Wednesday, December 14, 2022

She lied the day she was born & the day she died


My mother!

She was a storyteller!

Not one day went by

That another one of those lies....

She was born in the north

Old system of two calenders.

It may not have been her fault

But she took advantage of it.

Really she was born on News Years Eve.

But her parents were on the wrong boat.

They were supposed to be going to

Copenhagen not Leningrad!

As usual in the thick of things!

Her father jumped ship and

 began rowing backwards!

Meanwhile her mother fainted 

Left to the hands of the KGB!

Her husband suffered for that.

When she finally arrived 

All bruised and whatnot

She had the prize of the last 

First baby new year!

It came with a bank account

In USSR and other niceties.

My mother had been captured by 

Her grandparents who spoke

Old school as well.

Her birthday is new calenders

they had immigrated to America.

January 12 a full 13 day difference

Between the Julian and the Georgian

Calenders which used to sit side by side

In most Scandinavian or Russian communities

So my mother lied when she tells

People she was born in January

Instead of December!

Little liar!

Couldn't even get it straight

On the first day of her life.

And then on the day she died.

I did try to resuscitate her

Just for the record.

Anyways her driver's license

Was used for her death certificate

And it has the wrong name

And the wrong date!

She stoled someone's id

Way back when they did not have pictures.

She failed her exam 

Whole standing there a girl

With same name had passed.

Different middle names.

Brown is a common name

In the early days the would schedule

Everyone on the same day

All the A's or B's

Lucky her!

Snag went that id

And never returned

Every time we stood in absolute fear

Of her getting caught

There were a few arguments

Some threats but the right woman

Catch up with her.

To her dying day she used

The wrong name in her driver's license

I had her birth certificate as well

She got a combined middle name

The one she was born with 

And the one she used for herself.

What was I supposed to do?

I still have girls tell me

They are her real daughter

And not me who has a birth certificate

Very important to have nowadays.

Then there are the girls

Who tell me they are her grandaughters

Expecting to understand

I did not give birth to them

Anyone of them

Not even a girl named Kate

Nor even one named Mary or Maria

I should sue my mother 


Should not I?

Just to get even with all

The years of putting up with her stories.

While I suffered with bruises!

And no bank account left in my name.

Not unlike someone's else's daughter

Who gets whatever she wants

Daddy's little girl?

But is she really his!

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