Monday, May 20, 2024

Not a sound ! hush sweet child....

Not a sound!
Teds house is so quiet
No running shoes

Down the pavement
Not even the slap 
Of the newspaper

Against the door
No phone calls

The radio man
Is even silenced
Just the snoring of the man

Once named Peter
In his chambers
Sleeping away 

His retirement
Not coming in today
Go get...

Not available
Not here anymore

Who actually knows
Or remembers
The old metal filing cabinet

Is  not being used
And the kids
Long ago 

Put up mattresses
On the ceilings
So upstairs cant hear 

Anything at all.
Where is that girl
You know that go to one?

No one knows
She just disappeared
Ted just turns over

No longer important
The stories are just
Mundane and common

Only if it says Trump
Or something ...
Tell David

If they want 
Look under Davis....

By the way 
There is a birthday boy
A little boy 

Is having a birthday

Jimmy, Jimmy
Time to get up
Don't wake him

It is not Noon yet
He will be really

Today is so special
Oh mom!
Have you gotten it yet?

His favorite flavor
By the way
Is not bubble gum

Nor cotton candy
But Bacon!
He loves it 

Wants in everything
Make sure that syrup
Is bacon flavored

And the pancakes as well
Don't forget the creamer
Of the coffee!

Already made the cake
With a special surprise
Tucked inside

And the ice cream 
Is going to be delivered
Bourbon flavored

His favorite thing has
He just wont believe it

His favorite thing
Jim loves funerals
Not weddings

His favorite thing
In the whole world
Has occurred

A helicopter crash!
All aboard died
And included is his enemy

The very man
To steal his shoes
The shoes worn by....

Not the Pope
But the Supreme leader

Khamani is an old guy
And jimmy has been waiting
This whole time for his chance

To wear his shoes
And get to be his successor
Un-fornately for him

He was already told no
The protege
Will replace him

Not jimmy!
Raisi something

No Jimmy
The guy is the President
Of Iran

Or at least he was...
Now his Vice President
Has become the replacement

Already, they have not
Even gotten the bodies back
Sixteen hours it took

To find the helicopter
Of which nine souls perished
No on survived

No one to replace 
The now eighty year old
Leader of the Iranian

Takeover of which
The now forgotten hostages
Are nowhere to be seen

No one cares
About those guys 
But this new guy 

Is named Mohammad
Arnt you glad Jimmy
You did not make 

That full conversion
Way back in the seventies
To become Muslim?

With your chosen name?
Well, it has happened
The guy in your way

Is gone!
All you have to do
Is go over there 

And explain that 
Your are ready!
You are after a big guy now

It is your birthday
65 years old you are today
Oh jimmy

Don't sleep in too late
Your sister is up to something
Don't you think it is time

To tell him?
He is not adopted?
He is not your son

Nor my husband
And not my daddy either?
Don't you think it is time

For him to wake up
And find out the truth?

Come on tell him
Tell him what he does not know
It is time for him to know!

His real name is 
Robert James Keshan Jr.
He is the son of that guy

On tv!
Captain Kanagroo!
He is a famous guys son

Oh and his real birthday
Which he never celebrates
Is in December

December 18
That will make him

This coming December
69 years old!
The same age as when

You died 
In 2005
This decemember

It will be twenty years
And your sons have still
Not surfaced to provide

You with a proper burial
Down there on that property
You loved so much.....

Oh well, I might as well
Order the items needed
For Teresas shopping list

Or is it Lorraine 
He is living with now
I could have sworn 

I saw a number of women
In town he complained
That they were his real wife

All except that first one
Ludmilla something or other

It is time to get up
And turn on CNN
Your favorite show is about to begin.....


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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...