

Has sitting next to her

If it was Jimmy, she would 

Know to get up and run

Screaming out of the room

No, I am not even allowed to do that.

He has his ways and makes it known 

Ahead of time, with his injections 

To have his way at all times.

Its overall too quick.

The Macrons whisked back to France

By midmorning while I was doing my

Grocery shopping and laundry

He and his were off to their castle

While Biden had to hop on board

Airforce one and get too Boston

For the commanding couple

Who are not even in power yet

Many mini wishes to the little 

Kim who was brave enough to show herself

And maybe Carolines Rose could be sent

To Paris like her mother to study

And perhaps bump into a handsome man

Whose wife is no longer dreaming?

Rough waters are romance and true love

Many of us believe we will not make a mistake

To wake up sitting next to a Jimmy 

And wondering how he managed to get there

Only to find out that at one of those weekends

Parties when one was too ill to be present

Something went wrong and the right man

Sailed off sadly believing he was no longer wanted.

Instead of knowing the woman was facing the number one killer

Of female's Uterine cancer but we won't mention to him right now....

Just find a way to kill Jimmy

Please he must die that others

Might live!

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