Tuesday, May 7, 2024



What election?

Who goes there?

Who says what?

The Zelensky's

Reside in a beautiful 

Blue palace

And apparently

They are going to have

To be evicted.

Thats right

They have decided 

To stay!

There time is up

And they have no place

To go

And they have decided 

To not leave

Thier beautiful home

Too bad,

For the next guy

Except there is no

Next guy

Unlike the Nancy

Who showed up

With a U-Haul

And an eviction notice

For the Carter's

These guys were smart

They had no elections

For 2024

Not that he can run again

He has had his turn

At ruining the country

And over them not

Wanting to loose 

Some land

The hostages 

Next door

Have yet to be released

And they don't intend

To do so at any event

Russia is open 

To dialogue

But instead

Everyone is pulling

Behind the pretty face

He does not have

The qualifications

For President

Since he was not even

The Mayor of Kiev

Or anything else

He only played 

A guy on television

Not good enough

He has put our country

Into serious debt

And everyone else

On high alert

But he stands ready

To keep his victims

From having a life at all

Millions fled the situation

And have caused

So much turmoil

For the political realm

That the guy who kept

Yeltsin from being taken hostage

But could not keep 

Gorbachev from being 

Made to surrender

Gave up his own career

To drive a taxi

Only to be asked to return

At least he was an elected

Official in St. Petersburg

Unlike this guy

Who might be nice

But him and his pretty wife

Have nothing to show

For their enforcement

Of this inconvenient war

Not even an election result

The other guy is so well known

That they would probably 

Write him in if he had

Decided not to run

As almost no one else

Stood up who was capable

Whereas this guy 

Has no priors 

And now wont let anyone

Even decide if it is worth 

The effort of making

Big bad brother next door

Angry enough

To huff and puff

What a beautiful place

What a shame

It will not be visited

For quite a while

By any tourists

And he wont go

His terms are up

He led them and us

Into war with his mouthing

Off about Sebastopol

Really being his for the taking

An old navy port

Not doing any harm

But it was his belief

Well, what are we

Going to do about it?

Evictions notices

Should go up 

On the 20th 

May 20th is Jimmys 


Not really

But it is the one he uses

His pride and joy

To steal my fathers license

And then turn it into his

Personal weapon

My birthparents

Geronimo and Carole

Had a funeral

For their six month fetus

That did not survive

Jimmy was already born

In fact his parents

Bob and Camille

Came by with a present

Really he is a Christmas baby

Which is why no present

Of mine is safe 

No matter when it is delivered

Oh Joe!

Uncle Joe

Jospeh Biden

Are you aware of the terms

Of residency?

Are you going to do anything

About this guy

Who simply refuses to leave?

They did not even attempt

To hold elections

Fraudelant or not

His time is up

And he has no place to go

Does not make him


And his pretty wife

Sitting there with her kids

Are squatters!

As of two weeks from now

While I am waiting

In the dark to see

What Jimmy is going to do next

With his enforced enslavement

Of my soul

I do wonder what your day

Is going to be like?

Our power was shut off

The entire building

Of residents have to spend

The whole night in the dark

For no reason

There is nothing in the news

Nor on the website

As to why we have no power

The security must be frightened

There are only a few of them

Versus two hundred of us

I do hope the place

Is not set on fire

By some stray candle

It would be a shame

To have a real fire

For once

And no one respond

As the firetrucks

Have to come from 

A different county

In order to get here

And they show up

After everyone is told

To go back to bed.

Not tonight

No alarms will ring

Just the building 

Full of smoke

Just like this trail

A smoke screen

The whole thing

Is to keep everyone

In the dark

Not that I am going

To vote against you


It is just such a shame

To have such a sham

Smoky she says her name is

On her birth certificate?

And her dialogue

Went into a hotel room

To discuss business

And was surprised

After she went into the bathroom

Always use the one in the lobby

Never the one in the room!

Well, really she says she 

Had the freedom to leave

He was not holding a gun

On her and no she did not

Get the job she wanted


I dont know 

If we should believe her or not

Sounds smelly

And shifty

Her way of explaining

How she came to have

Anyways I do hope

That Jimmy has not shown

Up for the trail

He might get recognized

What did you say the man

Look like?

Who threatened you?

She might be telling the truth

But then between 

Mature adults

We are not supposed

To have opinions

Something the professionals

Need to understand

There is no evidence

As of yet

Of any wrongdoing

While everyone has 

An opnion

There is nothing we can

Do about it

Except make the wife


And the daughter 


Is that worth it?

He is certainly

Not going to divorce

Melanie for Stormy

But that is American


Get even with everyone

Ahead of time

Then sit down

And have a nice supper


Too bad Europe

Does not do the same.

Let the past lie

Enjoy the moment

Let the best man win

Nobody wanted to go

To his little shindig

Clambake thing

In Moscow

Wonder if they had 

Moscow mules?

I would have gone

If you had asked

Uncle Joe

As a family friend

Extending a hand

Of reason and not wanting

To appear rude

After all he has

The keys to all those 


Does he not?

Lets not make him 

Too angry!

By the way

I know a guy

Who is the supervisor

Of those things

Rent a trucks

Used to work 

For the FBI

But then he did this interview

Thing for my class

Of upcoming journalists

And he suddenly retired

I think it had to do

With Candy not wanting

His wife to work

For the Chamber of Commerce

Or something

Had to pack up

And move from California

To the East coast

And just after his kids

Got into Law school.

Well, he might help

If you need 

To serve an eviction

Notice on the Zelensky's

And have a few dozen trucks

On hand to help them out

The door

How much stuff do they have?

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Will bring light back

Into my life

If I am still alive

And one of my neighbors

Has not made it past

My attack cat

I only have a few boxes

By the way, if you need me....

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...