Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Look ma what I found


A man in Warwickshire

Says he unearthed solid gold.

With a metal detector

It has the initials of King Henry Viii

And Catherine of Aragon

Plus, the heart was an emblem. 

On his horses livery

But what of these piece

Solid gold and in good condition

Just sitting under the first layer 

On a barren field 

Found four hundred years later?

Not likely.

Now if it was Jimmy....

We would know that. 

He had pocketed it at the musuem

Just walked out the front door

With it in his pocket

And then when he went to pee.

He would drop it somewhere. 

On the ground 

And then jump up and down.

Screeching like a little girl.

Look what I found!

No one would believe him.

Not even my mother 

Nor his mother either.

Everyone knows.


Some kind fools. 

What? attempt to calm the situation

And take possession of the item.

In order to turn it over to the authorities

That would cause the screeching girl.

Great harm and his bearing 

Would change in a flash.

Manic depressive

Is what it used to be called.

Now it is bipolar.

Two personalities

A high menthol one

And a low no nicotine one

Jimmy would not be able to stand.

His little device

Not working out.

He needed the idoit parents.

To believe him.

It would promptly disappear.

From whom ever took

The responisblity of returning it

And hide it amongs the belongings

Of someone else.

While he figured out how to get even

With the fool who did not know 

What he wanted.

To be famous.

To be the owner 

Of an artifact that

Would make him the king.

All jimmy has ever wanted. 

Was to be the ruler.

Where he does nothing. 

But eat. with his feet up

And plot out how to get. 

Rid of his parents

Both sets of them.

This nice man turned. 

The item over to the British musuem

They say it might not have been worn.

By King Henry

But presented by him. 

As in a tournament contest.

Something to be cherished

Not tossed down on the ground

On the way home 

From being at the capital 

Where he got to meet and greet

The King himself

One never knows. 

How these things show up

In the oddest places

If I would find something

I would know it was a fake

Because almost all of the fancy

Jewels in the tower 

Or the vaults

Have now been replaced.

One due to the expensive wars

The monarchs were turning.

Their tiresome rocks

Into cash for themselves 

While presenting the public

With plastic replicas

And two for security reasons

Those things on display 

Are not really real.

Otherwise, some stupid kid

Might pocket one. 

And walk out the door with it.

No, not the real things.

Are inside a vault.

That does not see daylight.

No Jimmies walking through.

Thier display desiring to make. 

Himself king by simply pocketing. 

An item of no value at all.

Like those gay lesbians

Wives of Elders

Who desire to have me told

I am not allowed to do anything

Without their permission

Which is nothing at all.

But it is quite illegal.

To have a third person in your marriage

That is why Maxwell is in prison.

And I intend to send. 

Anne Marie F and Debbie B

To the gallows from them 

Husbands giving them permission.

To entertain ideas of being a queen.

That is another story.

How a religions inner circle

Is not aware of the outer ones.

Desire to usurp. 

Their authority

By assigning themselves

Superior positions 

While the ones upstairs

Are unaware of how much.

Of their lives are worthless

Just a pendent on a label

Due to the corruptiveness

Of these new combers

Who can't keep their hands off? 

Other people's lives and bodies.

Secret keys of the kingdom

Are not meant for everyone.

To own as they might 

Cause something 

Catastrophic to occur.

Kind of like. the modern

Footballs the Presidents

Walk around with under their arm.

A nuclear bomb waiting to go off

If someone steps on their foot

Or gets in the way of their daughter.

They will stop midstride.

And open up the suitcase.

Flip a switch and push a button.

There take that!

Holy hell.

The world gone boom.

Just because someone had a bad day.

That is why Candace. 

Is not allowed to enter their property.

Not as a well-meaning aunt

Nor as a housekeeper 

She will just sit down.

And begin to play with her new toy.

Who cares who gets hurt?

She already has an agreement.

With Satan to survive anything.

Of course, if he does not survive.

Then she will be in hell!

Sunday school again.

Keys of the kingdom

Refer to the ones Jesus

Gave to his apostles. 

In a lecture about the future

Although it is Peter

Who? is supposed to have inherited them.

The least spoken of one of them all.

So quiet that we only know that he had red hair.

A temper and was bold when he got mad.

Whereas John was a cousin of Christ

And always present at his side.

But the Lucifer of Judas 

Just kept wearing everyone down

Over finances.

Worry, worry over his funds!

He held the treasure chest.

And kept counting it out.

Wonder who much they were allowed.

To spend on the last supper?

A donkey ride through town

Palms for everyone instead of flowers

An upper private chamber

Relaxed cushions to recline.

Good food and wine 

He must have really been. 

Delirious when they were done.

All that money!

And on a annual supper

To be held for Passover

Which included lamb and greens!

No wonder he ran off 

To the High Priests

Thirty pieces of silver

To replenish all his coins

Spent on that one dinner.

Does one have to wonder? 

What happened next??

He sold his own golden goose.

What was he thinking?

They just wanted to question him.

No they arrest him and execute him.

No more little coins for his palm

Do you wonder that he might? 

Have thrown himself off a cliff.

With a rope around his neck?

Jimmy used to pull that stunt.

All the time and survive

Thre he is again

Swinging from a tree or streetlight.

No broken neck!

Must have a pact with the Devil!

Anyway, I am more to the idea.

That one of the others 

Had enough of his counting

And misering

Never allowing them to enjoy themselves.

Having to walk everywhere

Jesus even had to turn stones into fish.

Or something like that.

Really, heave hoe


Tinkle all those little coins.

Something like that might have occurred

In old England.

A new item of joy.

Stolen or thrown away.

Got all the way home

And could not show the wife

What he had earned!

A 24 carat gold necklace

With a jeweled heart!

They could have afforded a trip.

To the Bahamas.

They were taking on tourist

To this new spot.

Imagine getting there. 

The wife might not have wanted to come home.

All the way across the Atlantic to the new Americas!

The police say we are not allowed

To go inside our own houses.

It is thought by grandpa

That Jimmy has hidden something

In one of them and cant remember 

Which one.

So we are not allwoed to go into 

Any of them?

How many times has he pulled this 

On your family?

One of these days he will be stopped.

Not before he has torn down

Hundred year old houses.

Just because Candace has to have access

To everything for herself to admire.

He has not been inside. 

The White House, has he?

Oh no! He has....

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